|•Chapter 42:Teaser•|

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Dazai POV

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Dazai POV

Watching your hands grip the wheel while
parallel parking in the quiescent street. Not
many people were hanging around near
midnight but atleast a lot of takeaway places
were open. "Your so concentrated, it's cute."
Her eyebrows furrowed glancing to me than
shaking her head in slight disappointment,
I just chuckled. "Whatever, still haven't forgiven you."She huffed whilst having her hair
fixed into a bun leaving strands messily out,
not having it tonight the usual. "You will after
tonight, promise you."Holding my pinky out
to her, causing her roll her eyes wrapping pinky
her with mine. My heart pounding against
my chest, though this situation would get
awkward from time to time.

"Alright Mr.Bandages, better give me a roller
coaster ride tonight."Letting go of my pinky,
winking, which caught me off guard. Making
me remember she too can be a tease.
"Look at you, so dumbfounded is that blush."
Laughing out at me while we both got out of the
car. "Okay, okay I'm sorry. Just excited to use
your wallet instead of mine tonight, now let's
go I need something to eat after all that."Fixing
my coat around her body to warm up. Letting
her walk up ahead, running my fingers through
my hair. It felt like she loved to torture me.

"Maybe this is the only painful death I'll
actually like to commit to."Tucking my hand
into my trouser pockets catching up to her.


"What do you want?"Leaning against the counter
watching her doe eyes trace over the menu.
The e/c in them glisten whenever she saw
something liked or wanted to try and eat.
Glancing up to me then to the side at the pot
plant then back at me. "Stop adverting your gaze
I'll walk off while you order tell the man
that'll I'll come and pay. Also just get me some
stir fry, thank you darling." Walking off to the
corner as she begun to order, honestly I don't
care how much she wanted to eat that's what
I hated she wasn't comfortable with these
sorts of things but I'll wait.

"You can come and pay now, Osamu."She
beckoned me over to her my eyes gapped at the
price. "That'll be ¥8105.89, cash or card?"He
asked me. "Card."Pulling my phone out holding
it against the reader as it made the little ring
noise indicating that the money went through.
"The food should be ready in thirty minutes so
feel free to take a table and wait."Nodding at
the man who was most likely the owner.
"You go sit down, Y/n I'm going to go somewhere
real quick."Pulling out the table chair from
behind the both of us, then pushing it
back in  once she sat on it.

Taking her hand into mine. "Call me once you
get the food."Placing a kiss quickly before
leaving her there dumbfounded and
confused for a moment.


"Jeez it's cold but the convenience store should be
right up ahead."Looking up to the glowing LED
sign slightly glaring my vision as I entered now
just needed to get all the snacks you liked, truth
was my Apple Pay was connected to Kunikida's
bank account instead of mine so there was no
worry. Greeting the woman at the cash register
seeing her blush and wave back, typical reaction
as always. "Please tell me they have the cake."
Walking over to the refrigerated shelving with all
the baked sweets and savoury pastries scanning
my eyes over for one particular cake.

"There it is."Picking up the small package
container of strawberry shortcake, she was
probably going to ridicule 'e for spoiling you too
much. Next was the drinks, heading over to
the bubble tea area which had everything pre
made so putting together something she would
like to drink wouldn't be so hard. Grabbing
the largest cup filling it up with lychee flavoured
tea remembering how much she liked it when
she first tried the drink. Next was to put in the
tapioca pearls and ice, the fun part next was
to seal it great.

"Place you right there, don't grow legs."Placing
the cake onto the bench, grabbing a lid because
for some damn reasoning the sealing machine
wasn't working great now I gotta make sure this
doesn't spill on me or everywhere in general.
"The things I do for this woman, makes me crazy."
Running my hand through my hair hearing
my phone ring, grabbing it out to check it
as she had texted me.

Y/n<3:The food is ready,currently carrying like three bags back to the car.So meet you there.

Smiling to myself noticing the lady at the register
had her eyes on me the whole god damn time.
Oh I was gonna have fun with this, pressing the
call option on her contact as she picked up.
"Hey Y/n Darling."Pouring la-di-da into my voice
flickering my eyes to see the lady shocked as
I smirk this was working so easily as expected.
"Hey Dazai, why did you call?"She asked hearing
the car unlock in the background.

"No particular reason just needed to hear you
voice. Anyways what's your favourite snacks
again?" Picking up the cake on the bench holding
my phone up with my shoulder whilst walking
down the isle full to the brim with snacks.
"I thought you know I don't particularly have any favourites."Hearing the hint of amusement
"Just making sure you remember yourself." 
Grabbing whatever chip packets and sweets all
she would ever told me when she asked was
you had none or just nothing mint
flavoured at all.

"Well I should be there soon,just got to pay for something.Bye uhh lov-" Shehung up on me which
I was thankful because I almost said something
I shouldn't, running my hand through my hair
tonight was so stressful so far. Heading over to the
the lady at the register setting everything down
"How's your day sir?"She asked whilst
scanning everything, she'd lean her body
forwards revealing cleavage causing me to scowl.
"It was good."Giving her a fake smile,deserved
"That's all."Battering her eyelashes at me oh
god they were clumpy with mascara.

"Yep, in a bag please."Trying to maintain myself
"Thank you enjoy your day, ring me up when
your available. Because you seem pent-"
"No thank, I'm in a loving relationship. She is
way better and more beautiful than you so for
the love of god stop flirting."Snatching the bag as
I walked out, first time I've been annoyed at a
woman, though why did I say that?

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