|•Chapter 48:Dancing in the Rain•|

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Second Person POV

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Second Person POV

You enjoyed but dreaded baking,Yosano dragging
you out of bed at like six in the morning was
tiring for you and awkward because you two were
snuggling up with each other her words. "Geez at
least enjoy yourself, you sure seem to last night
with Dazai."She teased mixing up one bowl of
cake batter while you had the other bowl.
"I'm drowsy from that and the wine I had too."
Groaning out hoping that the last preps
for the party was done soon.

"Well on the subject you never told me what your
relationship between Dazai and you is?" Of
course she brought the question up again.
"Friends that have gotten too close to each other
but neither is willing to let go."Muttering pouring
the last of the cake mix into the baking tray.
"It fascinates me that you've known each for so
long and who knows how long you've loved each other."Love she says but was that the way Osamu
really felt for you he never seemed like him at all
to be fully devoted to one woman you hated to
think that. "He just doesn't seem the type for a relationship I'll admit that even though we do
things that you know? The things that couples do." Meekly looking away for a second, why did you
over think this all the time it shouldn't be hard.

"True honestly if he does turn you down I'll hack
him apart and my ability won't work on him."
Yosano was definitely not joking when she said
that you knew it for sure that you would have
a chance. "Don't worry about it now."She


"Come on open it everyone else is waiting."Urging Kyouka to open the door as Atsushi gave her
a reassuring smile as she hesitantly opened it up.
"Congratulations on joining the Armed Detective Agency, Kyouka-chan!"Everyone cheered
everyone but Dazai was there for some reason
confetti and streamers flew around. Going off to
chill out in the corner eating some of the cake you
had baked making sure to get some for Dazai to
eat later. "You look bummed out."Turning to
see Tanizaki someone you don't talk to often
along with Naomi as well sitting beside him.

"Ah I kinda am to be honest having such an ability is an eyesore I'll tell you that."Taking another bite.
"I see, oh by the way you and Dazai seem closer
now did you finally get together or?"He asked.
"We haven't, sadly I'll admit that."Furrowing your brows wishing you two could just live normally
but that couldn't simply exist in a world like this.
"Oh well we hear him all the time when your gone
off doing errands or a small mission, he always
describes you so differently than the other women.
So how do you put him in your own words?"
Naomi questioned you smiled to yourself knowing
of what he did it was that habit he had since
the Mafia your favourite habit he had.

"Well how would I put it, his eyes I'll start there.
I use to look at them like it was a child about to
cry as if he felt missing and abandoned but now
they're more beautiful filled with life. It's like
looking at a clear fresh jar of honey glistening in
the sunlight you would need a map to get out of them."They noticed the content smile one your
face. "When we meet it felt like two lost souls
warming up to each other giving something the
other one was missing, loving something about
them that the other one hated." It out you on a chokehold every time you saw him,as the rest
of the afternoon was just you talking to the
siblings they just kept quiet and listened.


It was late at night laying in your apartment as it
had at least your bed and clothes there not had everything moved over yet, that was for another
day most likely tomorrow. Sighing still haven't
seen Dazai yet at all, listening to the soft sound
of rain hitting the roof as it calmed down.

As you were about to fall asleep,hearing a knock
at the door reading the clock as it was so late.
"Y/n! I know your awake,open the door please."
It was Dazai; pushing yourself out of bed heading
for the door swinging it open to see his soaked
form standing there with a long box in hand.
"What's with the box?"You asked he chuckled
leaning forward placing it by the door pulling
you outside with him under the over hand.

"Dance with me, Y/n."Hugging you not caring if
he was drenching you he needed your warmth.
"Alright but also why didn't you just go back to
your appartment."Looking up seeing him shift
expressions into a more nervous one as he laughed
"Yeah about that I lost the key..."He rubbed the
nape of his neck before diverting back looking
down at you his mouth contorting into a smile.
Before pulling you along down the stairs out
into the rain feeling your body get drenched
already as he handed you his coat.

Hands resting on your waist while yours
around his neck, he gently swayed you side to side
humming lightly simply putting himself at peace.
"Y/n, I..."He tried to say something but the words
weren't coming out of his mouth, he almost
choked was it the right time to say those three
simple words as his confession.

"You, what?"You asked trying to read him again
"Never mind let's just stay here a little bit longer
than go back inside."He sighed there goes that
failed attempt that or he was going to embarrass
himself doing so he just needed to cool down.
"Alright."Placing a kiss right on his cheek as he
took one arm twirling you before dipping down.
"So cliche of you Osamu."Laughing a little as he
gazed down nearing you lips.

"But you love me for that don't you?"

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