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When the prankster gets pranked.

As Anjali stood waiting impatiently, Rahul took his sweet time to get ready in his room. It had almost been 30 minutes. She would be fuming in anger by now and he knew that. Setting his hair with the hairgel, he took one last view of himself.

Whistling he got down the stairs and saw that Ranjani was watching some daily soap. As he approached her, he patted her right shoulder and immediately stood towards her left side.

"Arey! Rahul!" Ranjani slapped his bicep as he laughed.
"How are you in a good mood?" She asked adjusting her spectacles.
"Like how you're free on a Monday evening without any hospital appointments. Rare event that happens once." He coolly replied.

"You've defenitely learnt back answering. My kids are growing up." Ranjani sighed.
"Maa!" He whined and went outside. Fiddling with the jeep keys, he set off to the place where she said she'd be waiting. Honestly, he thought that his plan wasn't going to work out. Until he reached the place and saw her.

"Hey." He said as he stopped the jeep.
"You're alive still?" She snapped.
She looked adorable even though she was hell angry.
"Yep. By God's and some people's grace." Rahul replied that earned him a glare.
"I'm regretting my decision now. Take me back home." She hopped onto the jeep.

"Nope madam. You're going to have a wonderful time." He teased and she looked straight, acting like his words didn't affect her.


The ooty weather was getting more colder. Grey clouds filled the sky and surely it was going to rain cats and dogs. The two families, Sharmas and Singhs were enjoying the evening by playing antakshari.

"Ranju, what about Rahul? Where's he?" Anuradha asked bringing another set of pakodas in a plate.
"I don't know Anu. He left saying that he had some work. He was quite in a good mood." Akshaya choked on hearing that.

"Well, it's not always that bhaiyya is not grumpy. Her reaction is legit Maa." Riya commented to which all giggled.
"I can't find Anju di. Where is she! Bringing chocos from Ramesh kaka's store is not so time taking." Aarna complained.
"This girl never listens to me." Anuradha muttered under her breath.

"Anu, let her enjoy. I'm sure she'll take care of herself." She replied.
"Well more like let her spend the time she has left." Anant snapped in anger. He didn't like her sister going with that man again. Though it took a lot of time for Anjali to convince him, still he was not okay with the decision.

"Anant! Mind your tongue." Anuradha stormed.
"And what? You know where your darling daughter is? You know what her son has done to her!" He raised his voice. Akshaya immediately stood up and glared at Anant. But she knew, the argument wouldn't end there.

"What are you talking about Anant beta? I know Rahul and Anjali don't share the same dynamic but he wouldn't hurt her. Never." Ranjani defended her son.
"Just don't aunty. Don't support your son always." He spat.
"Shut up Anant." Riya shouted.

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