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Until the end.

Rahul waited for the officer to finish the formalities. As soon as he stepped away from the body, Rahul approached him.
"Thank you sir." He said gladly.
"Its alright Rahul. Thankfully because of the phone he was using, we were able to track that Yash Chawla too. Soon this drug racket will be closed." He informed.

"That's great sir. Once again, thanks a lot. You saved us all." Rahul shook his hand.
"Pleasures all mine." The officer smiled as they took off to the police station with the body for the remaining procedures. Rahul turned back and found his whole family standing. He let out a sigh of relief seeing them safe.

But he knew, it was time.

He stepped ahead as did Anjali. She needed answers about what was in the file, about his father's statement. She needed to know everything though she knew it would destroy her to hear it. But she was fed up of lies.

"Let's start with it soon okay?" She asked.
"Okay." He sighed and looked into her eyes. The pain in them almost made him drop to his knees and sob. But he held himself together. It was the last time he would ever allow that feeling in her. He promised himself that.

"Maa, can you go home-"
"No. I need them to stay." She cut him. He relentlessly nodded.
"Anju, when I left Ooty, I knew one thing in my head. That I needed to protect you all. Protect my family. So, I joined the special forces. I was an undercover officer."
"Was?" She asked.

"Yeah. I'm coming to that. 6 months before, when I was in an operation, I got shot. So they had to do a surgery on me. While they were cleaning me up, they found the alterations in my blood." He sighed. This was the difficult part.
"And they found out, I had 4th stage lung cancer." He finished.

Anjali didn't knew what to process and what to do. He had such a deadly disease and he kept it from her. She just stood silent.

"Gagana was the doctor who was assigned to look after me. So I left the special force and joined Abhi to handle our business for full time. But they used me for coding, intel and hacking. I still work for them. That's also the main reason why I took Randeep's matter seriously." He confessed.

"Then, she informed Maa. She has been keeping up with my checkups and reports day to day since the past 180 days. But I strictly denied treatment. I knew I wouldn't get better. So I gave up." He told.

"But when I saw you, I got hope Anjali. I knew that you were dying. And even then, you didn't throw the towel away. You stood strong. For aunty, for Akshaya, Anant and Aarna. Even for Maa." He held her hands.

"So I wanted to stay strong too. For you."
"That's why you confessed that day." She declared while her throat was clogging to release all the pain.

"Yes. I didn't wanted to waste any of the time we had left. I wanted to make sure that we didn't have any regrets. I wanted to love you all over again. I'm sorry that I had to lie to you. " Rahul muttered while joining their foreheads.

"But you did lie to me you sick psycho!" Anjali pushed him away.
"All this time, you kept playing with my feelings. You didn't ever utter truth for once while all I did was being honest with you." She shouted. Rahul closed his eyes.
Abhi and Vrinda stepped ahead but he warned them to stay away.

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