What The Hell Just Happened?

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Marlena loved Wakanda. She had always loved Wakanda. She loved how wonderful the people were, how hospitable they were. She loved the Dora Milaje. She loved the Kingsguard. She loved the royal family. She loved that T'Challa was willing to risk everything to help and protect Bucky. She loved that Shuri was willing to risk everything to help Vision. She simply loved the country and its people, so she couldn't deny how much it hurt to watch Thanos's army attempt to destroy it.

The wind whipped through Marlena's hair as she and the remainder of the team flew to the border on one of Wakanda's many hovercrafts. As the team talked amongst themselves, and as Okoye made indecipherable comments about Bruce in her earpiece, Marlena was watching the border. The smoke surrounding them was dark, and according to Rhodey the team now had a couple of visitors, but she wasn't ready to face them yet. There were still things she needed to say. Her anxiety was killing her, considering the situation. She'd always gone into a fight thinking it could never be as bad as the last, but there was a feeling gnawing deep inside her that told her everything they were about to get themselves into was worse than anything they'd ever encountered. The reality of the situation was weighing heavily on her chest, and she wasn't sure how to process it. All she knew was that she had things to say for the simple fact of fearing the worse.

"I want you to know I love you," Marlena spoke quietly as she grabbed Bucky's hand.

Bucky looked down at their entwined hands with worry etched onto his face. He knew exactly what she was trying to do and he didn't like it at all. "Don't do that, Marlena," he replied firmly.

"Don't do what?"

"Tell me you love me like you're never gonna see me again," he answered.

She looked up at him, her hold around his hand only growing tighter. "I just love you, okay?"

Bucky sighed and squeezed her hand gently. "I love you, Marlena."

"Good," she smirked, almost as if to show him there was nothing wrong. "Now, we've got some alien ass to kick."

"If I have to fight another war, I'm glad I'm fighting it by your side."

Marlena only smiled and kissed him before hopping to the ground as the hovercraft landed, followed by remaining team members and T'Challa's army. She found her place in line between Bucky and Natasha, her eyes falling to the two alien creatures approaching the border in the distance. She was sure they were the visitors Rhodey had been talking about, just as she was sure they were two of the three she'd encountered in Edinburgh not too long ago. She stayed back while Natasha, Steve, and T'Challa ran to confront them, though they returned just as quickly as they had gone.

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