One Hell of a Woman

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OCTOBER 7, 2027

★ ★ ★

Steve pulled away from Marlena and looked down at her, his blue eyes glistening with so much happiness. "I have a surprise for you," he said to her.

"Oh, yeah?" Marlena couldn't help but smile back. She was so happy. For the first time in a long time, it felt as if things were finally falling into place. There was something—or someone—missing, however.

"C'mere..." Steve grabbed both of her hands gently and began pulling her towards the hallway.

"What is it, Steve?" Marlena asked as the two left the reception hall.

"You'll see."

Steve turned a couple of corners and slowed to a stop once he reached the massive foyer. They were close enough to hear the loud music coming from the reception hall, but far enough away to have a moment alone, or at least that was what Marlena thought. The two weren't exactly alone, however.

"Sorry I'm late, I got stuck in traffic."

Bucky's voice stopped Marlena in her tracks. She watched him walk toward them from the opposite side of the room. He seemed okay, or at least as okay as he could be. His blue eyes were brighter, and the smile on his face was one Marlena had missed tremendously.

"Bucky..." Marlena smiled widely and released her hold on Steve. She ran over to Bucky as quickly as she could, careful not to trip over her dress, and immediately wrapped her arms around him. It'd been so long since the two had really seen or talked to each other the way she would've liked for them to. Between giving birth and beginning her residency, Marlena was busier than ever. They saw each other briefly when Bucky came to pick up or drop off the twins, but since starting her residency, even that was a rarity.

"Hey, girl." Bucky wrapped his arms tightly around Marlena. He'd missed her so much, often times in more than one way.

"I didn't think you'd come." Marlena pulled away from Bucky, and he could immediately see the tears building in her hazel eyes. "Steve told me he didn't know if you were coming."

Bucky glanced up at Steve, who smiled and shrugged upon meeting his eyes. "I couldn't exactly miss my best friend's wedding," he sighed and looked back down at Marlena. "And I just couldn't not be here for you."

"I'm gonna go see if Wanda wants to dance," Steve said to the two of them as he began backing away. He wanted the two of them to have their privacy. He knew how hard it'd been on the two of them not seeing each other. He didn't want to interrupt that. "You two kids have fun."

Marlena and Bucky didn't have the time to respond. Steve disappeared quickly around the corner, leaving Bucky and Marlena standing alone in the middle of the foyer.

"He sure can keep a secret," Bucky said with a chuckle.

"Apparently so." Marlena smiled softly and moved to grab Bucky's hands, squeezing them both gently in her own. With him there, everything was finally perfect.

"You finally cut your hair," Marlena hummed, taking in his new look. It was different, but it was a good different.

Bucky smiled weakly, running a hand through it, "It was time for a change. Can't say I've gotten quite used to it yet, though."

"I like it," she assured him, watching as his smile became a bit more genuine.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you, Marlena," Bucky said to her. "I gotta say it, I'm proud of you for becoming a doctor and all, but I'd like to be able to see you without making an appointment."

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