|•Chapter 2:Tea on Rice•|

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Third Person Pov

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Third Person Pov

The four of them shared a table as Dazai
and Kunikida on one side,Y/n with Atsushi
on the other. The young boy was currently
gobbling down bowls of tea on rice like a pig.
This certainly didn't impress Kunikida, if he was
a woman you would think he was on his period
24/7. The blonde was going off about how
they were now not on a schedule at all and the
usual Dazai being suicidal maniac.

"You're unbelievable. Who goes "that's a nice
river" and jump into it in the middle of a job?! Thanks to you, look! Look how off-schedule
we are now!" He barked having a hint of
frustration in his tone. "You sure like your
schedules, Kunikida-kun."Dazai cooed as the
slap of the famous book of Kunikida's ideals
came upon the wooden table as he then
stood up looking down upon Dazai.
"This isn't a schedule? This is an ideal! My guide
in life! And nowhere in this book is written
that one of my partners is a suicidal maniac!"
The blonde screamed as Dazai fluttering
his eyes innocently at him like a butterfly
beating it wings.

Atsushi had then began talking with his mouth
full which was considered very impolite
and hard for anyone to understand him at all
"Shut up!"The blonde shouted at the boy
as he than sta back down in his seat
"Nowhere on my projected expenses page will
you find written that I will pay half of a bill for
a millions of bowls of tea on rice for some
snot-nosed brat!" His eyebrows irked down
and clear frustration was written in
black sharpie all over his face.

As Atsushi yet again began talking with his
mouth full. "Like I said,it's a job!"The blonde
stated as the boy asked another question.
"Our job today? It involves the military."
Kunikida answered as the other two looked at
them weirdly.They were both surprised that
the blonde understood what the kid was sayings
"How are you two communicating,actually?"
Dazai asked the two dumbfounded as they
both turned to look at him. Kunikida had
the are you serious look on his face while
he just glared the maniac down.


"I'm so full.I don't want to see another bowl of
this for at least ten years."The boy cooed as
his face was slightly flushed, patting his stomach
"Why,you...How dare you be so shameless after eating on mine and Y/n's dime?"The blonde
scowled at him. "You're a real life saver. After
leaving the orphanage and coming to
Yokohama, I've had nothing to eat and nowhere
to sleep.I thought I'd die of starvation."A great
full smile appeared onto Atsushi's face, he
was happy that the three helped him
get something to eat.

"You're from an orphanage?"Dazai's curiosity was peaking up slightly making him want to know
more about the kid in front of him.
"Putting it one way, yes. But they kicked me out."Atsushi had simply explained it.

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