Chapter 16

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a helpful hand

Thankfully, as time allowed it, I told Jisung everything without any breaks and I could tell he was a little overwhelmed

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Thankfully, as time allowed it, I told Jisung everything without any breaks and I could tell he was a little overwhelmed. His hands were clenched around the cup in front of him as he took a deep breath of air in. Even still, his eyes were searching through mine trying to understand me in the best way he could.

"So you're saying that you had absolutely no memories of the car accident we were in until you saw me again?"

I nodded.
"I used to get so many headaches. I assumed I'd lost all my memories from the past, but slowly more and more things are coming back to me."

"That must have been awful, but also... you said that you dated the patient who escaped. But you mean to say that Chan actually lived with you?! After he escaped?!" I slowly nodded and I saw him take a large sip of his drink.

"Do you know how dangerous that was!" He whisper shouted across the table and I just looked down at the table.
"I know... but I'm not hurt. Although, other people may be hurt soon if I don't find him." He agreed with me and he finished off his drink.

"So you think he has a third personality which is a murderer?"

"Well, his main personality I guess..."

"He needs to be locked up as quick as possible." My eyes widened just a little but I stopped myself from showing my reaction. I guess if he was locked up, it would be safer for everyone. He wasn't the man I thought he was and it hurt me.

"Thanks for telling me.. I can imagine that it wasn't an easy thing to do." He finally stated and placed his hand over mine which had been resting on the table in between us. "I promise, I'm going to do anything I can to keep you safe. I won't lose you again."

"It's okay, I used to tell you everything, I can remember how much you always cared for me." I spoke out as i watched as his smile widened and he connected his eyes with mine again seeing the small creases beside them to show it was genuine.

"Do you want to go somewhere else to get your mind off all this?" I thought about it and it actually was a sweet idea.
"Okay, only if you promise to come up with a good solution about this problem later." He picked up his jacket pushing his finished drink to the side.

"Of course." He ruffled my hair and I smiled just a little.
"Where are we going to go then?"

"How about a walk on the beach."
I thought about the calming sea and I smiled. It wasn't even that long away from here. It was one of the benefits of living near the coast.

"Sounds good. Just no pushing me onto the sand this time." I stated with a hint of a joke in my tone.

He laughed, the memory instantly coming back to his mind.
"Yah that was always you who started that."

"You're such a liar." I laughed as I headed out first into the nice breeze. The sun was shining quite brightly today and I could feel the strong heat burning through my clothes. I took my jacket off slinging it on my arms while walking next to Jisung who had also taken his coat off again.

We were now walking down to the beach and it was clear to see that it was going to be quite busy. There were so many cars that were parked and it felt busier than ever.

"Well I guess everyone had the same Idea as us."

He chuckled.
"Yeah it seems that way."

He looked around and we kept pushing through people, many had set up their deckchairs on the soft sand and kids were running everywhere.

"Maybe we should go somewhere else, it's hard to walk past all these people." I slowly stated but he just shook his head.
"Wait a minute." He was focusing on something now so I looked in the direction he was looking.

"What's going on over there?" I asked him hoping to get some sort of response but he just put a finger up as if asking me to wait again. I now looked closer as well and I saw quite a big crowd surrounding something on the beach.

Jisung grabbed my arm and using a small amount of strength and force he pulled me through the bodies of people which were crowded here. I guess my brother was quite nosey as well. We got up to the crowd and as we were both quite short it was still hard to see, too many heads blocking my sight.
"What is it?" I asked. "Can you see?"

"No I can't really see either, there is too many people."

I tapped this strangers back and they turned around giving me a blank but confused expression.

"Oh, I was just wondering, what are you all surrounding?"

She let open a small gap and pointed to the ground. I saw a body and my mouth just widened a little. At first I thought it was someone who had drowned but as I pushed gently by her getting s little closer.

It was Chan.. well... Caleb maybe. He must have ran down to the sea front. I wasn't even sure. All I knew for sure was that he was passed out on the beach in direct sunlight. This couldn't do his condition any good. With seeing this, and hearing the loud noise which was surrounding him, I quickly pushed through and hovered over him, I didn't even care about the weird looks I was getting.

My hands moved forward and I placed them on his cheeks.
"Chan, it's Y/n, please wake up." He was looking quite lifeless and I kept shaking his body. A tear may have even slipped from my eye.

"Please Chan. You're making me worried." My head fell onto his chest as my hands wrapped around him. "Please wake up as Chan."

I grabbed his hand and I squeezed it. If this didn't work, He would need more help.


His body sprung suddenly forward scaring the life mainly out of me but probably many of the others watching. My curious eyes quickly locked with his and I had a small smile of hope.

His firm hand suddenly grabbed my shoulder.

"Why has it been your face twice when I've woken up." His tone was quite angry and rough and I was about to speak back when he harshly pushed me making me fall back onto the floor in pain. "How did you even find me, did you follow me?" He didn't pay attention to the crowds yet he acted as if it was only us.

It was still Caleb. The other two were still trapped inside him. I tried getting up when I felt the comforting hands of my brother around me.

"Y/n are you okay?!"
I looked up and smiled. "Of course, he only pushed me."

Caleb had now gotten himself up and thats when I became suddenly afraid.

The knife he took from my kitchen.
My voice called out.
My shaky hand pointed in front of me.
"He has a knife and I don't think he is going to hesitate to use it." I saw him heading for the crowds of people and I didn't know what to do.

"Run!!!" I shouted to them and I saw some listened but others were stuck staring and I was starting to panic.
"Jisung, what do we do.?"

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