Chapter 11

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I made Chan brush his teeth and get cleaned up from the night before and we soon were sat back on to sofa together

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I made Chan brush his teeth and get cleaned up from the night before and we soon were sat back on to sofa together.

"Chan, I have work tomorrow so i'll have to leave you alone here again."

I heard him sigh quite loudly and he got up off the sofa. "You better not have a secret relationship with all the patients in there, it doesn't cure them you know."

I almost laughed at his words.
"Secret relationships? Chan I only have a relationship with you okay?"

He smiled and leant back on the sofa.
"You have an unusual mental illness anyways. I need to do some research into your past to see if I can make any connections." I spoke to him and his face went suddenly pale.

"No. I don't want you to."

"Chan? Why is there something you don't want me to find out?"

He looked back at me with wide eyes.
"No, of course not, I don't hide anything from you Y/n." I sighed. He was hiding something definitely.

"Okay whatever, I will leave it for a bit. But thats the only way I can help you." He gave me a disappointed look as he looked between both my eyes. A moment later though he then walked off and he went into my bedroom again. I guess he was going to be staying with me for longer than just a couple of nights.

"Chan, where are you going?"

There was a crash and a million thoughts raced through my head as I lifted my body off the sofa and raced into my bedroom. Chan was on the floor and I saw some of my cds that I had left on my bedside table fall by the side of him. His eyes were closed and he looked instantly lifeless.

"Chan?!" I hurried over to him putting my hand by his nose. I let out a sigh of relief when he was still breathing.

"You panicked me again." I whispered and I tried to pick him up which took all my energy out of me. Finally, I managed to throw him onto my bed and I was leaning over him as I tried to get my breath back. He was so heavy. I was going to move when a hand kept me in position strongly.

My eyes glanced at the hand then back into the darker eyes in front of me. With a quick manoeuvre he had me flipped around so that his heavy body was towering over me my head staring up at his eyes.

"Trying to kiss me while I passed out?"

"Pff, in your dreams, you collapsed so I helped you onto my bed." I could already tell that this was Chris.

"Can you get off me now."

"Now that you know I am not Chan, do you not like me anymore?" His voice seemed sad and I widened my eyes at his sudden curiosity.

"I- I don't know anymore Chris. You look like Chan so I don't know. Because I didn't know I feel I may have liked both of you."

He moved his head down pressing his lips onto mine and he moved one of his arms behind my back and I wrapped my legs behind his back. Chan's kisses were always softer but Chris's kisses were passionate and desperate.

After a few minutes his kisses were getting more heated as he leant back a bit to catch his breath.
"We haven't done this in ages." His rough voice spoke out and he was lifting up his hoodie and throwing it on the floor. My face heated up watching his muscles tense and I lay there waiting for whatever he did next. He grabbed onto my shirt and was pulling it off when he suddenly stopped and fell on top of me with his arms lifeless around me. Had he just fainted again. 2 times under half an hour. Something was wrong.

"Chris?" I whispered. "Chan?" He wasn't moving and I was trapped under his warm body. I put my hand by his nose expecting to feel breath but this time, there was no breath, he wasn't breathing.

My mind went into panic as I rolled him over on the bed and I started to perform resuscitation on him and I tried to blow air into his mouth.
"Chan you idiot wake up." A tear slipped out at the stress of the situation and the air I was blowing into his mouth became more desperate.

He suddenly breathed a deep breath of air and I let out a long sigh of relief collapsing on top of him letting my heart calm down.

After I was sure that he was breathing okay, I put the covers over him and I walked into the living room heading for the phone. I rang an old friend of mine who was a very skilled doctor.

He answered pretty quickly and he answered formally.

"Hi, Felix is that you?"

"Who is this?" His familiar voice asked.

"Its Y/n and I need help."

"Y/n?! As in that Y/n"

"Yes. I'm sorry its been so long, I was meant to ring you much earlier than this."

"Don't be sorry! What's up." He asked.

"I need to ask a favour of you."


Chan was still laying on the bed and I checked his breathing every now and then. He was worrying me so much now. Why hadn't he woken up, it was never as long as this. As expected there was a knock on the door and I opened it to see Felix smiling. He looked different now, his soft hair had grown longer than when I'd met him a couple of years before. I couldn't remember anyone past 4 years ago (other than my brother now) due to my amnesia but thankfully Felix made friends with me after that time.

"Come in."

He waked past me and he looked around.
"Where is he?" He whispered.

I pointed to my bedroom and he gave me a smile.
"I'm only doing this because its you Y/n. You know if anyone found out I was doing this, I would lose my job. He escaped from a mental hospital."

I nodded.
"I'm sorry for asking you to do this. It's just really important."

He walked into my bedroom and Chan was still laying there. I saw Felix take his temperature and he did a few other things I wasn't familiar with.
"He has had a minor heart failure."

My eyes widened.
"Heart failure?"

"The heart couldn't pump enough blood around his body. For now I can give him this medication that he must take once a day and he also needs to make sure he eats the right kind of foods a day."

"Okay. Thanks so much for doing this for me."

"Its okay. This probably happened because of the changes between personalities. It probably caused stress to the body, it's like running more than one body even though there is only one."

I looked back down at Chan.
"I wish he wasn't like that, I wish he could just be one person."

Felix looked at him as well.
"If you want, I can do some research for you and see what I can find."

"Would you?"
I smiled at him and he smiled at me back.
"Of course. He means alot to you."

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