|•Chapter 29:Kouyou Ozaki•|

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Second Person POV

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Second Person POV

"Ane-san."You heard someone quietly call out to
you. It had felt unusual to be called that since
you used to call a certain beautiful cherry-haired
lady that very same nickname. It was a left a
sensation of chills as you hear the word.
Looking over to Kyoka standing by the door as
the meeting was soon to be over. "Actually
they've been taking awhile to find Kenji so
finish this up without me, permission to leave?
President." Standing up as you bowed your
head down to the older man. "Permission
granted make sure you go out with someone."
He warned you, despite being capable on
your own. Yet his words were basically your
orders. "Very well." Exiting as the little girl
grabbed your hand as she looked up to you.

"You seemed very stunned when I called you
Ane-san did you now like I won't call you that
again sorry-"Cutting her off . "No it was alright
it's just I use to call someone else that once too
when I was in my teens."Picking up your sword
and attaching it to your the opposite hip making
it easier to unsheathe. "It's just that the person
I originally called that said if I ever met you. I
had to call you that too. She also said you are
special to her." She goes onto explain, a small
smile draw on your face. Kouyou Ozaki one of
the first in the Mafia to welcome you with
kindness and to teach you how to use a blade.


"There's Atsushi why don't you run up ahead
to him, I'll be back here following." Insisting her
as you watched her run up to him hugging the boy.
"Are you here to fetch me?"He asked her as you
caught up to the both of them. "I was worried."
Kyoka said, smiling at they how quick she
got to make friends. "Then, we'll be going."
A man spoke from behind and you turn to
see your old boss, Mori Ougai. An monster, the
one who taught you how to be as cruel as him.
Though you couldn't reveal you knew him in
front of Atsushi, he didn't know who you
were in the past. "Thank you very much. Oh right,
your a doctor?" Atsushi awkward rubbed the
nape of his neck as Mori still had that same fake
yet charismatic and absurd smile.

"Use to now I'm some old middle age man
who works in some small company. Young man,
no matter how difficult the situation is there
is always a theoretical and suitable solution.
The more you give up amidst the confusion,
you must not forget that." Mori reminds him,
"Is this your senior?" He had turned to you, you
knew he wanted you to slip up in that very
moment. You felt anxious under his gaze, it has
been four years. "Yeah I am. This young boy
didn't give you trouble did he? I'm still training
him." Clenching your fists at your side as he
chuckles in response. "Not at all. Sorry to cut
our conversation short but I have private matters
to handle." He walks off as you didn't realise
Kyoka was hugging your body the whole time.
"What's wrong with her?"Atsushi questioned
seeing she was visibly shaken up by Mori's
presence. It was a reminder of you.

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