|•Chapter 38:Unforgiving•|

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Second Person POV

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Second Person POV

Waking up to the sound of the infirmary door
opening, heels stopping before the shattered glass
"You and Dazai either had really rough sex
or you've probably gotten into an argument no
wonder there was shouting at two o'clock in
the morning. But your eyes are stained red
so tell me what happened or do you rather
not." Stepping her way over the glass
"He just took it to far."Murmuring soft hands
gripping at the bed sheets trying to hold
back the tears. You hated when Dazai and you
disagree on something, yes it was natural for
it to happen. But it was too much this
time around.

She hugged you soothingly and gently reminding
you of your birth mother who use to do the same
when you cried but you barely had memories
of your original parents you were so young.
"I swear when I see him again, I'll make sure
to cleaver off his dick."Whispering laughing at
her as Ranpo entered the infirmary bag full
of snacks. "Y/n! I already know what happened
so I bought you your favourite snacks and candy."Heading over plopping himself on
the end of your bed.

"Is Dazai-san alright?"Asking at least hoping
he's alright though still hating him. "You get
in an argument with him now you worry
about him despite hating him as well. Interesting
but he isn't really he said he hadn't got any sleep
and only had an banana for breakfast, everyone
heard you shouting at each other. You guys
were loud."He explained giving you a
peppermint flavoured lollipop, plopping it into
your mouth. "Y/n you should have a bath.
Then we'll go out just us three as best friends.
Plus I don't care about Dazai only showing
he cared after I slapped the sense in him"You
nod in agreement with Yosano along with.
Maybe it was better to forget about for now.

"Plus I think
everyone is just stressed from
dealing with the Guild."


Yosano had taken you to her apartment which
was neat and kept very well clean, she was in
the bathroom running you a nice bath.
"Y/n the bath is ready!" She called called out
entering in feeling the warm aroma of the bath
and candles she lit, kind of jealous she had a
better bathroom than you had back at home.
"Well strip off and relax, I'll wash your hair
while we talk about whatever."Nodding not
really minding that she was there while you
took off your clothes, revealing bandages and
scars hidden underneath your clothing,
she though they were beautiful
for a matter of fact.

After helping to undo the bandages dipping a
leg into the bubble bath before lifting the other
in sitting yourself into a more comfortable
position making sure to take nullification
pills before removing your gloves. "You have to
get your hair wet if you want me to wash it."
Yosano spoke as you dunk your head down
pulling back up as she giggled at you
"I have a cup but that works to I guess."She
begun massaging the shampoo into your scalp
fingers gently detangling your h/c strands.
"Close your eyes."Pouring water down your head
to rinse it off now going on with the conditioner lathering it into the ends of your hair.

"So besides Dazai, Ranpo or Me do you have
any other really close friends?"Yosano asked
making you think for a moment we'll there
was someone. "Yeah, Chuuya, sometimes we
hangout but it's rare since him and Dazai
apparently hate each other's guts." Explaining
it to her as she hummed rinsing out the
conditioner. "Not romantically evolve or?"
Knowing she was teasing you a little.
"Nope just platonic and one sided. Only kissed
like once on the lips rest have been on the cheek
we mainly drink together."Answering her.
"Alrighty well I'll look for some clothes while
you can just sit there and relax." She exited
breathing out as your romantic life was so
irritating hating the man for going to low, next
time you see him it was on sight.


Draining the bath out wrapping the towel
around your body, picking your gloves off the
floor. Exiting out as Yosano was on the phone
to someone. "No Dazai, I don't care what
your intentions were but you have poor fucking execution next time I'll cleaver off your dick
and take your woman." She hanged up in the
phone not letting the man speak for anymore
longer than he needed to.

"He's a nuisance."She smiled up to you.
Getting closer as she took the bandages out of
your hand. "I'll help you, still need to wear
those bandages. It's good that your in a better condition you have a mission with him."
Knowing who she was implying to. Wrapping
your upper torso, legs and arms up handing you
a new pair of clothes and undergarments for you
to wear. Some denim shorts, a white blouse,
black tie, black stockings and a belt to bring
the outfit all together.

She also gave you some black boots, finishing
dressing up fitting you gloves right back onto
your hands, deciding to leave your hair
out just for today. "Come on now let's go, we
have a surprise for you." Linking hands
dragging you to who knows where but you
were enjoying it.


"Took you guys long enough I already ordered!"
Ranpo complained sitting in the out door
area of the restaurant that was more modernly designed than the usual traditional layout.
Sitting down as there were gyoza's, rice,
takoyaki you name it Ranpo had ordered it, you
all talked for ages laughing cracking jokes and
gossiping about everyone and anyone you could.
"We'll we got you a gift, even though the
occasion isn't special you'll find this handy
in battle." Yosano placed a gift bag sliding it
toward you end of the table. A brand new
pair of gloves,  it had expensive look to it.
The leather had no splits on it either.

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