Chapter 27

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"You're- you're awake

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"You're- you're awake." Hyunjin spoke and let go of Sungmi quickly, he could already tell just by his tone and eyes that this was not Caleb. But yet, he still couldn't quite believe that both his best friend and girlfriend had the same disorder.

"I said what the hell was that." Chan shouted and Hyunjin's mouth widened on seeing Chan breaking free from his restrictions and without much effort he was soon free. He was standing on his own two legs again. He seemed taller, stronger and definitely angrier right now.

"Let me explain." Hyunjin held his arms out while Sungmi was just standing there completely frozen. She hadn't expected him to wake up, at least not yet.

Chan instantly grabbed Hyunjin by the neck and pushed him firmly back to the wall behind him holding him up against the wall not wanting to give him the chance. But that was when Sungmi started to scream.

"Caleb what are you doing, let go of him, let go of him." She screamed not understanding the situation for what it was. He wasn't listening and instead she saw a needle laying on the side which was labelled Zolpidem, a highly dangerous drug. She didn't have time to read the side effects but she was smart enough to realise that is what they had been injecting him with in the first place as it was prepared, laying there. That was why he was in the coma like state.

She quickly stuck it in Chan's body and pushed it in a little when soon Hyunjin immediately gasped for air, dropping down to the floor. His face was purple and unpleasant to look at but Sungmi rushed to him holding his body. Chan hadn't fallen asleep yet but he was looking down at his hand as if he was having some sort of conflict.

"Hyunjin- I'm." His body crashed to the floor, causing them both to jump slightly.

"Are you okay Hyunjin." She asked and he kept gasping for air and he quickly pointed to the door.

"Get them... back... in here...." He said with breathy bursts and she quickly nodded as he held back her hand.
"What did you inject him with?"

"It's fine, I've learnt about the drug a little before in biology, its dangerous but not with the amount I gave him. I think that woman isn't all she says she is. I believe she was purposely trying to kill Caleb, although, i was tempted to finish him off..." Sungmi said before suddenly she stopped frozen a moment.

"Hyunjin? Hyunjin what happened?"

Y/n's pov:

I was looking down to see Hyunjin laying there with red fingerprints on his neck. When I turned a little more I saw Chan's body now laying there and I let out a small cry.

"Is he dead? Hyunjin please tell me he isn't dead."

Hyunjin clearly was trying to just get his strength back while also looking at me confusingly.

"You both always switch at the worst possible moments." He muttered and I took Chan in my arms, tears preparing to fall when he touched my hand.

"He's not dead. He's just asleep."

My heart felt relieved and I nodded to myself telling myself that everything would be okay. I wished that I could have been conscious through all of it. Everything wouldn't be so confusing that way.

"Can you go get Jisung in here. Somehow without the woman." He asked me and I took a deep breath, moving forward to kiss Chan on his forehead. "It's important, there was something weird about Chan..."

"Okay. I'll try my best."

I carefully stood myself up and opened the door again to this cell with the buzzer and made sure to leave it open so we could get back in again. When I looked across the hall I surprisingly saw him standing alone and I rushed up to him with a confused face.

"What's going on? Where is the woman?" I asked.

"She's gone to get the list of results from the tests. I was interested in them."

"Let her come into the room when she's got them, Hyunjin wants to speak to you alone, it's important." Jisung looked to his right where he was expecting the woman to enter from but then he looked back at me.

"Okay. She said she would be a while so I might have time." I nodded firmly taking his arm in my hand as I gently lead him back inside the room.

Hyunjin had gotten himself up but he was gently touching his neck where the marks were. I didn't even know what happened.

"Hyunjin- what happened?" Jisung asked quite urgently as he saw the body on the floor.

"Two things."

Both Jisung and I looked expectantly at him and he sighed.

"The first thing. Something awoke him. I'm not sure what it was. But I could have been sure it was Chan when he awoke. But he was jealous. And not just jealous, like obsessively violent jealous. Has he ever been like that before Y/n?"

"No... my Chan has never been violent to anybody ever.."

"Could he have switched half way?" Jisung suggested.

"But why would he be prepared to kill me over someone he knew was my girlfriend and had no feelings for if it was Caleb."

"What was the second thing?" He asked him.

"I think- Sungmi was awake just moments ago, it's how I'm still alive but, she noticed that they'd been using a certain dangerous drug on Caleb which in high doses can put someone in a coma and even cause shortness of breath. A little bit though, which she injected him with slightly, so it only causes dizziness or intense sleepiness. I guess he got dizzy quicker than usual and fell. Which again proves he's been given it before."

"What are you suggesting...." I slowly asked knowing the answer but not wanting to hear it spoke.

"If we hadn't have came sooner, Caleb, Chan, Chris and whoever else. Would have died in this lab. That woman knew exactly why he wasn't waking up but just forgot to put away the needle." Jisung held my hand tightly and we both looked at Hyunjin.

"We need to somehow break him out of here before she comes back. We- we have no choice." I spoke and Jisung agreed.

"Hyunjin, how far can you run with someone helping you carry a heavy body." Jisung asked and my heart began to race diligently.

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