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Yippeeeee! My exams finished today and I can't say how much happy I am 😭

Okay sorry carry on 🤭

The prank.

After finishing the evening aarti,  Anjali stepped out of the house around 7:30. It was her daily duty to pray in the Lord Hanuman temple that was nearby her house. It was believed in the town that the Lord fulfils all the wishes.

Lighting two lamps near the threshold of the idol, she prayed for the safety of her family that included him.

Returning back to home, she bumped into Anant who was by now restless and was pacing to and fro in the verandah of the house.
"Can't you open your eyes while walking?" She asked irritated.
"Offo di, where were you! We had to plan. Remember?" He exclaimed.

And Anjali chuckled seeing his agitation. Answering to Anuradha's question that she didn't wanted to have dinner, she immediately fled to the garden. It was her escape place. Anytime when she felt blank or numb, she used to sit and there and relax. And she would find a way.

Leaning to the wall, she stared at the plants and then towards the full moon. It was shining bright. And then she remembered her mother speaking to some neighbours who had visited them.

She had heard about this superstition from childhood that spirits usually would be very active during the full moon. And though it used to scare her then, now she had completely lost faith in those. But someone believed it till date.

She smirked to herself and went back inside the house. Calling her comrades, she assembled them in the terrace as their mother wouldn't be able to listen to their "secret mission".

"So guys, the plan is to scare the hell out of him. He hates ghosts or any kind of stories related to them. And today is full moon. Let's fake that I'm stuck near the cremation ground and ask him to come there. And as soon as he comes there, we'll execute our act. With sound effects, we'll dress up like ghosts and scare him. I'm sure, he'll be very much annoyed after learning that we did it. Deal?"
Anjali paused.

The other three were quite impressed but they needed Riya's help. As only four would not make a success of the plan, Akshaya and Anjali sneaked into the Singh's place.

They thanked god as Rahul was still in his room and Riya was helping Ranjani in the kitchen. They signalled her and she came out of the place silently. Standing at the verandah, she listened to them patiently.

"Anju, that's a kickass plan! I mean, it's wonderful but tricking bhaiyya will gift you nothing but trouble. Will you be okay? The aftermath will be dangerous." She said worried.

"Yeah yeah Riya. I know the consequences. But I really want to test his patience this time. Don't worry. We'll not reveal your name if we get caught which I think won't happen estimating our coordination." She said in confidence.

And then came an affirmation from Riya that she wants to be included with them. Explaining her the details, Akshaya and Anjali left her place after brief 15 minutes.

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