Who Are You Really?

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Alena glanced around at her surroundings, taking in every single detail of the large and impeccably clean Brooklyn apartment that'd become Marlena's home in the last couple of years. Marlena had good taste, and that was something Alena could without a doubt admit. She was lucky, Alena thought. She'd never been allowed the chance to have a home or a family the way her sister had, and she despised it. She wondered what it was like to have a real family—one that didn't show their "love" through means of torture and punishment. It was something that pained her more than she cared to admit. Sure, she spent five years with her niece and nephew, as well as many years with with her father and Kellan, and while she knew they loved her, she needed more than what they'd given her. It was comforting, however, to know that she would finally get the chance to experience what that felt like, even if it meant taking away from Marlena. All Alena could think about was how much she deserved it after living such a life of turmoil.

The kitchen door opening caught Alena's attention, and she looked over to see Steve, Bucky, Wanda, Sam, and Mason quickly making their way into the living room. The relief was very evident in their expressions, and Alena fought the frown on her face. No one had ever been so thrilled to see her before. It was obvious just how much Marlena was loved.

"Oh, my god..." Steve walked over to Alena and wrapped her in a tight hug. "You're home."

"I'm home," Alena replied quietly, a small smile pulling at the corner of her mouth. She pulled away to look up at Steve, her hazel eyes meeting his blue ones. In that moment, she couldn't blame Marlena for falling in love with Steve. He was one of the most attractive human beings she'd ever laid eyes on, and she was sure Marlena's love extended far beyond just his looks, but there was something about Sergeant Barnes—the Winter Soldier—she'd always been drawn to. The two never met during their time with Hydra, but growing up, Alena was never too far from the soldier. She remembered sneaking out to watch him train with the other soldiers, only to disappear again after the work was done. Bucky intrigued her, his mind intrigued her. He was a tortured soul, just as she was. In her mind, she deserved him far more than Marlena ever did.

"Where have you been, Mar?" Steve asked her. There was something different about her. Her smell was different, her hair was different, and even her voice was different. She didn't seem to be quite herself, and Steve wondered whether or not it had something to do with wherever Kellan had taken her just three days prior.

"I don't know," she answered, her eyes leaving Steve to look at the others. Bucky and Wanda stood a few feet behind Steve, watching the brunette carefully, both for two completely different reasons. Sam and Mason watched on from the side. They were happy to see her as well, but there was something off about her. "I just remember everything going black, and then I woke up inside this room."

"What kind of room?" Steve questioned as she walked over to sit on the couch.

"It was a cell—exactly like the one Hydra had me trapped in years ago," Alena answered with a shaky breath. "I never did get to see who Alena was. All I wanted was to get back home."

"How'd you get back here?" Bucky asked her.

"A taxi," Alena lied. Sometimes Kellan's teleportation abilities came in handy.

"I mean, how'd you get away, Marlena?"

"There's not much that can hold me," she answered, her tone serious.

"Is that the case?" Mason replied skeptically, though his tone was subtle. He'd been a bit wary about "Marlena" since she stepped through the threshold. There was something about her that was just out of place, something that he couldn't seem to figure out.

Alena simply let out a breath and looked at Bucky, who was watching her curiously. By now, they'd all figured something was up with her, but they weren't too sure what it was. "Where are Charlie and Jay? I really need to see them."

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