Chapter 4

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Stepping Stones

It had gone silent

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It had gone silent. Not a word was spoken, we both just stood there, staring at one another, thinking about what we had just talked about. But it didn't last forever as some part of me wished.

"Get out now."

"I can't. I have to stay another 10 minutes. They automatically locked the door and I can only get out when they unlock it again, it's so that you don't escape." He grumbled and he sat back down on his bed trying his best to pretend I wasn't there now.

"Chan, I'm sorry okay."

"Why does any of that matter. You have seen what state I am in. I can't stay myself for long."

I moved over to him and i wrapped my arms around him, feeling all the memories feeling only like yesterday.
"But I have always loved you Chan." He pushed me off and moved away from me.

"Loved me? I barely saw you in that relationship. It was always someone else you were with. Whenever I spoke to you and I was moody, that one was me."

"You mean you didn't love me?"

"No, thats not what I'm saying. It did really hurt me to leave you that day. But I had to. To keep him away."

I stood back up and sat on the floor with my back leaning up against the wall. I started processing exactly what my life had turned into at this stage.

"How did this even happen to you Chan. What happened?"

He looked forward and sighed.

"That's the thing. I can't remember."

I suddenly heard a click and the door opened. I saw Changbin standing there, as he looked to my position on the floor. Without speaking to Chan, he grabbed my hand and took me out of the room.

"So how did it go?"

"Alright I guess."

"Sorry if he didn't talk much. He never really speaks."

"Oh. Well he spoke to me, quite a bit."

"Wait. You're being serious? This is a major thing." Changbin's tone had completely changed sounding far more excited and he started to take me back to Mr.Lee's office.

"Mr.Lee, She said that Chan spoke to her."

"He spoke to her!?" Mr.Lee was just as confused as he was. Changbin just nodded and it started to sink in how lonely he must have been in here, not wanting to talk to anyone to try and protect himself.

"Why doesn't he speak?" I asked feeling rather curious even though I guessed at the reason.

"We don't know but this is a big improvement for his recovery."

Something inside of me started to eat away. If only they knew it was because I was his ex girlfriend.

"Come on Y/n let me treat you to lunch." Changbin smiled and exited the room expecting me to follow him which I did. We got to the lunch room and I saw a-lot of staff all sitting in groups of people talking amongst one another. It was a friendly atmosphere and somewhere to feel safe.

"Here, have this tray and sit wherever you want. I will be there in a minute." I nodded and took the tray to a small table away from most people.

After a while I finally saw Changbin carrying a tray of food, and he was heading towards me like he said.

"So how have you liked your first day?"

"It's actually been not that bad, it's been enlightening." I stated while putting a large spoonful of food into my mouth to hide any sad expression that could appear on my face at any moment.

"I think we are going to try and let you see Chan again tomorrow. It's amazing that he will speak to you."

My eyes widened a bit quickly shaking my hands with my head.
"I don't know about that."

He just smiled.
"Its okay to be nervous but i'm sure you will do fine again like today." I saw somebody else start to walk over, holding a tray of food with a smile held on his face.

"Oh hey Seungmin."

The sweet looking man sat down next to Changbin and placed down his tray.
"This is the new girl employee."

Seungmin gave me a cute smile directed to me now and it made me smile back. Something told me I'd get on well with my workmates.

"Nice to meet you."

"You too."

We all then went silent as we ate our food. 
"So how old are you?" Seungmin asked which made me almost choke on my food.

"Oh sorry, you don't have to answer if you don't want to."

I quickly shook my head a coughed a bit.
"No its okay, it was just unexpected. I'm 24."

"Ah! Only a couple of years different. I'm 26." He stated as he gave me another smile.

"How long have you guys worked here?" I asked.

"Changbin has been here longer than me. I've only been here for a year now."

"Yeah thats right. I've been here for 6 years." Changbin replied.

"6 years! That's dedication."

"What can I say, it's my passion to help people."

We all laughed and I sighed.
"When is the lunch period over."

"In about 5 minutes so hurry up."

My first day was done and I suddenly thought back to the first person I visited, Hyunjin. Maybe i should buy him some chalk. He can draw on the walls then and not have a dangerous pen.

When I drove home I smiled to myself and I stopped off at a shop and bought four colours of chalk. Hopefully he would like it. It may help him with the boredom that must come with a place like that.

I got into my house and I laid down on the sofa sighing. Today I saw Chan again today after all those years and I didn't know what to think. He was in such a bad state. Why couldn't I have seen that and got him help. Sometimes, I wished that time could be reversed.

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