She Packs A Good Punch

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Marlena practically ran through the Tower entrance, with Mason and Miranda in tow. The heel of her boots echoed loudly through the halls, alerting her friends and family that she was there. Steve and Wanda, both clad in their supersuits, stepped out to meet her and the rest of the family. Marlena ran to Steve immediately and wrapped him in a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Marlena pulled away from him to hug Wanda. "I'm glad you're both okay."


"Where are they?" Marlena cut Wanda off.

"Marlena, there's something you need to know—"

The sound of youthful voices caught Marlena's attention, and she turned to see two young children running towards her. She knew without a doubt the smiling girl and boy were her kids, but the only issue was that they weren't the three-year-olds she said goodbye to back in 2021. They were older, much older, and the mere sight sent a twinge of pain through Marlena's body.

"Oh, my god..."


Charlie and Jay ran to Marlena, wrapping their small arms around her waist and legs. Marlena knelt down to their level and wrapped them tightly in her arms, not even bothering to hide the tears that were now falling. She was so happy, so exceedingly happy, but she couldn't help but be angry when she realized what was going on. Her kids had been alive for five years and she hadn't known. Someone had taken them and completely removed Marlena from their life, and she'd never known.

"Oh, my god," Marlena repeated through her tears. She pulled away to look at her twins, a smile pulling onto her face as she studied their features. They were so grown up, or at least much more grown than they were. "You guys are so big."

"We just turned nine," Charlie told Marlena.

"W-Where have you guys been?" Marlena asked the two of them.

"We've been with Alena," Jay answered, confusing Marlena tremendously.

"Yeah," Charlie said excitedly. "She's been helping teach us about ourselves. She helped me do this!"

In the blink of an eye, Charlie was waving her hands. The computer at the secretary's station went flying towards the wall, leaving the group of adults in a state of bewilderment.


Marlena grabbed Charlie's arms and held them steady but gently. She wanted to scold her daughter for what she'd done, as she could've hurt someone, but she was far more concerned with the "Alena" person they spoke of. She was angry and more than ready to take it out on someone. She figured she'd start with her. "Who's Alena, sweetie?" she asked.

"You know Alena, momma," Charlie answered. "Alena Nova."

"It's Chernova, Charlie!" Jay corrected her with a roll of his eyes.

"I know," Charlie grumbled and crossed her arms over her chest. "But Nova sounds cooler."

Marlena was ready to throw up at the sound of the name. There was absolutely no way it was a coincidence anymore, not after everything she'd managed to uncover over the last week. She'd been looking for the truth, and while she was sure she might've just found it, she wasn't sure if she was relieved because of it or absolutely terrified of what was about to come next.

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