|•Chapter 41:Stick Together•|

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Dazai's POV

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Dazai's POV

'If I step in too late, you'll die. Your call' I wasn't
willing to get anyone else hurt but this was the
only option letting Chuuya beat that thing
while I scout out for her. She was still in her full
ability form hanging between life and death,
now way was I letting you die without me
proving how sorry I am for what I've done.
Too me you were a fresh brew of black coffee
bitter but sweet once sugar was added in,
hot yet cold personality wise, refreshing when
times we're tiring and tough.

No way would I let you die without saying
how much I love you otherwise I wouldn't live
with the though of not telling you, no other
women was like you at all.

"Y/n L/n please be alive."Scouring out the
forest following the bloody trail lightly scattered
everywhere, beguiling white light came from
the west. I carried my feet over no matter how
much it hurt all I needed was to see you, alive
and good. "Fuck!"Cursing to myself almost
tripping I'm getting closer and closer the light
was getting brighter and bright as I went. My
blood was now rushing in relief at the sight....
"There you are!"Running over to her and
hugging her close to me; there was a pulse
it's all what mattered, she alive.

"I was fucking scared,that I was going to lose you." Kissing the top of her head knowing she was unconscious. Watching the white marks
disappear off her body keeping you close to
me it was comforting to be like this.


"Destroy it Chuuya."Coming out to the clearing
setting you by the tree away from him watching
the short ginger beat that monster. Crunching
of leaves being heard turning to see the same
blonde from earlier near her resting form.
"You know loser from the Guild. Put your hands
on her your fucking dead, see that is Chuuya's
ultimate form same with the one she took on
earlier both can kill alright."Pressing the knife
to the blondes throat.

Watching him manipulate black-red orbs
throwing them at the tentacles of the enemy.
"In his "tainted state he can manipulate
surrounding gravitations like how she can
manipulate surrounding electricity she could
esorb the very electricity flowing in your body."
This was all probably sending chills in this
mans very body. "Back to him who can increase
the very density of his body, crush a tanks
with his bare hands. The projections made of compressed gravitations made up from all
matter, however neither have full control of
their bodies in such a state once activated it's
like their minds shut off." Looking over to
see the tentacles regen.

"Still what on earth are those things as that
things colleague surely you'll know."Hinting at
him. "Even if I do, I have no reason to tell you."
Hearing the smirk lace in his voice, what a drag.
"Oh dear, he's now at his limits too."Seeing
Chuuya has gotten into a more berserk stage.
"Unfortunately for you, Lovecraft can't be
destroyed from the outside."The blonde
chuckled. "So he can be destroyed from the
inside then." Pressing the detonator setting the
planted bomb off. "Now you can finish it off Chuuya."Watching him throw projections
around maybe I should go over and stop him.

Sneaking up behind him gripping his arm
"The enemy has already been destroyed, so now
rest Chuuya."Nullify his ability as he collapsed
down to the ground muttering insults to me.
"Atleast it was funny."Crouching down to his
height. "Make sure you take me to the extraction
point."He lightly punched my chest smiling
at his now sleeping form.

"Leave it to me partner."Getting up heading
back over to where the blonde man was
"Who the hell are you?"He asked me wow wasn't
it clearly obvious to him,I hope atleast.
"The enemy of the baddies, I guess."


After bringing Q to the extraction point
obviously leaving Chuuya behind with his
stuff carrying her was enough for me honestly.
"Now where is it."Ruffling through
her pant pockets searching for the car keys.
"There they are."Unlocking the car's back door
gently putting her  into a comfortable resting
position in the back seat. Since her legs being
lengthy made it difficult for me but I'll just
suck it up it's her here after all.

Placing my coat over her to act as a blanket
"Welp now it's time to take this baby for a spin." Shutting the door twirling the keys around
my finger entering taking the drivers seat at
least I wouldn't have to adjust the seat unlike in Chuuya's car, short ass bastard. Letting the
engine rev up spinning the wheel to reverse
out of here hopefully that doesn't
wake her up.

Second Person POV

Hearing the engine of a car loudly rev, feeling 
each bump as we move wait, who was driving?
Stretching my arms up, sitting up straight
turning my head to the right seeing Dazai
was driving. "Oh your awake, sleep well?"He
asked smiling at you through the rear view
mirror adverting your gaze away from him
noticing he'd giving you his coat. "Not really you
know how I sleep." Sighing out should you
forgive him or not?

"Contemplating on forgiving me? Well you
don't need to forgive me I've been an asshole
recently too much of one especially to you."
He fished those words write from your mouth,
fucking hell. "Just keep driving."Murmuring
leaning forwards to wrap your arms around
his neck, choking up a sob. You hated the
night for making you so vulnerable like
this. Why was it easy to over share?
"You should put on a seat belt yet I can't talk
because mines not one. Also are you choking or hugging me your grip isn't tight."He pulled over
to the side of the road wrapping him with
your arms more tighter than before.

"What are you doing-"You cut him off immediately
"Shut up, I can't ignore and mess with you
longer. I hate to say it but it's killing me when
will you properly apologise Osamu?"Your voice
pouring like the most strongest and bitter liquor
into his ears he couldn't handle this either.
"Okay what about Wallet, Take-away dinner and
a massage. Also I'll take you star gazing some
time."He sighed it wasn't that hard to please a
woman well most for him it was different
when it came to you he has to figure
something else.

"You let Yosano and I do your nails,makeup and whatever. Plus be able to post it and we'll have ourselves a deal."Grinning as he turned his
head to the side as he smiled to. Even though
you were most likely going to send Chuuya
photos of him, he's willing to suffer for you.
"If it makes you happy also I have another thing
in mind that I'll give you later make
it two actually."

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