Chapter 15

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shared secret

My legs pushed themselves up and I reached my door clenching the handle tightly

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My legs pushed themselves up and I reached my door clenching the handle tightly. When I looked out around my front garden there was no sign of him and I didn't know how to feel. How could he just disappear like that. As if he'd never been here in the first place.

My body was in shock, the guy I had been dating was a killer...? He was just hiding behind Chan and Chris all this time. On an urge I checked around the side.. but it was really too late he was gone.

I needed to ring someone. I remembered Han's message from the other day. I needed to trust him again. I missed him being around and I guess if I opened up about everything that happened, it could make us closer again and he might be able to do something. I was so worried about Chan or Chris... or even Caleb. It may even help me get back some of my memories without having to tell anyone I had lost some.

I was so confused about the whole thing with Chan. I still wondered how they were 3 separate people but they were in 1 body. How were they even created, this disorder really was something incredible but heartbreaking. I had so much I wanted to find out. I put my head in my hands and I felt myself start to breakdown. I couldn't even work these things out now he was gone. After I while I slowly raised my head and I pulled out my phone. I rang Jisung and he picked up.

"Y/n are you okay? I noticed you took my advice and didn't go into work." It made me feel relaxed hearing my brothers voice again. This is how we used to be before the crash. I remembered this.

"Jisung, I need to talk to you right now, I need help, can we meet up somewhere?" I asked him patiently hoping he'd agree.

"Okay, sure, 12pm, meet me in our old favourite coffee shop that we used to go to our homework in."

I smiled. My memory of that was still there. I wanted to hug him so badly. Although I couldn't remember my parents I knew that I had loved them. I just needed to see a photo of them maybe to make me remember.

"Thanks so much Jisung. Remember I love you so much."

"Y/n, I love you too, I still can't believe you're alive if I am honest." He sounded like he was tearing up a little and I smiled.

"We have time to cry later," I laughed, "Don't make a mess of yourself at work."

"If you say so." His cute voice replied.

I ended the call and I rushed inside. Even though I was still worried about the whole Chan situation I decided to try and not let it affect me for now. I didn't want to be an emotional wreck.

My outfit was some simple blue jeans and a warm jumper. When I was outside earlier the breeze felt quite cold so I put on my coat and I locked my door behind me.

It was 11:37 right now, and although the coffee shop was only a 5 minute walk from my house, I wanted to get their early to take in the smell of the familiar coffee shop that I missed. Now i remembered about him and was speaking to him, I could re-live the happy memories again.

I walked inside the shop and I saw different staff behind the counter. When I got to the counter I smiled at the man behind and I placed my purse down on the counter.

"Can I get an Espresso and a Mochaccino." I asked now picking back up my purse and trying to get the correct amount of money out.

"Of course, both medium?"

"Yes please."

"Okay, That will be 5000 won please" (£3.21 / $3.86 (I think))

I handed over the money and waited for the drinks. I bought the same ones we used to get when we were younger. He still loved a Mochaccino and I loved an Espresso. I chuckled. I hope his taste buds hadn't changed much.

It was weird how my memories worked, it's like I could remember almost everything about my brother but every-time I tried to think of my parents or any other parts of my life, it hurt my head. It was like before I saw Jisung again, trying to think back to what happened to me hurt my head but now it was so much clearer.

When the drinks were done the man passed them over to me and I carefully carried them sitting down at the table with the sofa that we used to love so much.

At exactly 12pm I saw his fluffy hair and familiar figure walk into the shop. He looked straight in my direction and gave me a cute simile showing his cheeks. He looked down at the drink I placed opposite me and he smiled again.

"You still remembered."

I returned the smile and pushed the drink closer to him. "Of course I do, it was always your favourite drink."

"So... what did you need to tell me?" He asked as he sat down in his seat. I thought briefly about the past couple of years. Maybe I should start with telling him that I'd been dating the patient that had escaped for three years...

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