|•Chapter 6:Ryunosuke Akutagawa•|

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First Person POV

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First Person POV

"Thank you."I smiled at the waitress as she gave
me my tea not paying much attention to the
siblings and Atsushi's conversation that they
were having. Sipping tea and half zoning out is
kinda relaxing, I won't lie about that at all.
"Just leave them, don't say any more." Kunikida's voice snapped me out of my thoughts

"Oh yeah,what did you guys do before joining the detective agency?" Atsushi asked as the whole
table went half silent. "What do you think?
This is apart of a procedure for the newcomers
to guess their seniors former job." Dazai stated
as the boy began wearing a concentrated look
"Hmm,well...Tanizaki-san and his sister are...
Students?" He guessed "How did you know?"
Naomi had asked the boy.

"Well your wearing a uniform and so is Tanizaki as well-I had a hunch that your both around the
same age."He smiled awkwardly at the two.
"Wow, then what about Kunikida-kun?"Dazai
asked. "Stop even my former job-" "Hmm,
a government official?" The boy guessed which wasn't that far off actually . "Ah,pity. He was a
math teacher at his old school." He had
corrected the boy.

"It's the past, I don't want to remember it."
The blonde muttered under is breath
"How about me and Y/n then?"Dazai asked
innocently smiling at the Atsushi but I could tell
he wasn't able to think of anything that could be right at all. "Well umm...I can't think of anything..." The boy groaned annoyingly "It's no use,kid. Both
of their former jobs is one of the seven mysteries
of the Agency." Kunikida explained to him as
he seemingly looked a bit disappointed.

"Wasn't there a price for who guess either of their jobs first." Tanizaki spoke, oh yeah there
is even I didn't remember that myself
"That's right. Since no one has guessed it yet,
the prize has been piling up." I sighed taking
another sip of my tea. "I guessed that Dazai was a type of criminal but he said I was wrong but
even criminals are hardworking so it was impossible." Kunikida muttered as I couldn't
help but slightly laugh.

"By the way how much is the prize?"Atsushi asked
"Well since you wanna participate now, it's about
a good 700 000 yen." I answered knowing it
was probably going to motivate him to figure it
out one way or another. "So if I guess it right,I get the money?" He questioned. "Well women
don't usually break their deals."Dazai commented
as the boy begun naming various jobs which
we both answered no to.

"So you were either jobless or a homeless person?"Kunikida asked which I mean Dazai probably would've been if we hadn't left together.
"Nope." The suicidal man answered popping
the 'p' out a little "Neither of us would lie about
it you know," He let out a daring chuckle as you
turn to see Tanizaki finishing up his phone call.
"We got a request."


We all stood in front across of the blonde woman who was dressed pretty professional full suit and everything making look like she was from some powerful business.She also had a nice petite
stature from what I could tell,having her being
styled into a nice bob cut.

"Uhm...Let's see an investigation request,right?" Tanizaki asked "And..." "Beautiful...as bold as
a water lily and as sweet as a princess. Would you like to commit a lovers suicide with me?"Dazai
asked as I furrowed my brows at his heinous act
he pulled, I guess it was part of his plan that
he told me earlier. Kunikida didn't seem to have
at all with the force of the slap that was sent
to the back of the poor man's head.

"Please forgive him, he's a bit interesting but don't worry I'll scold this time Kunikida." I yanked
Dazai's arm dragging him all the way to
the technology room, ignoring his whines.
Slamming the door shut behind us.

"You really had to pull that!" I whispered shouted at Dazai as he just wore a simple smirk on his face
"What? Are you jealous my Darling?"He teased
using the same pet names he usually uses
"As if."I scoffed at him . "I mean if I were to pull something like that on you it would be something amongst the lines of "Your so stoic,it's like drinking a plain cup of coffee making it too stoic for
me"." He failed to rhyme as I sent a glare
right him. "Alright,alright." He wavered his hands infront of him innocently. "I'll tell you the rest
of the plan now." "You better."


We both walked out of the room as everyone
turned they're faces over towards the two of us
"You two took long enough I already assigned Tanizaki and Atsushi to the job" Kunikida
informed. "I never knew your one to assign jobs."I
commented. "Well now I am, so here give him a pet talk you would do it better." He handed me photo
as I glimpsed at automatically recognising who
it was, Ryunosuke Akutagawa best known as
Port Mafia's Rabbid Dog or as Dazai and I
know him as our old "pupil".

Heading over to Atsushi as he finished up
packing his bag as the poor boy seemed so tense
"Atsushi." I called out as he turned. "Yeah?"
"Just a little advice when your out don't run into him and if you do run to get us."I handed the boy the photo. "This person is-?" "Mafia."Dazai
intervened. "But he's only called that because
he hasn't really got any other names, though
he's port mafia's brutal dog that practically owns
the harbour. His name being Akutagawa."


After the Tanizaki and Atsushi who was accompanied by Naomi being the protective
sister she is over he brother and their
interesting connection. Dazai put me up of the
task of following them as if he knew something
bad was about to happen. But I knew to trust
him when he made these predictions since there
always true. Though it was hard to leave the
agency without taking a good five minutes
to convince the Kunikida to leave to run
"erins" for your parents.

Another hard things was keeping up with them without almost losing them and getting caught.
The last thing you wanna do is mess up your
obvious cover. Honestly why couldn't that damn
Dazai do this why me like sure I did some
stealth mission back in the mafia but they were
not plain out int the open. "Stay focused Y/n."
Dazai suddenly spoke through the ear piece that
he slipped in early back when you were "scolding him". "I am but try being in my position you
suicidal maniac."I muttered under my breath

As I looked around seeing if I was still following them and of course. "Shit!"

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