Theater class

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Third person pov

"Ok everyone, WELCOME TO THE DRAMA CLUB! Before we start with the icebreakers, I'm going to go over rules to make sure you ABSOLULY want to be here. Now...We'll be doing two musicals this year-" Five kids got up and left instatly. "...Wow." Skull chuckled. "Ok....Now, I will allow males to play females, and vise versa, but only if you're comfortable. I'll talk to you about it later. Any non binarys can have whatever they want., we'll have to go over what musical we'll be doing for the winter..." Four small voices started chanting. "heathers, heathers, heaTHERS, HEATHERS!!!" The teacher stared at them before laughing. "Alright, I'll write that down. Any objections?" Nobody said anything. "....Going once? Twice?" Still nothing. "...Alright, we're doing Heathers!" The four voices cheered. Skull turned around to look at his classmates. Four small cyan inkling were there, all wearing Mean Girls shirts. "Since this is our first meeting, I can't force you to work. I dismiss you for now, but we have a real meeting after school!" Skull left the audotorium, and watched the cyan inklings waddle to their lockers. "I can't belive she agreed!" "I KNOW! This'll be so fun!" "Yeeeeah..." "You ok Mask?" The smallest of the inklings just blushed. "Do yooou guys-" "Masky, you asked this question every year through middle school...Yes you have the talent! You're adorable, you have a beautiful voice...YOU GOT THIS!" The girl with glasses hugged 'Mask.' Skull smiled at the cute interaction before heading to the lunch room.

~later that week~

Mask's pov

I walked into the audotorium and tossed my backpack onto a chair. The teacher was there, tapping her clipboard. "Hello everybody, You all look well...Now, I have the cast list right here, which will be posted at the end of class. Anybody who did not make it in will get a free pass into stage crew if they want. Now, I'm going to post this outside, and you can view it after practice. We're behind on props because of the juinor feild trip. Grab some paint and let's start with the lockers!"

I grabbed a bucket of blue paint and met up with my friends. "heeeey guys!" "Masky!" Desi hugged me. "Hey Mask." "Hey Aviaaaators...Did you try ooooout?" "Nah, I'm not into that stuff. I'm Desi's ride home." "Oh. Who's thaaaat?" "Hm? Oh, that's Skull." "..." I felt my face warm up. "L-Let's juuuust start..." "yay! I cut out the cardboard! We should probably paint the blue first. We held it up against the wall and painted it dark blue. "Hey." "EEP!" "Carp-Sorry!" "'s ok..I'm juuuumpy..." Skull chuckled and pat my head. "Want some help?" "Suuure! Can you get me soooome blaaaack paint?" "Of course." He walked off and came back with a bucket. "Thaaanks." I started painting the locket outlines, and making small talk with him. "Whaaat part are you hoooping for?" "JD." "Reeeally? Buuut he's a shiiitface." "Well, somebody's gotta do it. Who cares if it makes you a basic bitch? You can't do it without him!" I looked at him. "Thaaat's...Wow." "I know. Who are you going for?" "..." I mumbled. "Huh?" "...veronicaaa..." "Aww, nice! Good luck!" He pat my back. I blushed more. "t-t-thaaanks..." "Ok everybody, we have enough! Let's get those hells on wheels!" She chuckled to herself. We grabbed old chair wheels and glued them to the bottom of the lockers.

After we finished, we were allowed to go check the cast list. Luna grabbed my arm and raced me out the door. "I-I caaaan't look..." "Well need to be afraid~" I opened my eyes and peeked at the paper. ".......I GOOOOT VERONICA!?" "YES! AND I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!" I wiped away my tears. "W-Who diiiiid you get...?" "Martha." "Of cooourse." "MASKY!!!!" "Hai Deeesi!" "I GOT HEATHER MACAROON!" "...Mcnamara." "...Macadamia." "Oooh, call her that one! She reminds me of Ochako." "Oh yeeeeah. Wait, who diiiiiid you geeeeet Jerersy?" "hm? Oh, I never tried out. I'm doing costumes." "Oh.....Oki!"  "hey Mask. Hey Luna. Jearsy. Desi." "Oh, hey Skull." "Skuuull! I-I...Hi!" "Hello. I see we both got the parts we wanted." "O-Oh yeeeah...Congrats!" "Same to you! I'll see you later?" "Y-Yup! Byeee...!" "Bye." Skull left the building, and I fell backwards. "Shit-I got you. You're ok." "I'M GAAAAY HOOOLY SHIT!" "Yeah, we know." "B-But...o-oh my coood..." "Mask, you've had stage kisses before! I mean, cheek only but..." "N-No..I...I HAAAAVR TO DO DEEEAD GIIIIRL WITH HIM!" "....Oh."

~later that month~

"Alright, wonderful! Now get dressed, we're going back to Candy Store." I buttoned my shirt back up and got off of Skull. "So...uh...Good job." "Thaaaanks...Yooou tooo..." I shuffled backstage but he grabbed my shoulder. "Hey Mask...Do you wanna get a milkshake with me after practice?" "...s-suuuure...that soooounds niiice..." "Thanks. Meet me in the parking lot." He walked off to the bathroom and I stood off to the side for Candy Store.

"Are yoooou almoooost done...?" "Almost...Just gotta make sure it isn't going to break when you rip it off. And that the Beautiful clothes can fit over it. There! Should be good now. Have fun at your date~" "I-It's nooot a daaate..." "Keep telling yourself that." I pulled my dress on and headed outside. "Bye!" "Bye Masky!" I headed over to the parking lot, where Skull was in his car. "Get in, bitch." I snorted. "Too far?" "No, thaaaat was great." I buckled in and he stared up. "There's one of those old fashioned diners down the road, I'll take you there." "Oki!" He drove us to the resturant, and helped me out. "Ladies first~" I blushed and giggled. We were seated at a table, and Skull ordered a mint chocolate milkshake for both of us. "I neeeeever heeeard of thooose..." "trust me, you'll love them. They're amazing." I smiled and nodded, trusting him. 

"So, have you done other musicals before?" "hmm...No...Weeeell, yes. Diiiisney jr ones..." "Ugh, i hate those things..." "W-Well..P-Peter Paaaan is ok.." I mumbled. "Is it? Never read it. Isn't it just the orgininal book?" "Yeeeah!" "Oh, neat. I'll check it out." A waitress came by and gave us our milkshake. "Thanks." He put two straws in it, and I took a sip. "Wow...." "It's good, ain't it?" "Y-Yeeeah!"


"That waaaaas really fun...Thaaaanks..." "No problem Masky. See you tomorrow?" "Y-Yuuup! Bye!" I walked into the house and flopped on the couch. "How was it?" "Uuuuuuuuuuu..." "Aww, that sounds nice. Where did you go?" "uuuuu..." "Oh yes, i hear they have good smoothies." "uuuuuuuuu..." "Aw, how sweet. I'm ordering takeout tonight, is that ok?" "uuu...." "Thank you kiddo." My dad walked into the room and ruffled my hair. "Hey kiddo!" "Hey papa...." "Both of you shut up! Do you want food or no!?" "FOOD!" "Yeeeeah..." I yawned and fell asleep on the couch.

~Opening night~

"Hello everybody, and welcome to our first performance of Heathers the musical! Our cast and crew worked hard on this, so give them all a round of applause!" The crowd cheered as I walked on stage and spoke my first lines. "September fiiiirst, 1989."

Third person pov

"Bow down to the will of a dead girl walking~!" Skull looked up and Mask's shirtless frame, wanting to just kiss him right then and there. The scene was made sence...Why shouldn't he? Mask kept singing, leaning in closer and closer, his cool breath on Skull's lips. 'Dear cod forgive me...' He kissed Mask passionatly on the lips, and squeezed him. "I love you Veronica~" Mask was overwhelmed by his emotions, but kept singing.

"WHAAAAAT THE HELL WAS THAAAAAAT!?" Mask cried as they hurried off stage. "...i was caught up in the moment..." "...W-Weeeeell tell me beeefooore hand neeext time..." "...What?" "MASK! STAGE!" "C-Coming!" Mask ran off, leaving Skull to himself.

~after the show~

"..Hey." "shit-Oh, hey mask..." "...You're an iiiidiot." "Uh...Thanks?" "I'm nooot finished. Yooou're an idioooot...And I liiiike that." Mask squeezed into Skull's arms. "I haaaaad fuuuun shooting yooou." "Ok if you're trying to say you love me, you're doing a horrible job." Mask giggled. "Juuust fucking kiiiiss me~" Skull smirked and obeyed, pulling the smaller into a smooch. "let's just say were both idiots....Ok?" "Peeerfect. Leeet's go seeee our parents." The two inklings headed outside the audotorium, where they were both met with hugs from their mothers. "YOU TWO WERE SO GOOD!" "Thaaaanks mama..." "We're so proud!" "Mom, stahp...." "No. we're taking you two out for pizza tonight!" "ugh..." "Why aaaare yooou complaaaining? It's pizza!" "..I guess." "And Mask?" "Yes maaaaama?" "You told me there was no kiss required." "...weeee...chaaanged that." "when!?" "...Whiiiile doing the scene..." "....AWWWW, MY BABY IS IN LOVE!" "n-no! Thaaat's not...ok fiiiine..." Both moms squealed and hugged their sons. "Babe, you're being a little....dramatic." "I AM NOT!"


"Bye Mask...See you tommorow?" "...Tommooooorow is Saturday...." "I know. Which is why i'm asking. Wanna hang out?" "..of course." Mask gave his new boyfriend a peck on the cheek, and got into the car. "Bye!" Skull put a hand on his cheek and blushed. "y-yeah....bye..."


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