|•Chapter 13:Mind Manipulation•|

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Second Person POV

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Second Person POV

"Victims of Yokohama's serial abduction case were found, but perished when the detective agency
conducted an independent raid. Perished..."
Atsushi read out the newspaper's description
"It was the enemies objective form the
beginning and they were trying to frame us.
With Kunikida trying to save them in the end..."
You deducted "Maybe it wasn't my time to shine, despite what Dazai said." Kunikida muttered
as the both of you turned to the man looking at
him worryingly. People try to be the hero yet
at the end of the day someone will always
die. You learnt that the hard way.

"Anyways. Where's Ms. Sasaki?"He asked
"She should be in the infirmary."You answered
blankly, not wanting to think of her.


Heading into the infirmary all you could
hear were the giggles and laughs of Sasaki and Dazai."Oh umm..." "L/n." You answered
"Thank you so much for saving me the other
day. If you hadn't come when you did, I wouldn't
be alive right now."Sasaki thanked you.
"It's my job nothing else." You had stated.
"Not to mention, you let me stay at your
residence last night." She mentioned oh no
Dazai didn't... "Where did you happen to stay Sasaki-san?" You asked as the two stayed
quiet. "My place!"Dazai answered.

"She what now?!" You whispered shouted to
yourself. "I'm...deeply indebted to Dazai-sama."
She spoke looking away hiding the tint of
blush across her cheeks. "I-is that something detectives are allowed to do?"Atsushi


"It seems Sasaki-san didn't see who it was.
She apparently fainted due to a lot of anemia."
Dazai explained as you watched him type not
even impressed by what he did bringing a woman
to his home when she's in a vulnerable state.
Late at night too which does generally make
people feel more opened about themselves.
"So is that why she fainted on the same day as
her abduction?" You asked. "Yep. I don't know
how she was abducted afterwards."He answered

"So she's your type?"Kunikida asked sending him a
glare he has to seriously ask that. "I like all
women. But Sasaki-san compared to someone
like Y/n would, Sasaki-san actually do a
double suicide with me if I were to ask which
is heavenly nice." Dazai stated really and drag
your name into this didn't he. "But what about
you Kunikida-kun?Is she your type?"He asked
the blonde man. "She's a victim in the case and
a witness. That's it." Kunikida muttered not
even wanting to put up with this even though
he started the topic.

"Well,it's how you roll. Oh, Atsushi-kun, want to read it? His ideal woman." Dazai showed the
boy Kunikida's book of ideals."You bastard!
When'd you swipe that?" The blonde barked at
him from across the desk. "Read? You mean
what's written in here?"Atsushi mutttered
flicking through the various pages remembering when you and Yosano read through it one
time was probably really regrettable. The
description of the woman sounded like a mix
of you and Yosano. Though if you were to read
it again it would definitely fit for Sasaki.
Which isn't good or bad.

"That notebook has a wide range of his
schedules, plans and ideals recorded in it. See,
like here." Dazai pointed to the page we're it
had the blonde's ideal woman written.
"Th-This is too much..."Atsushi muttered.
"You have a problem with it?" Kunikida asked
"Yes I do your too descriptive about your
ideal woman that it's entirely impossible to find someone like that as a woman it's unrealistic.
No wonder you can't get any dates after you
show a woman that page." You stated

"Oh really-" "I sympathise with your vision of a woman but... L/n-san is right." The boy
muttered the last part as. Dazai read through the
newspapers cover. "It's a vision you shouldn't
share with women." Dazai commented as the
blonde only gritted his teeth. "Forget about me! We're talking about the abductions right now!
Have we picked up anything?" The bonds
barked getting annoyed at Dazai. "Yeah. In this
newspaper photo,you look pretty manly."
The bandaged man pointed out.

"Is that you way of indicating that you want
to be punched?" Kunikida spoke sternly jeez
this wasn't going to go well at all. "What's
regrettable is this... You should've picked
sexier eyeglass frames if you were going to end
up in the news. They're so plain." Dazai removed
the blonde's glasses from him as he tried
them on. "Only naturally flamboyant people like
me are able to wear them and pull it off. What
do you two think?" He asked poking his
tongue out slightly.

"They're fine I guess."You answered
"They only scream "con man" to me. Wait..."
Kunikida stopped removing the glasses right
off Dazai's head. "What's the matter?"He asked
the blonde. "Let's go, the three of you. I know
who's behind this."


Wow you didn't expect to be right about the
cab driver well you weren't surprised. As this
time you sat in the passenger seat beside him.
Though you didn't understand why you would
need your katana for this when brute force was
all you needed and it's enough. "Sorry for the
short notice." Kunikida apologised to the old
man as you all only just entered.

"You said on the phone that you'd figure who's behind this serial murder case. You're on your
way to arrest the killer?"He asked. "That's right."
You answered. "Then let's hurry. Where to?"
"Nowhere.We won't be going anywhere old man."
Gripping at the handle of the katana you were
ready to unsheathe the blade.

"Huh?" "This is where the abductions took place
and you are the kidnapper. You gases the
passengers so they'll fall asleep and abduct them right after they had fallen unconscious. You
wore a gas mask." You explained as you could hear Atsushi muttering about why would the old
man even do this. "I can think of a reason. Cargo." Dazai answered. "Cargo?"The boy questioned
"He'd sell them off. There's a black market for organs in the underground. The margin isn't
great because of the exchange rate, but if you
pulling it off alone it's a decent pay." You could
hear the etching smirk in Dazai's voice as he
went further and more in-depth with detail.

"Wait a minute. Hang on. If I'd used this taxi
to abduct people, the city police would've found
me already when tracing victims last known locations." The old man protested

"That's where your wrong no one would even
look twice at the taxi. The victims vanished and
became untraceable the next day. When your
targets boarded the taxi you made them unconscious, you'd imprison them and take
their clothes and take their clothes and luggage. That's why all the victims at hospital were only in nothing but their underwear. You would then
wear their clothes proceeding to book in the hotel
as them, making sure you showed up on the cameras."You paused noticing he was sweating heavily and that he appeared more nervous
or were you doing that on purpose.

"Ring master of the mind." You whispered
the ability as Dazai noticed what you were
doing. You're going to make this man confess
and going as far as torturing his mind.

"The victims were all about the same height
and build because you were choosing passengers that were easy for you to impersonate. Many
had hats and glasses because it made passing yourself off as them easier. If the security
feeds shows someone looking reasons like the victims, you can dupe the police easily. By the
time the last known sighting of the "victim"
was recorded, the real victim already
been abducted." You finished your argument
of the story.

"Ms.Sasaki's abduction was even easier, wasn't
it? After she collapsed at the train station, a
good Samaritan paid for her cab ride. It's faster
to haul a cab than call an ambulance at a
train station." Dazai stated backing up the
point even more. "That's all circumstantial evidence." The cab driver replied as you all stated
at him. "I suppose you're right.What now,
Y/n?"Dazai asked. "Are you being serious?"
"Let's make a deal."He interrupted
"A deal?"

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