|•Chapter 47:No Time to Dine•|

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Second Person POV

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Second Person POV

The dinner so far was filled with laughs, flirting
and the occasional compliments. Dazai asking
how your day was and you asking about his too.
"To be honest I wasn't expecting you to be dressing
in anything other than your work clothes."Pouring yourself another glass of wine, how many have
you had so far? You lost count but still felt
pretty sober and so did Dazai, maybe it pays
off to drink so young even though that's
probably not good for you.

"Well I am full of surprises."He placed on hand on
his cheek resting his head there while his other
hand was holding his glass of wine. Swishing
it around with his fingers eyes not leaving you at
all. Dazai honestly looked so good, like it was
looking at a painting that was hard to take eyes
off being cladded in a black suit was a bonus
honestly. "Y/n, your staring."He teased smirking
a little adverting your eyes to the paintings
the restaurant had hanged up.

"You wish."Taking a sip of wine as he chuckled,
you looked over at him again, he moved his
head up. Taking a sip of the wine; seeing his
Adam's Apple bobbing as he drunk it down.
Feeling your cheeks burn up a little knowing he
did it on purpose, looking away again seeing
that shit eating grin plastered onto his face.
"Maybe I was staring at you, what about it?"
Gulping down the wine, that was definitely your
last one. "Nothing, want desert or are we going
to mine?" You knew what he was referring too immediately . "Let's go to yours."Whispering
forming a smirk on your face as he chuckled
leaning in closer. "Can't wait for it, Ma'am!"
Calling out to the waitress "Desert or are you
ready to pay?"She asked to be honest she was
actually pretty almost reminded you of Yosano
same hair cut but just no bangs wait...

"This should cover it, oh it's you Rin Saeko!"
Looking over you saw she died her hair with a
two toned look. She looked way younger despite
being a year younger than you were yourself.

"Hey how are you, Rin?"Asking her not minding
to make small chit chat wouldn't hurt at
all right. "Good actually just started the job and
you, are you finally going on a date with him?"
She leaned down whispering into your ear
nodding as answer. "Yeah well maybe we should
catch up soon... Here I'll give you my number
or just come by to the Agency sometime soon."Scribbling your phone number down on a napkin patting her on the shoulder gently.

"Well we got to go cya!"Dazai waved pulling you
up quickly but gently by the wrist for some odd
reason he didn't get a great feeling from her at all
"Bye you two have a great night, talk soon again
right Y/n!" She waved right back to you
"Yeah, soon I hope...."


"Wait I'll open up your door!"Dazai quickly ran
out of the car jogging to your side, opening the
car door for your. Grabbing your gloved hand
pulling you out having your bodies pressed right against each other. Looking up at him he had a
half lidded look mouth cocked up into a smirk,
using his hand to brush the wavy strands to the
side. He placed a kissed on your neck letting
his lips linger on the skin for a moment
breath brushing.

"Osamu we should at least get inside."Moving
his head away from your neck seeing how
annoyed he just got at you for that sending you a
bit of a glare. Hands now  sitting right on your
hips. "Jump."He huskily demanded, nodding
you wrapped your thighs around his waist area.
One hand gripped his forearm the other gently
taking through his hair fingers slipped in multiple
strands. While he got slightly more touchy hand cupping by the side of your breast the other
placed on the side of you thighs digging
in his fingers a little.

Lips were latched on to yours, slipping his tongue
in tasting the wine you had from the restaurant
it was sweet and to put it simply addicting to taste.
He groaned into your mouth, managing his way
back to his appartment stopping for moment lips
still hovering yours. His hands momentarily going through the pockets of his suit jacket and pants hearing the keys jingle, quickly unlocking the door. Shutting it close having your body pressed against
it seeing his lazy smirk and hooded eyes etching
into yours. Taking both your shoes off, each
other's hands fumbled against your clothing.

"Kiss me Y/n, I need to taste you."He whispered
placing your lips onto his, he was letting you having the control which you absolutely didn't mind.
Bitting his lower lip hearing him groan as he let
you have access, slipping your tongue in tasting
him the wine he had along with the whiskey. It
left a sweet and bitter taste, not even realising it
you'd undone his belt and pants along with taking
his jacket off. Leaving the buttons of his shirt
undone you were in some trance almost.

Removing yourself off him, fingers hooking under
his tie dragging him onto his bed landing on his
lap, thighs straddling his hips. Grinding yourself
on him; leaning down to his neck fervently tracing kisses on the skin, hearing his breathing go
completely erratic. Knowing he was complete
weak fool for neck kisses and hickies. Smirking
at how he reacted to it and how he could so easily dominate you right now if he wanted to. Focusing
on working on his neck marking him to, he could
feel your breath. Teeth softly bitting his skin
and the kisses now he was in a complete bliss
so weak to the core of his body.

"Mhm, we're almost done now Osamu."Whispering against his ear finishing off the first initial going
onto the second one waiting for each mark
to darken enough for it to be noticeable. Pulling
your head back up smirking at the work like
some masterpiece; he gulped watching your arms
stretch to the back of your dress sliding it off.
"You've been so good, time for your reward."
Fingers unbuttoning each button revealing the bandages wrapped across his chest and neck.

Tracing over the scars carefully, this man was
seriously the embodiment of sexy, if someone
asked you one way to describe the word it was him.
Pulling down his pants and boxers, sliding down
onto him letting yourself adjust to him starting
to rock your hips once you did. Couldn't help
yourself to let out a few moans, seeing Dazai's
face contort in pleasure leaning closer desperate
for a kiss, it was the death of him.

"Come here please."He groaned out chuckling
pulling him by his tie bring him closer to yourself.
"You seriously liked being tugged by the neck?"
Pressing your lips onto his, tongue slipping into
his mouth dominating him with absolute ease.
Hands splayed onto your lower back his hips
buckled against your own, pulling yourself back
"I'm going to come." He groaned realising
you doing the same seconds after.

"Fuck."He cursed, pushing yourself up gathering
some strength to walk over to the bathroom.
"What are you doing?"He asked watching your
form trail off to the bathroom, his face dusted
with a little pink as he breathed in and out heavily.
"Cleaning up, why you wanna join?"Throwing him
a wink as the door shut behind you,he ran his
hands through his hair muttering curses.

"She's the death of me, it felt like I called into
a siren's trap now I can't get out."

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