We Don't Trade Lives

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★ ★ ★

Marlena was laying across the row of seats sitting against the wall of the quinjet interior. She was staring at the ceiling, her mind drifting randomly. She was exhausted but had yet to fall asleep. It was hard to, though the hum of the jet should've made things incredibly simple for her. She wasn't sure why she was unable to get in a quick nap. She thought maybe it was because she was too wired to fall asleep, or possibly because the voices of those around her were keeping her awake. The anticipation was killing her, however, as well as her anxiety. She had no idea what she and the rest of the team were walking into. She had no idea what threat they were getting ready to face. She had no idea how deadly of a threat this threat was, and while she knew she would find out sooner or later, she wasn't so sure she wanted to.

"What are you thinking about?"

Natasha's voice ripped Marlena from her thoughts and she turned her head to look at the former redhead. She sighed and looked back at the ceiling, while Natasha simply lifted Marlena's legs and sat down before placing them onto her lap.

"Not much," Marlena answered. "I'm more or less wondering what shitfest we're about to get ourselves into."

"Whatever it is, it's nothing we haven't handled before," Natasha reassured her, but for some reason Marlena could bring herself to find comfort in her words. Those creatures had clearly not been of Earth, and Marlena couldn't help but think there was more of them coming.

"It's not that I'm lacking faith in our ability to save the planet, but I can't bring myself to believe that," Marlena replied nonchalantly.

Natasha raised a brow at her, but Marlena was paying far too much attention to the ceiling to notice. "What exactly is that supposed to mean?"

"It means it's not gonna stop with those two alien things," Marlena said, finally turning her attention away from the ceiling to look at Natasha. "There's gonna be more and there's literally only six of us if you take into account that literally everyone else on the team is MIA."

"Seven if you include Rhodey," Natasha reminded her.

"Six again if you consider Vision's current predicament," Marlena replied. "I know I wasn't the only one who saw the way he was glitching."


"Looked like my laptop screen after it fell off my bed," the brunette snorted.

Natasha rolled her eyes at Marlena. "I forgot what a pain in the ass you were."

"That's me," Marlena smirked and sat up in her seat. "Look, I told you I'm not lacking faith."

"Then what are you telling me, Claire?"

"That I don't think it's going to be as easy of a fight as you think it's gonna be."

"I never said it'd be easy."

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