Chapter 25

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solid expectations

solid expectations

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Hyunjin's pov.

"We're at the mental hospital." I told her calmly but I saw her precious eyes suddenly become scared.

"Mental hospital-?"

Jisung sighed and told her to sit by him.
"You missed so much, but then I didn't even know you had split personality disorder. Especially when both you and Y/n have the same childhood memories."

Sumgmi held her head with her hands.
"I want to get rid of Y/n."

"I know." Jisung stroked her arm and she seemed to gain her calmness back. I coughed quite suddenly gaining both their attention and I immediately stood up.

"Jisung we need to go get Chan- Caleb whoever he is back, right now." Jisung sighed loudly again shaking his head.

"Fine, if you don't help me I guess I'm going to have to go get him myself." I called stubbornly and sighed myself.

"Thats not what I meant." Jisung called causing me to stop in my tracks and slowly turn back around.  "It's just how. Isn't it too late? After we get there, or even when we get him back, both him and Sungmi will still have dId. So then what?"

"Then we find out what happened to them a couple of years ago." I stated quite confident of what I had to do. "Then we find a way to cure them."

"Isn't it already obvious though?" When he said that I remained still, not saying anything. My skin was so warm, I could feel my temperature raising by the second.

"Me and Sungmi got into a car crash, then obviously the car that we crashed into was Caleb's. Then Chan possibly woke up and found Sungmi in the crashed car next to him, seemingly lifeless. He obviously liked her and she may have woken up and he could have noticed that she had memory loss and was just like him. So therefore he took her as his own. Hyunjin, Caleb's other personality, Chan, Chris, they loved your girlfriend."

"Yes I know that." I shouted. "But I want to find out why he did it." my tone went quiet as the memories of my old best friend Caleb came back to me. "You said that all the personalities have the same childhood memories, then why did he do that to me."

"Calm down mm?" Jisung had stood up now grabbing me firmly by the arms. "Fine, if you want us to go get Caleb, then that's what we shall do."

"Sungmi will come with us." Jisung turned around then suddenly pausing as he saw her laying lifeless again on the floor.

"Y/n will be coming with us." I corrected in a positive tone. I did still love sungmi but Y/n knew what we were up against here.

"Go get the car started then." 

1 hour later,
Y/n's pov.

"Felix just sent me the documents I asked for." I told the others as the car was heading full speed down the highway.

"What documents?"

"I asked him to give me more information on this disorder. Mainly on the cure. And I think it could be of use to us."

My eyes scanned the pages seeing things I was already aware of, until I came to the 6th page.

"Most identity disorders cannot be cured, however; some will naturally merge back together when they have resolved their trauma." I had read it out loud and the other two men looked at me. "This is called 'Integration'"

"Resolved trauma?"

"I think I have to speak to Chan directly about the accident that day. I think that's the only way for us to get better."

Hyunjin nodded while Jisung's grip stayed tightly to the steering wheel of the car. This asylum Chan was being held at was over 2 hours away so the journey was tiring and long but we would get him back. In a way I was nervous, my heart had already shown me that through its constant increases in speed. The butterflies in my stomach were also enough to make me feel sick. Now I also had this disorder it made me worry if the other half of me would take over again. She felt like a twin sister that I couldn't speak to, but she was actually me. It was too weird to get my head around. Now I realised what Chan must have gone through.

"We're here." A voice finally stated and my legs were starting to get back to normal; I could feel them again.

We all got out of the car to see this huge buildings with blacked out windows as if they wanted to keep everything in it fully concealed.

"This place is eerie." Hyunjin muttered and I silently agreed with him.

"This way." Jisung called somehow knowing where he was going.

"Will you be able to get him back?" I asked my brother with a shakiness to my voice.

"Not just by talking, but I'm sure we can break him out of here." His innocent smile made me nervous again, how was three people going to break someone out of this massive building.

A sudden grip came on my right arm and my body tensed up but when I saw it was just Hyunjin I felt relaxed again.

"Don't be so nervous mm? He will be out before you know it."

"But, what even is the plan."

"I'm sure Jisung was joking about breaking him out Y/n, his job gives him connections. Besides he was the one who let him come into this place."

Slowly I nodded although not fully convinced. Jisung stopped by a large set of doors and he pointed to them while quickly brushing some of his fringe back out of his face.

"In here." He pulled out a key and to my surprise the door opened up widely.

"In a minute I need you guys to just wait outside on lookout."

"Where will you go?"

"You will see." He calmly responded as we headed through these dark corridors. Around us were dark black tiles which looked like they were cleaned regularly. The smell was of bleach so it was getting hard to breathe. From the whole building the only sound I could hear was out gentle footsteps on these tiles. It was scary.

"Wait here." Jisung suddenly held his hand up and gripped to his phone pulling it out of his pocket. "Ring me if it's an emergency." He walked off leaving me and Hyunjin to ourselves in confusion.

"Just how big is this place..." I muttered looking around a little more but Hyunjin stopped me from stepping too far away.

"As Jisung said, we should stay here in case we mess anything up. It could be dependent on Caleb's life." He was right so I moved to stand back next to him in silence. The butterflies had calmed down a little but the ominous hallways were bringing them back.

"Look he is with a woman." Hyunjin called pointing in front of us. I saw a glass sheet separating us from him. He was in a room with a yellow light in and that same woman who took Chan was having a conversation with him.

"What if he can't talk his way around it."

"It's your brother, don't worry. He always will have a plan B"

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