|•Chapter 11:A bad feeling•|

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First Person POV

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First Person POV

"Dazai.Quit dawdling.Walk faster."Kunikida demanded at the suicidal man who replied with a 'Kay the four of you walking along near the ports
of the city. I on the other hand walked a little
behind Kunikida and Atsushi but still infront
of Dazai. "We only have two minutes and fifteen seconds until the appointed time!" The blonde complained. "That's a concern."Dazai muttered
from behind "Is it okay for me to come along?" Atsushi asked as only looking up to the sky as
it was lit up with a fire like sunset.

"It's apart of your rookie training. This is a case involving a series of disappearances in Yokohama." Kunikida stated. "If I recall it's the one where
visitors to Yokohama keep disappearing one after another right?" The boy said as I couldn't help
but think that it was strange sure disappearances
have happened in this city but not a series
of them at once.

"We have an anonymous tip. The victims have
been abducted and imprisoned in a certain
location." The four of you entered into the warehouse as Dazai looked over giving a smirk towards me, he already knew half of what was probably going on. "An anonymous tip...
How suspicious and wonderful isn't it wonderful
Y/n?" He commented only rolling my eyes
at him knowing he was definitely onto something
at this point. "It's something we can't ignore."
The blonde stated. "So we're checking it out?"Atsushi asked

"No." Kunikida stated opening up the door
that revealed a set of stairs leading down.
"Oh I see we're investigating the anonymous tip's source first." Muttering to myself as the four of
you heading down the stairs until you four
were met with the emitting glow of a fish tank
and a certain brunette headed man
standing in front of it.

"How's it going,informant?" Kunikida asked
out taking the lead of walking on as the three
of you followed letting him do the talking.
"Hey, four-eyes. Are you still a slave to that notebooks of your yet again?" The man responded
or should I say non other than Taguchi Rokuzou.
"You think you can talk like that to the agency when you're a cyber criminal? If you're arrested, your deceased father will be most aggrieved."
Blonde stated though you weren't happy of
the way he dragged in the man's dead
father into this.

"Don't drag him into this. More importantly,you're late. Isn't that unusual for you?"Rokuzou asked
the blonde giving him a troublesome grin finally
turing to face the four of us. "Why? Were you on
a date with a pretty lady?"He teased at him
hearing Dazai chuckle quietly beside me doing
the same not wanting to enrage the blonde
man again. "Dates should be with a chosen woman, followed by marriage six years later. That's what's
in this notebook."Kunikida retorted

"Huh? You have someone you've decided to marry?"Atsushi asked swing from my peripheral vision, Dazai was only still wearing his smirk as if he was trying to hold in his laugh. "I will in four years." The blonde answered. "Is he new?" Taguchi
asked "I'm Nakahima Atsushi." The boy
introduced himself. "I'm Taguchi Rokuzou.
An informant for the right price, I can dig up
any dirty information." "And? Did you figure
out who's behind the anonymous tip?"
Kunikida asked

"The Azure Messenger..."He answered
sounds similar to the Azure King I thought wondering if there was any connections to the two
of them somehow. "What?"The blonde muttered
"There was data left on the server. And pics of the abduction victims, I guess."He threw the pictures onto the table as I picked them up and skimmed through them. They were exactly what the reports had described handing them over to Dazai
knowing he would deduct something better.
"So the mole isn't some bad guy is he? He told you where they're holed up and all. "Rokuzou stated
as Dazai leaned over onto one of the monitors.
"I wonder...I hope we don't go there,only to find he's one of the kidnappers." Dazai's voiced laced
with some malice in it.

"The Azure Messenger... Rokuzou keep looking into to it and I'll pay you double of whatever Kunikida
is paying."I stated as Rokuzou only grinned
"L/n-san, you sure know how to play your cards
by any chance your good at old maid?" He asked
"You could say I am." You chuckled. "Well then
since your less demanding than glasses I'll work
on it straight away." You were surprised he
Ben accepted your request.

"He definitely likes you."Dazai whispered in your
ear. "Yeah and I don't like him but as a woman I
use men's weakness to advantage." Whispering
back at him as he only smirked at you deviously.


"Yes. Thanks. I called a cab. We'll go to the abandoned hospital mentioned by the tipster
now." Kunikida stated as the four of you waited
out in the dark. "Kunikida-kun, why look after
that boy?" Dazai asked. "What do you mean?"
The blonde said confusingly. "It's isn't like you
to give a hacker a job. You could've simply
talked over the phone but you took your time meeting him face to face. His father Is deceased,
isn't he? Are you acting as his dad?"He pointed out

"We came here so that Atsushi would meet our informant. That's all it is."The blonde explained
"Sure we'll leave it at that."Dazai stated as the
cab pulled up just in time otherwise the
conversation would've gone not so well. As
Kunikida took the passenger seat at the front
while Atsushi took the window seat at the back
leaving you in the middle between him and Dazai
who sat a bit more closer towards you.

"This driver is another one of our informants and a former stage actor."Kunikida explained.
"I couldn't make any money, so I switched careers." The driver spoke as something was definitely off about him wouldn't you do perfectly fine being
a stage actor or was it just me. "That was the
right decision. He knows more about Yokohama than anyone I know. He's also saw two of the
eleven victims right before they're abduction."
The blonde explained no one ever expects
the cab driver reminds me of a Sherlock
Holmes novel I read once.

"I just happened to drive them from the port to
a hotel." The driver explained another valid reason to suspect he has something to do with this or is linked to it somehow. "Y/n, the road bumpy
aren't you going to hold on?" Dazai asked from beside me as whatever conversation the other in
the car were tuning out. "I'm fine."Trying to
reassure him. "Your so stubborn, come on I'll
hold onto you." Slithering his arm around my
waist. "You just want an excuse to hold me?"
"And what if I do?Oh I see."Dazai used his other
arm to snatch the photo out of Kunikida's hand.

"I have a hunch. Look they're both wearing
glasses! That means this is a serial glasses
abduction case! It's time for you to shine,
Kunikida-kun!" The suicidal man exclaimed.
"Some victims don't wear glasses. You can't say
it's a pattern." The blonde retorted. "Oh too bad.
And here I thought it would finally be your time
to shine." Dazai remarked."I can't let that
remark pass." Hearing Kunikida mumble under
his breath as he was about to swing pushing
my arm out onto his shoulder stopping him.

"If you want to look professional and not tarnish
the Agency's name, I suggest you stop beating
Dazai up in or out of public geez you two are immature. The only sane one here is Atsushi."
As the blonde only nodded not wanting to
anger me further more. "Ahaha, thanks Y/n."
Dazai whispered. "I simply didn't want to get of a comfortable position." Muttering back at him
"Oh didn't think you liked being this close."

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