Chapter 24

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Hyunjin had car keys in his hand and I was a little surprised to see him get into the driving seat of his mom's car

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Hyunjin had car keys in his hand and I was a little surprised to see him get into the driving seat of his mom's car.

"Woah slow down there, you have been in a mental hospital for 2 years this is not happening." I pointed to the seat next to the drivers and I saw him being a little reluctant before he finally shuffled across letting me take the drivers seat. Dinner was over and his mom said we could go out and do something which would be perfect for what we needed to do.

"I guess we are going back to the hospital."

"I guess so." He agreed and I saw him closing his eyes while I pulled out of the drive. This car was similar to mine so it wasn't too hard to drive, the smell in it was a sweet refreshing one. Hyunjin's mother must change the air freshener frequently.

"Have you not spoken to him since the incident?"

"Not since they took Chan..."

"You must miss Chan... like I kind of miss Caleb."

"When did things get so messed up." I sighed as he held my arm for comfort.

"Everything will be okay." He reassured me and at this stage I really hoped he was right.

The car pulled up in the carpark of the mental hospital and I stopped the engine of this car. Hyunjin quickly got out rushing towards the entrance but I called him to make him slow down. I didn't want him gaining any unwanted attention.

When I walked into my work place, I moved over to the reception desk like usual but this time I didn't check in. Making sure Hyunjin had waited outside I asked the lady behind the desk where my brother was located.

"In his office, where he usually is."

"Right- of course thank you."

It was a good job I worked here as I knew where everything was, if It wasn't for that I would be lost by now. Turning the corridors, I felt this sinking feeling inside, it was almost as if I was sad about going to see my brother. I obviously was still mad at him for turning over Chan but I didn't think I was sad to go see him... as I turned one more corner I started to see his door closed in front of me.

Pulling my knuckle up to his door, I gave it a firm pound then waited patiently looking down. Maybe I should have brought Hyunjin with me...

"Y/n?" I looked up and saw his little smile. "I thought you weren't going to speak to me again"

"I will admit I'm still mad..." I paused momentarily while breaking eye contact again. "But I will still talk to you. In fact- I think after you hear what I have to say, you will help me out."

"Woah slow down, you're doing that thing where you talk super fast and mumble. Just come in my office for a bit and slowly tell me what you need to."

"Yeah okay, sorry." I shuffled forward shutting the door behind me although my head suddenly started to feel a little weird.

"Wait-" I paused and Jisung looked a little concerned at me. I was right, I should have called Hyunjin to come with me.

"I- I feel faint."

"What?" Jisung quickly held onto my arm and he tried to feel my temperature but before he could do anything I felt myself falling fully into his arms letting this powerful darkness absorb me again.

Hyunjin's pov.

Restlessly I stood outside briefly kicking the wall with my firm shoes to try and get rid of my anxiousness. Why didn't she just let me go with her, just because I used to be restrained here didn't mean I wasn't allowed in. The car was still parked and she had taken the keys with her, maybe I could sneak past the receptionist.

When I walked in, I noticed that the receptionist was taking a call on the phone and her eyes were glued completely on this computer screen in front of her. I knew it wouldn't be too hard but I didn't expect it to be this easy. Without effort I slipped past down the corridors to try and search for Jisung's office. Surely it would be labelled?

The nerves were getting to me again. Sungmi was an issue we had to sort out because if she appeared again things could get extremely messy. She had always been good at manipulating people.

Suddenly I saw a door slam open, the noise woke me up from my daydream and I watched as Jisung looked either side soon looking upon me.

"Hyunjin? Y/n's patient?" Hyunjin looked at the man he never realised to be his girlfriend's brother, but now was not the time for messy introductions.

"Jisung! Where is Y/n."

"In here- but she is sleeping. She just fainted."

"Oh no-." I muttered. "If she fainted that means, Sungmi is coming back again." I continued looking back to jisung

"Wait. Stop, Sungmi- you mean Y/n's birth name?"

"Jisung this is so confusing, I wish she hadn't have fainted, it would have been easier to explain."

"When you were little you used to call Sungmi Y/n right?"
Jisung nodded but he looked back at his office door where Y/n was.

"What is this about?"

"Jisung, I used to date your sister. But as Sungmi. Not Y/n."

"What do you mean...?" He asked him and he shook his head.

"Did you ever call her Y/n?"

"She used to tell me that she preferred Y/n. The days leading up to- the accident."

"Right okay, so what I know so far is that. She was in an accident, with you. And the car you both hit was Caleb's, Chan's other personality. Unless- unless he purposely hit your car."

"Wait what do you mean?" Jisung asked me and I pushed myself to lean on the wall behind me in a seated position.

"I don't even know what I'm trying to say. Y/n... well... Sungmi has dissociative personality disorder. And she created Y/n."

"W-what? So just like, just like Chan." Jisung was trying to take hold of this information as he came to sit next to me. He suddenly threw his head into his hands as he thought this all through.

"So you're saying before the car crash, she was already switching between the two personalities?"

I nodded and I placed my head into my hands.
"I think, I think that when she was in the car crash, she had memory loss, but the person she was, in that car-crash, was Y/n. Therefore Sungmi got locked away for a long time. I think Y/n was aware that she wasn't the main personality before the accident, but after the accident everything got lost, she forgot everything."

"I just- I can't process this. I just sent somebody away to be tested on with the same condition as my sister, what the hell was I thinking. What if he dies because of me."

We sat in silence for a while, I wanted to make sure he had processed everything and wouldn't freak out.

"Jisung?" My head shot up, blood shot eyes as I saw Sungmi for the second time. Of course she wouldn't have known about the car crash. For all she knows, she just greeted him the day before.

"Where are we?" She muttered and I gulped looking back to Jisung.

"Good luck." I whispered as she walked nearer to us.

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