|•Chapter 31:Lighting is too cruel•|

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Credit:@tumugi1 on Twitter!

Second Person POV

Everyone was passed out, heavily injured,
bleeding maybe even dead you couldn't tell
yourself. You were injured having cuts roses of
deep red covered you head to toe after the Guild
came. Never should've doubted their talents.
Only trying to protect others but they got
injured. Along with Kyoka now being missing
after this mess. Everything was muddled up
in your mind not even being able to
think straight. Maybe you were also dying.

"I just wanna sleep." Groaning as the only thing supporting you was your katana stabbed into
the ground, your legs could barely hold you up.
"I need to call him."Him was Osamu you always
ended up relying on him in the end in these sorts
of times, same applies back then. Pulling your
phone out of the pocket of your slacks as you
called him which he answered right away.

"Oh Darling! Unexpected for you to call me."
He greeted all giddy hearing his highschool boy
grin through the phone. "Osamu... I feel like
I'm going to pass out... We were attacked by
the Guild while dealing with Koyo and her men.
Could you please come pick me up-" Your legs
give in and now your body is meet with the
cold concrete. Hearing Dazai on the other side
grow pissed and concerned becoming
panicked all of a sudden.

"Y/n! Don't pass out! Tell me where you are?!
Please Y/n!" He shouted through the phone
"I'm sorry...but now I'm too weak..."


"Your glad she didn't lose much blood, she's the
worst out of all of them. Problem is that her body
can't withstand my ability. Even though it has
nothing to do with nullifying mine. "Yosano led
Dazai and Atsushi to where you rested opening
the curtain to see you resting quietly. The
suicidal man had to be dragged out of the room
when Yosano had to do her best to test you since
your ability doesn't like her's. When you went underground four years ago you managed
to learn how to control and do more stuff with manipulating electricity such as some form
of healing that only works on your body.

That's what you were doing now healing yourself
slowly and naturally, even if they had Dazai
to nullify your ability once it wears off, the side
affects would always take massive tolls on you.
"Thanks you, Yosano-san." Dazai smiled at
the woman as she left the three of them closing
the curtain as she walked off.

"Dazai-san, I always wondered why does L/n-san rarely use her ability to manipulate electricity?" Atsushi asked him watching how he would
look at you sensing deep concern and worry
something he never thought he would ever see
in the man. Dazai sighed holding your hand
in his tracing various little patterns and shapes
into your palm. "Atsushi-kun, I'm assuming you would've seen her profile on her ability. Which
would say she was naturally born with this
ability but non of that's true because she got
this ability in the cruelest way someone can."


At the time you were four years old playing in
the garden of your grandmother's house
under her sakura tree, bouncing the red and
green temari ball by yourself late at night.
You had knew of her illness so that's why your parents brought you here to visit her but you
didn't know exactly why now all of
a sudden you visited her.

"Y/n!" Your mother called you were a practical
copy of her except you didn't get her green
forest eyes but instead your fathers e/c ones.
Running to her as she looked more worried and
so did your father well you couldn't blame
him, his mother was the one who was sick.
"Y/n, your Obaasan needs to see you. We'll be
out here."He said sliding the door open
to reveal the old lady lying down as the
family doctor walked out assuming he was
giving you privacy.

"Oh it's my little ame." She greeted you never understand why she liked to call you 'rain' her.
Always was your peaceful and graceful to
listen to at hard times she would always say.
"You know I don't have much time left but Y/n I
need to you to know I will alway be here
watching over you. I'll guide you when I'm
physically not here." Why did she have to use
such big words you couldn't understand.
"I know you don't understand such big words
but I will gift you with something."Picking
up a box opening up to reveal your f/c fabric
as gloved matching your kimono.

"Ame, thunder and lightning will always be on
your side as long as you always wear the gloves.
Raijin will protect you._____ my son and ____
my daughter in law tell them I love them too"
Her last words were,what names did she even
say? "Obaasan!"Crying out for her to wake
up, your parents coming in taking you out
as the doctor did the rest.


It had been awhile since Atsushi left after
Dazai told him the story now the man simply
laid his head on your stomach. Not even
bothering to check the time he just wanted
to be there to protect you as if he didn't
hold on you would slip away from his reach.
"Osamu." You spoke making him jolt up to see
your now awaken self, realising you were
dressed up in his very own shirt and boxers.

"Thank god your fine." He cheered as he seemed
more relieved, his hair disheveled and his coat
wasn't on either. Getting up out of bed almost
pulling out the IV pumping who knows what
into your body. "Where you going?" Asking
you, beginning to walk. "You look like you
need a coffee." Two bandaged arms wrapping
around your waist dragging you back onto the
hospital bed. Dazai was on top looking down
onto you now that you were injured he
found it easier to pin you down

"Osamu, come on!"Whining as he had most his
weight on you now as he laid down onto of you.
"Your staying here, Love. Whether you like
it or not." He was gentle holding you jaw up
bringing you into a kiss him doing the work.
Whining again as he pulled back away.
"You need to rest so I'll be weighing you down.
Also I expect you to play with my hair in
return. You caused me to worry too much."
Digging his face into the crook of your neck
complying with what he wanted and begun to
play with the coffee brown treases.

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