|•Chapter 43:Forgiveness•|

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Second Person POV

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Second Person POV

The car ride back was awkward, the silence
was drowning the both of you. He didn't know
what to say since yet to given you an apology,
though you were bitter as tea with sugar. Eight
years you've known each other and four years ago
is when things between you two got intimate.
You both knew each too well to break off what
ever you had not even wanting to do it. He'd
insisted you stay the night and than get Yosano to check up on you in the morning, agreeing with
him following him to his apartment. Slipping
your shoes off as you entered surprised
that he had kept the place clean and organised 
watching him pull out a small table and two
small cushions placed on the opposite ends.

"Sit down."Beckoned you, nodding setting down
the bags full of takeaway as he set down
another bag full of snacks.

"You know if we don't talk about this, we're never gonna make things up. Personally it's killing
me at the moment."He groaned handing you a
plate, bowl, chopsticks and a soup spoon.
"I can tell."Pusing over the bag of his food to the
other end as he sat down as well. He took a deep breath, he made himself easy to read tonight.
"How do I start, just saying sorry won't work.
Well first off I know I'm an asshole for what I did
and probably know I should have said
something else." Humming in agreement,
opening the container full of Morioka Reimena scooping it into the small soup bowl.

"Secondly I won't blame you if you don't want to be
my friend or be intimate anymore. And the last
point is if we do decide what our relationship is
after this, just don't share my secrets and I'll do
the same for your secrets."Seeing his brows
furrow slightly, not touching his food at all.
"Plus I'm a big hypocrite here for saying stuff I am
as well, I felt like haven't changed much. Your
none of that you actually did change, more out
going, talk to people easily. Just a better person
than I am in general."Looking up to him as he
still had the same eyes that you remembered
the way Odasaku described him.

"So is this it? Or are you going to say something?"
He asked feeling panic rise through him.
"Osamu, I don't want to end what we have
because to be honest I wouldn't have the guts
to do it. So... For that I forgive you."Softly you
smiled at him and he gave you a real smile back,
having a content of joy.


"Well that was good,wasn't it?"Dazai set his
chopsticks down as you'd already finished your
food and the bubble tea he had gotten you.
"Yeah, I'm gonna shower now."Standing up rummaging through his closet for a clean towel
and maybe some clothes, remembering you
once accidentally left some. Of course Dazai
washed them but he forgot and continued
forgot honestly you did forget about it
as well.

"Can I join?"He asked teasingly seeing him
smirk too. "No, I may forgive you but don't push it."Finally finding your training bra, looking
through the other draws grabbing clean boxers
and sweat pants that you knew he never wear
or barely wear it at all. In the corner of your
eyes seeing him pout as you walked into his
bathroom, slowly stripping your clothes off.
Internally you we're screaming from the pain in
your arms, upper torso and leg basically
everywhere to begin with.

"Y/n!" Jolting turning to see Dazai grinning at
you as he slowly walked closer and closer.
"What are you doing?! I said no joining."Splaying
your hands out on his chest distancing you
both from each other's bodies. "I'm joining you,
plus you won't need to take that stupid
nullification medication. Your also in pain not
hard to tell, so may I?"He asked holding your
arm, nodding as he undid the bandages moving
to your other arm, to your lower torso softly
tugging it knowing he was purposely
taking it off slowly.

"Hurry up"Grabbing his hand pulling it off.
"I'm just admiring nothing wrong with that."He
gave you an innocent grin before kneeling down to
your legs tugging the last bit of bandages around
your thigh and knee eyes not leaving you.

"Now that's done want to unravel me as well?"
That cheeky bastard,pushing it right now yet you
couldn't stop him for doing it. "I'm joking. Jeez
don't give me that glare."He chuckled nervously,
you looked to the side not even going to
watch him undress himself.

"You can look now just eyes up,Y/n."Feeling
your cheeks heat up from the teasing though it
was fair he got his share of doing the teasing,
for now. Turning to meet his eyes rich dark
honey pools staring at you as he leaned in closer
to you supporting himself onto the glass shower
frame by one arm. Whilst the other trailed
smoothly up your back stopping at the clasp
of your bra, that gaze he gave you half
lidded eyes.

"Can I?"He leaned down whispering huskily
feeling his breathing linger gently on your ear.
"You may."Nodding feeling him unclasping it
feeling his hand trail down your sides resting
on your hip massaging into the hip bone with
his thumb. "I'll take off the rest."Pushing him
away gently giving him an awkward smile as
he chuckled at you. "If you say so."He teased
throwing a sly noticeable wink, looking away as
you took off the rest of your under garments.


"That should be warm enough."Dazai sang out as
he had a semi decent appartment but it
probably needed some working on or a full on renovation. Feeling him splash the water
onto you. "What was that for? The water is
perfectly fine." Huffing out as you went to
remove your gloves, a hand stopped you looking
up to meet his eyes. "I'll do it."Running his hand
over your  wrist moving the fabric up with his
thumb then bring it up to his face pinching it off
with his teeth. Doing the same with his over
hand as he discarded the gloves wherever.

"Shall we?"He opened up the glass door pulling you inside the water already running off your bodies.
Trailing his hands to your sides with your back
facing towards him while washing your own
body clean. His touch leaving a tickling sensation sending shivers throughout, he smirked leaning
down feeling his breath against your neck. Hand brushing your damp hair to the side naturally
you leaned your neck to the side to give him
more room to work with, lips battering
gently onto your skin.

He was being gentle as if he were handling you
as the finest tea cup to be made, his tongue
traced patterns as he worked on one area of
your neck. Putting you mind into an easing blank, teeth now grazing into the soft sensitive flesh
then sucking a little. Feeling him smile boyishly
like as if he were proud his fine work he did
dark honey pools etching onto to you. Inspecting
your neck telling that he was smirking to
himself a little too worrying.

"What about another mark? But maybe I put it
somewhere more noticeable?"Turning you to
face him, it was like all oxygen was cut off as
your eyes meets his. The way he looked at you was different than he usual ever did. There's some
other meaning to him tonight nothing that an
simple dictionary could explain so what was to?
"So my love what do you say?"

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