Chapter 8

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Panic. That was the word to describe how almost every person in sight was currently acting. Ultimately, the one main question floating about everyone's minds right now was who had escaped. My mind could only worry about one person, and that was Chan. He had wanted to get out of there even if it was Chris who had said the words.

Once there were less people in the main hallways I allowed my body to race down the corridors, in hope of seeing any clear sign of who had escaped. To my dismay though, they led me to the main doors which had two steel doors covering them. This entire building must be on lockdown which unsettled me. Someone truly had escaped.

Just as I was about to step backwards a sudden but firm hand gripped to my shoulder and I turned quickly around seeing Jisung standing there with a clear sense of worry covering his face.

"Y/n are you okay?"

"Yes of course, but has a patient escaped?" Fear was slipping into my voice but I didn't let it take over fully.

"Unfortunately yes. Due to his camera's being blocked and the vents in his cell being unscrewed, it was a simple procedure which we should have been on top of."

"Which patient?"

"The patient's name is Chan."


I didn't know how to quite feel. Did I want him trapped here still or was I secretly happy he had managed to escape from here. Either way I kept a neutral look on my face.

"Is he one of your patients?" He asked me as he sounded quite worried. When I nodded his look of worry turned to a sad expression.

"Go home now. It could be dangerous here, I will explain to your supervisor, he was your patient after all."

When he said those words a feeling of relief surged over my body. He would let me go home to process it all, and figure out what I should do. Jisung let go of my shoulder and he moved towards a side door which was locked to almost all staff but him. With his Id badge he let me through and gave me a sad wave. I knew that they'd figure out what to do but I hoped that Jisung would be okay. Although I had amnesia for the past few years, I now felt more concern for Jisung than ever.

But then I was also now worried for chan, Why did he have to cause more problems for us? Where even was he now? All these questions were in my head and I was scared to answer some of them.

I was driving on my normal way home when I remembered that I wanted to get something from a shop so I pulled up at the local store which was only 5 minutes away from my house. There were few cars around and it made me curious to know what was going on. When I opened my door I looked up at the shop and there was glass on the floor. I then saw a shattered hole in the window which caused me to subconsciously gasp aloud. I rushed up to the shop and there was no one here other than a man in uniform standing outside.

"I'm sorry miss but you can't come in here at the moment." I looked up at the man who looked around 40 who had quite a stern look on his face almost the look of fear itself.

"What happened here..." I just asked turning to look back at my car sitting there deserted.

He looked down and sighed.
"There was an attack. Be careful around here. They didn't catch him. I would get out of here and back home if I was you."

I looked around me. Was this Chan's doing? Or an actual criminal maybe. Either way too many bad things was happening in this neighbourhood than I liked. My body now had shivers and I nodded to show that I understood.

"Okay. Thanks sir."

I left him to sweep up the mess and I got back in my car. While I remembered, I pulled out the number that Jisung gave me and I put it into my phone. I pressed dial and I waited for him to pick up but he just left me on answer machine.

I guess he was busy sorting out things at the mental hospital, plus my number would come up unknown. I would just try again later. I sighed and turned on my engine. I should probably head home then like my brother had said.

When I pulled up to my house, it was quite dark and eerily unsettling. I didn't think I had spent quite that long thinking about stuff and just messing on my phone. I got out of my car, making sure that the handbrake was on and locked it shut. I just wanted to get in and get something to eat. I couldn't even get the food I wanted from the shop.

As I walked up my small drive I saw a figure by my door which instantly caused my heart to pound. Was this who I thought it was...

I pulled out my iphone and shone the torch on my porch way as my heart almost leaped out my chest. To my relief, I just saw Chan sitting down and staring straight in front of him. When his eyes met mine they looked angry and sad.

I was going to take one step towards him but then he suddenly took out a knife from behind him and my whole body froze taking back any relief which I had just felt. He was dangerous.

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