|•Chapter 23:Betrayed Trust•|

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Second Person POV

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Second Person POV

"I've heard that complaint a million times,
more importantly about this attack. Who are
they?"Oda asked he was curious to know
though you think that one day being curious
will kill. As he now had his back both facing
yours. "Look at his waist. He's slinging an old
pistol, see? It's called a Graugeist. Given its
an old European pistol,it has low firing
rate and accuracy. So it only serves as in fire
warning shots in alleyways like these. It's
probably some sort of emblem for them of some 
sort, indicating who they are."Explaining it to
him as he turned to face your backs.

"And who are they?" He asked again
"Mimic." "Mimic?"He repeated he wanted to
know no it was more like he had the urge
and need to know. "I'm still investigating the
specifics. But maybe we'll find something
out from the fact they had a sniper watching
Anglo's room."Dazai spoke looking over at you nodding, meaning to let him take over
with the explaining. "They wanted to retrieve
this safe." Oda stated turning to now face
him holding a small box

"Safe?"Dazai turned as well.
"It was in Ango's room. But there's no key, so I
can't open it."He explained to us. "Oh, that?"
Dazai pulled out what appeared to be a bobby
pin twisting it out of its original shape
"Let me try." Oda handed him the box letting
the executive do is lock picking. "Opened it."
The box made a small click opening it to reveal
the same old gun that the hooded men had
been carrying. "Oi! Why? You said this was like
their emblem a sign of who they are... If Ango
has on, it means..."He trailed off speaking in
a more angered tone.

This would be the only time you would use your
ability to hear the thinking of his mind.
"This alone is inconclusive. Ango may have taken
this from them, or they may have planted this
to implicate him."Dazai concluded which you
had your doubts about this all together.
"But Odasaku. I'll tell you this one thing I've
noticed. Yesterday when we were drinking at the
bar, Ango said he was back from a deal,
remember? That's probably a lie." The
executive shut the safe closed.

"What do you mean."Acting as if you weren't
thinking the same as he was. "You saw his bag
right? From top to bottom, it had cigarettes, a
folding umbrella, a camera and his prized
antique watch. The umbrella had been used
and wrapped up in cloth. And his work was to
Tokyo where it had rained."Dazai explained
himself. "So his umbrella was wet because
it was raining where he went. What's odd
about that?"Oda asked, he's in denial.

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