|•Chapter 50:Despair & Denial•|

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Warning:Will be mentioning of drugging also a Spoiler warning to the manga a certain DOA member may appear in this chapter

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Warning:Will be mentioning of drugging
also a Spoiler warning to the manga a
certain DOA member may appear in
this chapter

Third Person POV

Dazai's hear dropped at what he heard, ten hours of you gone missing and the last person you were
with was Rin fucking Saeko he was so angry at himself now. Glass was scattered everywhere from the bag he dropped containing alcohol she had favourited "
What do you mean she's gone missing!" He gripped Akutagawa's shirt the one chosen to break the saddening news to him, realising the way everyone
was looking at him as he let go of the shirt.
Sliding himself down against the wall, he couldn't
cry it would be pathetic for him to do that
when your not the one comforting him.

"Dazai-san we all know how important to you she
is but we need to remain calm so we can-"He interrupted the poor boy but his emotions were
getting to him puppeteering his words out of him.
"I know but you don't know how important she really is to me, she's more than a friend. She's someone
I love dearly, someone holding the pieceof my
heart together. Is that what you all want me
to admit now!"He confessed as the h/c woman's phone broke the silence as it was sitting there
on the table, making him run to get it.

"I'm surprised you answered to the sorrowful
state your in Dazai-san."He knew that voice
instantly. "What the fuck have you done with my woman?" Dazai breathed trying not to raise his
voice as he set the phone on speaker beckoning
Atsushi to write down every word that's being
exchanged between them. "I haven't do anything
but he will."Fyodor spoke, "Who the hell is he?
What's he doing to her?"He asked needing to be
giving answers right now. "Her creator, you do
know she's just like a mere doll but you still love
her, why? Is it out of sympathy?" The demon
asked him clearly being insensitive towards
the man's feelings, giving the woman
objective descriptions.

"I will get you into hell, son of a bitch."He cursed
him. "Oh that won't be easy, tell your President
or even let your old Boss know or actually letting anyone else that isn't the that room with you
know. I will kill her and give you her head serve
on a plater."He had hunged up as Dazai almost
broke the phone as Yosano took it away as Atsushi
lead him to sit down, right now they had no idea
on what to do in order to get her back without
any foreign help. They were backed into a
dead end, ever so helplessly


Fyodor had just hunged up on the man moving
hand away from the h/c woman's mouth
preventing her to scream as he had called Dazai.
She felt pain that she couldn't do anything, chained
up to a wall her body was weakened with numerous drugs. "How does it feel having drugs that work
on you?" He asked her as she now had her head
hung low, "Not going to talk huh? Maybe you will
once I bring him in, you know Shibusawa?"He
casual let the name slipped out making her drive
her head up in panic she felt the fear from
fourteen years ago.

Anything but that man, not him.

"Choked on your words?"He said as three knocks
on the door were suddenly made; causing him to
make his way over, opening it to reveal the white
hair man. Pushing a trolley of experimental
trinkets and devices. "Nice to see you again, Y/n.
Don't worry my precious doll I'll free you from the
pain just give me a sec-" "Get the fuck away from
me, I don't want to be your guinea pig for your experiments ever again!" H/c woman screamed
trying to free her self from the chains she's
binded to. Yet her limbs went limp.

"Quiet now, this will all be over soon."Shibusawa stated readying the needle with a mysterious deep
red liquid that swirled within. Taking deep strides towards her as she squirmed around not holding
still at all. "Nikolai hold her down."Fyodor order
as the woman felt a glove hand come from behind
and cover over her mouth, arm wrapping over
her legs keeping the woman in place as the
needle got injected. "Sleep now."The white hair
man spoke as she was lulled into a force asleep,
the clown letting her go. All she thought about
at that moment was Osamu Dazai and how
she'll maybe not see him again. That the very
words she wanted to say to him remaine unspoken.

Accepting her fate as maybe she'll try again in
another life where she wasn't born like this, the
luck of he black cat. "Now to remove these I suggest you two leave the room now while I conduct my experiment."He commanded Nikolai and Fyodor
as they abided with it; the man removed the gloves
off the woman's hands activating the true power
she had been holding these years. "Oh how
beautiful of a creation you are, it's a a shame that
you won't exist for much longer." He murmured
whilst tracing his finger over her arm along the
glowing markings on her skin.

Back to Dazai

"Dazai-san please rest most of the others are."
Atsushi pointed to the others resting in the lounge
area asleep and exhausted from coming up with
ideas, but Dazai hummed as he was trying figuring
out something or more like  things. One was how
he could formulate this team to work with having
the Port Mafia there in the appartment. The other
was getting his woman back alive also the last
one was the part we're Fyodor called her a doll,
it confused him. She felt real to him.

"Atsushi, what's your opinion synthetic humans?"
He asked him as the boy became confused for
a moment, he wasn't exactly educated on these
kind of things. "I don't know but doesn't it mean
she's made out of chemical substance?"He
answered trying to just go along with the tired
man's thinking process. "I guess but I want to
know how she seems so real honestly I'm probably
just over thinking it and need to go to sleep."
He rubbed his forehead as the boy watched him
rest his head on the table as he went grabbing
a blanket for the man." Sleep well Dazai-san,
we'll make sure to help you get back Ms Y/n for
you and us as well."Placing the soft material
over the man's shoulders.

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