|•Chapter 46:Surprises•|

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Second Person POV

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Second Person POV

"Wait your moving into the Agency Appartment
you own!"Yosano screamed out covering her
mouth looking around to see other people staring
at you two while Ranpo went off grabbing
snacks. "Shh, your the first person to tell other
than my parents though." Slowly removing your
hand away. "Why haven't you told Dazai?"She
asked raising a brow to you, haven't talked to
him since the mission from a couple
of days ago.

"Uhh we just been too busy to talk to each other.
That's all..."Awkwardly laughing at her,raising her
brows up at you giving an unimpressed look.
"Whatever you say, kind of weird how you two
stayed at the Port's docks after sinking Moby
Dick." She muttered continuing the shopping
with the stuff for Kyouka's welcome to the Agency
party. "Yeah, Yeah. Oi! Ranpo grab stuff for
everyone else not just yourself!"Scolding him
grabbing him by the shoulders as he pouted
dumping it in the cart. "Oh calm down, want me
to tell everyone what happened down at the
docks?"He teased you glancing away from him.

"No thanks..."Muttering pushing the cart along
with Ranpo who decided to jump in, feeling your
phone buzz in the pocket of your work pants
looking to see that it was Osamu who texted you.

Osamu<3:About the date,how about tonight at diner on my money for once this time so what do you say to that?

Smiling to yourself at how cliche he could be but
pull it off so effortlessly a little ignoring Ranpo
and Yosano's looks as you slowed down pushing
the shopping cart typing up a reply to
send right back to him.

Sounds nice, so what time will it be?

Osamu<3 is typing.....

Osamu<3:6:45 alright,already made reservations for 7:20

Yeah I'm fine with that, can't wait to see you there

"So date with Dazai, huh? Didn't even tell me,
what a cheater Y/n!"Yosano dramatically let out
laughing at her antics knowing she was a bit
jealous. "Yeah, I'll let you help me get ready.
How does that sound?"Pressing a kiss on
her cheek, she smiled. "Well Dazai better be
ready for me to snag you away because
I'm going to make you ethereal."


"Hold still!"Yosano shifted your shoulders, when
you said you were going to let her help you this
wasn't the ideal tho of help you wanted. Groaning
in dread and annoyance as she curled your hair.
"This is so annoying." Muttering to yourself,
you haven't even put anything to wear on and
the clock hanging by the vanity mirror read '6:35'.
"This would've been done quicker if you hold
still now one more strand."Taking the last part of
your hair curling it then brushing it all out
a little to make it more wavy.

"Done. Now for the dress."he went through
your closet pulling out some of the dresses out.
"I know you don't like red so we can't do that plus there's other options." Throwing it somewhere
to the otherside of the bedroom.

"Black is more for clubbing, white feels basic for
a dinner date. Oh how about sage green, it's a bit
over used most people don't suit it but your not
most people are you now?"Holding up the f/c
dress. "Yeah sure."Taking it going in the
bathroom to quickly change, straining your
arms just to zip it up. Walking out you saw
her eyes light up draping over your form, the
fitting was right right but comfortable at the
same time.

"You look good now put these on." Handing
you some white kitten heels, that didn't add to
much height to you enough to be almost Osamu's.
"Now we need a pictures because I said so."
Grabbing you by the waist facing directly infront
of the mirror, pressing a kiss to your cheek as
she took it. Knocking suddenly came at you
door slipping her hand off you went to your
bedroom door seeing Dazai standing out there.
"Hey, your parents let me in."Opening the door
up as his brows furrowed, seeing that you
weren't going to get some privacy at all. His
expression changed quickly moving his arms
from around his back handing you a
bunch of flowers.

"For you, Love."He smiled, Yosano was getting
a kick out of this. "Thank you."Placing them
by your bed side table. "Well I better go, make
sure you two don't hangout too late. I'll be
snagging her for baking preps for the party
being frown for Kyouka."Yosano walked out
waving and blowing a kiss to you hearing the
door click shut and her foot steps walk away.
Dazai placed his hands on you sides leaning
himself in lingering by your ear, pressing a kiss
to the shell breath tingling there.

"You look absolutely sexy tonight, I wish we had
some time on our hands but we need to be there
ten minutes early to get out table."He whispered.
"Well maybe we could have some time after dinner.
How about your place again?"Moving yourself
away from him, heading to your closet picking out
clean clothes to bring to wear for the night
and tomorrow morning chucking it into bag.
"Let's go then, shall we?"Looping your arms into
his. "Yes we shall, My love."Intertwining his
hand into your fingers locking in with each other
firmly giving you that comforting squeeze.

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