|•Chapter 27:The end of a dark era•|

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Second Person POV

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Second Person POV

Walking in the dark foggy alleyway with Dazai
and Odasaku late at night to the usual Lupin
bar didn't feel the same anymore. If felt more
quiet and tense with just the three of you.
"This time of night is great. It's a time that
belongs to the Mafia."Dazai broke the silence
making it less tense than it was then. He was good
at doing that, starting conversations and keeping
then going forever. "What now?"Oda questioned.
"I don't know. That was quite some trouble you
got into, though. Who would've thought that the enemy leader you'd just met would turn into an
earnest suitor?"He'd remarked, Oda and Mimic's
leader their abilities were practically the same.

"They're weird, looking for war so that they can
find a place worthy of their deaths."Oda stated so basically people who beg for death more than
Dazai does. Certainly a first. "Are they? Their to
be creative about  their deaths is something I
hadn't think about."The executive pondered
to himself here we go again. His shenanigans on
death that made you question your feelings
about him. Hating was easier than liking.
"How long as will this conflict last?" Oda
straight up asked the most daunting question.
The most realistic answer is never or when there
is enough blood shed that everyone is dead.
You've seen it many times before, maybe one
too many now that you think about it.

"Mimic soldiers aside, their leader's ability is
a nuisance. Surprise attack won't work. That
means we need inside info. Any leads you
can think of?" Dazai smiled slightly, playing
with the sleeve of his black trench coat like
a child as you three near the destined location.
"Only Ango." Oda answered. "I agree." Dazai
looked over to you reaching your gloved
hand and holding it in his. "I wonder if there's
some way we find Ango." He was holding for
some comfort. One that you can't really give
him. Unless it was the comfort of death.
"There is." Oda suddenly stated. Catching
Dazai's interest on what could possibly lead
us to Ango.

"There is?" Wondering what he meant now.
"To be more precise, there is no need to find
home." He look up to the illuminated sign that
had the word, Lupin'. Ango could only be stupid enough to show himself there even after what
had happened. "Here, really?" A part of you
wanted to give him a piece of your mind.

"Where else?"


Entering the bad as you all hanged up your
coats on the rack, Ango was drinking while
Sensei respectively sat in your chair. Like he
was waiting for you to return again.
"Hey there. I started without you."He had
greeted taking your seats and ordering what
the other three would usual drink instead of
your usual. "You could've called."Oda
muttered. "I had hard time loosing my trail.
But today's fine. I can spend as much time as
I want here. Well? How'd you know where to
find me here?" He asked as you patted
Sensei who now rested comfortably
on your lap.

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