|•Chapter 34:Embodiment of Logic•|

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Second Person POV

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Second Person POV

"Never thought I would behold my visage....
In a hinterland of such desolation.Thy fervour for
a duel is most apparent." Dazai spoke to the
dog as you watch him torture the poor thing as
you wouldn't blame the dog for barking at him.
"Ohh! Don't sound so confident? Because that
doesn't work on me! Because I have an ace up
my sleeve..." He revealed a unopened bag of
dog treats. "Want some? I bet you do."
Crouching down as he opened up his hand
revealing nothing in it. "That's the difference
between our statue's. I win. Think twice
before you bark at me next you see me on the
street." Heading back to his spot on the
bench next to you.

"You aren't very good with dogs aren't
you." Pointing out the plain old obvious.
"Yeah dogs are more troublesome and harder
to deal with than humans just like women.
They're the devil in disguise I swear on
my life-"Slapping him on the back of the head.
"A women unfortunately birthed you and unfortunately for women as well you chase
them." Leaving Dazai stunned he couldn't win
this one no matter where the conversation went.
"Moving on how did the clerks escape go?"He
asked, awkwardly laughing at your glare.
"According to Kunikida-san they'll arrive on
the next train. For the office workers to be
targeted, can we really pull through a three
way conflict?"The boy asked perking
both your interests.

"Let's see, from what I'm seeing the Agency has
the least advantage out of the three forces. The
Mafia will most likely have the most advantages." Dazai had explained as your though process
only got that far though he was the brains so
you let him do his part in this. And you're
the executor of whatever he thinks up.
"Oh no, then is there anyway to turn the tide
Dazai-san?"Atsushi asked him as he thought
before. "This is how many I could think of."He
held up three fingers which you knew he
meant three hundred.

"So three hundred, assuming 30 of those are
of me going ape shit on the enemy with my
abilities full power."As he nodded, with you
catching on. "Wait...Three hundred?!"The boy repeated. "Though we are up against a situation
in this war that can't be fixed. Even a sure-win
strategy can go wrong with one slight chang,
that's why having access to intelligence is
important. Especially considering one of our opponents we're up against. Mori-san is the
living embodiment or logic itself, dominating
any fight with his calm and algorithmic mind
he has. The clerks will definitely let there
guards down after escaping a hit man and
he'll exploit that to his advantage."Mori
was dangerous, someone who is easily
manipulative without realising you can be
endanger with one wrong move it's
like an intense chess game. Though if you
get to know him long enough you'll learn how
to read him like a book. It isn't easy though.


"What's up with you?"Asking Dazai as he
suddenly stood right up from his spot on the
bench. Doubled down with his arms clenching
his stomach really tight. "I've probably had
too much now I got a stomach ache. Atsushi-
kun my digestive system and I are at its limits
the Agency hopes are on you now!" He ran off
as you stood up too. "I realised that my katana
isn't sharpen I'm going to go find a good rock."
Wow great one, nice excuse to make it not
seem you and Dazai aren't gonna do anything
at all. Not that you would consider it either.

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