|•Chapter 33:Rain•|

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Second Person POV

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Second Person POV

"You know you didn't have to come with me."
Walking through the rain as you had forgotten
an umbrella and natural so did Dazai.
"We have to stick in pairs plus I can't let you get
hurt again, can I? At least wear my coat even
though it's pretty drench you'll still be warm."
He sat it on your shoulders quietly thanking him
as the both of you weren't that far from the
restaurant it's only a few more houses down.
"Here we are." Pulling out a key to the gate
opening it walking through the garden leading
to the back door of a Ramen place. Stopping
under the over hanging removing your shoes,
as someone had pulled you back into the rain.
"Dazai?!"He held your arm his eyes half lidded
gazing down at your e/c ones.

"Isn't this the perfect moment to kiss?"Hinting
to you using his other hand to hold your jaw up
in place. Why did he act like this all of a sudden
and in public out of all places. "We're being
followed and I like to put on a show for them
before we go in."Leaning in cold lips on yours
tasting the coffee he had earlier from Uzumaki
cafe. Your hand went into his hair which was
all messy and soaking wet. Pulling back for air
as he looked back to where the person was
as they were now gone.


"Afternoon Okaasan and Otousan."Greeting
your parents who always worked hard
"Hey Y/n! Oh and hello Dazai."Your mother
greeted you two she smiled all giddy seeing
you have his coat on while being drenched.
"You two will get sick let me get some towels,
Honey! Your daughter and her boyfriend are
here!" She called out to your father heading
off to get some towels as the tall man himself
entered the back room of the restaurant.

"Nice to see you two, dating yet by any chance?"
He was teasing you yet again. "No, Dazai why
don't you go eat while I get my stuff." Heading up
the stairs as you left the two there. "She
seems more frail and injured, big fight with that
organisation popping up?"He asked Dazai as the
bandage man nods. "Yep she stills beat there
asses though."He answered him evening though
you and your father weren't biologically
related he saw bits and piece of him in you,
personality and strengths.

Walking past your mother as you thank her for
the towel before entering your bedroom which
you hardly come back to sleep in at all. Usually
you would sleep at the Agency on the couch
or bring a futon for your apartment at the
Agency you've yet to fully move in to. Picking up
the duffle bag in the corner packing a hand
gun, loaded magazines, clothes, combat boots, a
knife, medical and sanitary products. Removing
your sword from the belt sitting on your waist
as strapping that to the bag as well drying
yourself down while heading downstairs.

Hearing Dazai complain about how hot
the food he had was,mumbling to god for him
to stop. "Oi, I'm done packing let's go. Sure
Otousan will pack that in a container for you
now hurry up." "Yes Okaasan."Slapping him
right across the head. "We're the same age
so don't call me old!"


Standing in the old lecture hall as Dazai had
you write what he relayed to you earlier on the chalkboard so everyone else would get the
plan. As the President had entered forcing
everyone to turn their heads to his direction
"Listen up everyone!A few days ago war was
avoidable now that bridge has burned down. On
one hand we have the Mafia coming at us and
on the over the Guild is trying to take over us.
We must safeguard the agency under this
two-front attack. Dazai-san and L/n-san
elaborate." He along with everyone else
took their seats as you brought over
the chalk board.

"Gotcha. Y/n you go do the first half."He handed
over the taking to you thanks a lot. "Alright
then, the Guild possesses formidable capital
while the Mafia has an advantage with the
amount of men and women they have. No matter which side we engage open conflict with we'll be
beaten up slugs, so we'll arrange our offence
and defence into different personnel. Basically
holding our own against them with guerilla
tactics mixed with some assassin tactics."
Finishing off your part as Dazai nodded
taking over the next part.

"The defence team's objective is to protect
doctor Yosano with the healing ability we'll be
able to go all out without worrying too much
about our own lives. On that team will be
Yosano of course along with Ranpo, Kenji and
the President himself. Than our offence is
divided into two teams, Team A with Kunikida-
kun and Tanizaki-kun that has his camouflage
ability. Than team B with my nullifier as the
respective we'll easily take out enemies from
our side, Atsushi and Y/n will accompany due
to having high level of combat experience. Plus
if necessary we might need gods luck." He
finished explaining the teams objectives.

"Though the true main objective off the operation
is to ensure the seclusion of our base. Since if
they use all their ability users to storm the place
the defence team will have a tough time."Taking
your seats as the it was now the Presidents turn
"Out of the three organisations, only one can
possibly survive. If we don't fight it we die!
This is a war of abilities among the three

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