|•Chapter 22:Mimic•|

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Second Person POV

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Second Person POV

Standing along near Yokohama's Port area as
you we're requested to come along with Dazai
who was currently playing some sort of
game-boy. Stopping as you were met with the
Black Lizards Commander Ryuro Hirotsu.
Who was at least one lower rank than you
and Dazai for his position. "Good morning,
everyone! Just hang on I'm about to clear this
difficult level." Dazai called out crouching
down as he started to fuss with playing
his game. Everyone from below straighten
themselves up noticing your glare
that you sent down at them.

As they bowed their heads down.
"Oh, crap! He's ahead! Take this attack! Damn,
he dodged it!" Daza continued fussing as you
jumped down from your spot. Your trench
coat falling off as one of the men went to pick
it up. "Dazai-dono and L/n-dono, thanks for
you two taking the trouble of coming
out here. Our armoury guards were killed."
Hirotsu explained, expecting the two bodies
as they were fairly bloodied up from the gun
wounds. As you grabbed there faces inspecting
them as some of the other men tried not to
gag as you did so honestly such
incompetent people yet again.

"It's been a while since we last had anyone
reckless enough to target the Mafia's armoury.
I don't recall hiring such people who were this
weak or is the enemy to strong for even lower
ranking people to handle such a thing."
Muttering finishing your little inspection.
"Well each had died on the spot after being hit between ten and twenty 9mm rounds.
Firearms were taken from the armoury."
The old man further on explained

"Were they shot with our weaponry have we
even found bullet casing lying around at all.
If you want revenge on them you'll have to play
such games smarter. We'll take a look into it
for you." Pinching the bridge of your nose, you
held your other hand out for the man that
had kindly held your trench coat for you.
"Take care of this, will you?"Dazai chucked
the gaming device at Hirotsu who caught it
as your partner jumped down. Doing his
analysis of the situation as he would've
thought deeper into the situation.

"This many rounds that went clean through
the bodies... That means a sub-machine gun
was used at close range. The assailants were
pretty skilled. I'm getting my hopes up. Do we
have surveillance footage of the warehouse?"
Dazai asked one of the other men handed him
a picture leaning over as you saw hooded
figures carrying crates out of the armoury.
"At first glance you would think their
vagrants, but they must be well trained if their
handling sub-machine guns." Pointing out as
he nodded in agreement moving onto
the next photo.

"They are careful about covering each other's
blind spots. Still, why take on this appearance?" Muttering as you looked closer as the hooded
men reminded you of some weird movie occult 
that you always see strange and creepy
sometimes. "Hirotsu-san..."Dazai called out
hearing the old man mutter who knows what.
"Do you recognise this gun?"He held the photo up
to showing the older man who glanced at it.
"It's an old model. Older than me. I think
that's a Graugeist. An old European pistol."
He answered as you recognised it
from somewhere.

The shootout last night. You were standing under
the blood red moon next to Dazai as it happened
with his subordinates firing at the machin gun equipped truck. "I saw this gun last night... That means they attacked me right before they hit
the armoury. It must've been a distraction."He
stated now this was more interesting.

"They're more interesting of a bunch then I
thought at first glance. Hirotsu-san, they hit one
of the Mafia's be set storage units. They used the official passcode yo get in it's only known
to members who are sub executives and
higher." You deducted as Dazai nodded
along with your outcome. "So we could have
a traitor? Don't we know who's behind these atttacks?"Hirotsu asked. "Well mine and
Dazai's subordinates tortured a hostage from yesterday to make him talk, but he seized the
moment to kill himself using a suicide pill
hidden in his back tooth. Useless they are I
always tell them to check for those pills in
the mouth." Muttering the last part as everyone
in the Mafia knew you hated when someone
couldn't get the job done under your orders .
"But we did manage to learn one thing.
The organisation's name is Mimic."


It's was a while after the meeting with Hirotsu
as the sun started to set, leaning against the rocks
at the port as ships passed by. Dazai's phone
ringing as he picked it up. "Dazai?" The voice speaking through the phone it was Odasaku
which was unusual. "That's rare, getting a call
from you."Dazai spoke "I was targeted by a
sniper." You heard as your phone rung as well.
Interrupting the chance to question what
had happened.

"Hello?"Walking away to hear the person on
the other side of the phone. "Hey Y/n you'll be
home for dinner right?" It was was Mai or
as you know her to be your second mother
after her husband took you in. "Okaasan, I
might be late tonight,  10:30 to 11 at the most."
Answering her question. "Okay don't over
work yourself and you know we look out for
you." She spoke as part of you felt happy by
that but sad that you couldn't remember
when your blood related mother said that
before she left the world to
somewhere more better.

"I know Okaasan I love you." Hanging up after
she said the same back hearing Dai your second father say it in the background as well.
"Y/n we have a sniper to cut down."


"Odasaku duck!" Dazai warned throwing the
flash bomb as you jumped over sheathing
your blade cutting the hooded men's wrists.
Ducking as Dazai's subordinates handled the
rest of the both of them. "Quite the troublemaker,
Odasaku. But are you alright?" Eyes scanning
him to see if there was any sign of injuries on
him at all. "You could have easily killed
these guys in an instant, if you wanted to."
Dazai held his handout to the man as
you got up yourself.

"You killed them?" Looking around to see
their limp bodies laying dead on the ground.
"Not like we would've gotten any information
if we'd taken them hostage. After all, they
love the taste of their poison pills. I know
that's not why you asked but they are trained
combat professionals. The same strength that
could almost be compared to Y/n even you
would been unable to avoid killing them."
Dazai stated as you sheathed your
katana back.

"Yeah, I would've ended up dead if the both of
you hadn't come. Thank you."Oda bowed his
head really low. "Oda Sakunosuke.... A curious
Mafia member who refuses to kill anyone, no
matter what the circumstance. Because of
that troublesome creed, you're being used as
an errand boy by the organisation despite
your considerable capabilities. You could
even over power the strongest martial
artist if you wanted to."

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