|•Chapter 24:Seek and Hunt•|

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Second Person POV

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Second Person POV

Walking into the western styled restaurant
as you and Dazai were meet by the chief.
"Oh, hello. What can I get you two?"He greeted
with a smile, this was the place we're Oda
had taken in the orphans he's saved. The food
was actually really good, to degree you could
understand why the man frequents the place.
"Two bowls of curry." Answering hanging up
your coats as you took a stool with Dazai
taking the one next to you. With the sounds
of children screaming and laughing from
up stairs making you wonder what was
happening. Waiting patiently for the food as
it didn't take him too long to prepare it.

"Here." The chief set the bowls of curry down
taking the spoonful and quickly blowing
on it as you begin eating. Dazai on the
other hand had trouble eating the hot and
spicy dish. "Hot! This is too hot. Did you add
lava as the secret ingredient or something?"
He asked as the chief just let out a laugh.
"Odasaku-kun eats that all the time."He stated
as the man himself entered the restaurant.
"How are the orphans?" Curious to know what
those kids were up to since the last time
you them. Knowing they were troublesome.
Remembering when they had tied you because
you didn't give them enough piggy back rides
and the Chief needed to go out and Oda was
busy at the time. You weren't particularly good
with kids so in the end Dazai had came and laughed
taking various photos of you before untying you.

"The same as usual." Oda answered
"Are those kids the ones who lost their parents
in the Ryuuzu dispute two years ago?" Dazai asked
as the man took a seat on the opposite side
of him. He on the other hadn't spent time with
them, being more busied with things than you.
"Oda Sakunosuke. A member of the Mafia
who never kills, you have no interest not moving
up and take care of orphans. You sure are
strange." Dazai took another spoonful of curry
when you think about it Oda was maybe
one of the strangest in the Mafia.

"Not as strange as you two." Oda took out a
envelope filled with money in it "Here are
the expenses for the kids for the time being."
He slid it over the table "Are you sure? I
don't mind pitching in.."The chief stated as
you got up grabbing a check book and
pen from your coat. Writing of 1,000,000 yen
and placing that down  onto of the envelope as
well. "I'm already glad that you're giving
them a place to stay and as long as I get to eat
the curry here whenever I want, I don't need
anything else."Oda had insisted on it as the
suicidal executive kept complaining about
the hot curry.

"And you two came here concerning about that
thing right?"He asked the both of you
"Yes, we've both come to the conclusion that
they are an organisation of gifted members
from overseas. They we're being chased by a
gifted agency called the Order of  the Clock
Tower, and came scurrying to Japan."
Explaining it to him in the simplest way. Dazai
and you had debated on it yesterday in the office.
It wasn't until three in the morning when you
finally agreed on a conclusion as to who they
were exactly. "And what did these guys come
all the way to Japan for?" Oda questioned it
more and more "They've escaped a foreign land so maybe something was already here..."Dazai concluded "That's possible...but there's one
thing that bugs me about that."He spoke "It's
that the soldiers are too skilled right?"Wondering
how they were almost on par with you.

"They're former soldiers... According to
information, their leader uses a powerful gift to
command veteran soldiers." Dazai had explained
it this was the part he hadn't inform you about.
So he wasted your time for nothing yesterday.
"Powerful gift? Does the boss know?"Oda asked
"I reported it to him. Then he ordered us to
come up with an anti-Mimic strategy and
command the front I already have traps set up." Dazai stated as his tone became more
darkening in a way. The conversation started
to become more serious by each passing

"I'm go in to ask the both of you something
rather rudimentary, but if it's an international
criminal organisation with gifted members,
wouldn't this be a matter for the government agency?" Oda questioned as the answer for
this was simple. Yet at the same time it wasn't.
"Are you referring to the Ministry of Home
Affairs Supernatural Special Operations? They
won't show up unless the situation is rather
extreme. Becuase technically they don't
exist to the outside world." Dazai answered; there
was no proof, unless you were to dig deeper. But
even for the Mafia that is extremely risky. The only
person who may be able to contact them is Mori.
"What about Ango?"Oda had to know about
that man who's practically deemed a traitor
in your own book.

"It's basically confirmed that he was the one to
leak the storage unit."Dazai murmured
looking over at you who didn't seem like they
we're going to take any shit from anyone today.
If he did betray the Mafia he betrayed your
trust, you won't be afraid to carry on
the tradition of what happens to traitors
like him. Dazai's phone suddenly ringing
most likely one of his subordinates

"It's me." He answered it
"Understood."Watching the smile grow on
his face as he hung up on the phone.
"A mouse fell into one of my traps."


Walking down to the torture chambers as
the both of you were guided by Rin your
assistant or as you call her Saeko-san both
of you had some weird rivalry. "The both of you
won't like what's happened but I wasn't there
so they can explain." Rin spoke stepping to the
side of the entrance of the chamber seeing
three hooded bodies laying limp. Everyone has
their heads hung low, already knowing they
we're screwed for mucking up an easy task.
At this point you should've done it yourself.

"We'd like an explanation..."Dazai's voice
harshly rang through the chamber as he kept
his back towards both of your guy's subordinates
while you faced them for observation reasons.
Though Dazai seemed like he wasn't taking
any shit today either this case wasn't even fun
as it use to be. "We captured Mimic's vanguard
that attacked the casino with the knockout gas
as planned. One of them committed suicide but
we brought the other three here. We were
planning to make them talk about the others.
We even remove the poison hidden in their teeth."
His subordinate explained. At least they did one
thing right this time.

"We know that. Because it's was apart of Dazai's
plan. What we want to know is what happened
after that..."Drawing put your blade, pointing it
to the one who was brave enough to speak up.
"Or will I have to hack your limbs off until
someone will give us a proper explanation."
Electricity begun to crackle through the room.

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