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(Imagine how CUTE they would look in those outfits >W<)

Mask's pov

"What are you playing?" "T-The Legeeeeend of Zeldaaaa..." "Cool..." "....why are yooooou staaaring at me?" "You just look really cute..." "Shuuuut up..." "Nah..." I saved my game and set my switch down. "Cuddles?" "Aw, of course baby..." The two of us hugged, and I fell asleep in Skull's arms, just as my switch started to glow.


"Mask? Mask, please wake up! Please tell me you aren't dead..." "H-Huh...?" "Oh thank god!" My boyfriend pulled my into a kiss, and held me to his chest. "Skuuuull?" "Shh...I wanna hold you for a bit..." "Geeeet oooff..." Skull helped me stand up, and looked around. "I...uh...don't think we're in Inkopolis..." "What dooooo youuu-Oh my gooooodness!" "Yeah....It's pretty as hell, but..." "W-We're in Hyruuuuule..." "What does that mean...?" "We're in the gaaaame!" "Zelda?" "Y-Yes! Oh my gooosh, thiiis is...amaaaaazing!" "Really?" "Yes!" "...What are we wearing?" "..." I pulled on the hem of my shirt, and looked up and Skull. "W-We're dreeeeessed liiike Link and Zelda..." "Awww, how cute!" I blushed. "W-Well...hoooow are we goooing to geeet out of here....?" "I don't-Huh?" "T-The slaaaate...?" "Uh...What?" I grabbed the Sheikah Slate off of Skull's belt, and turned it on.

'Hello brave hero's....I see you are wondering how to get home...In order to leave this place, you must complete the task the hero of time was woken up for'

"Mask? Sweetheart?" "....We haaaave to destroy Ganon..." "...What?" "We haaaave to kiiill god.." "Oh....Oh my." I sighed and leaned to Skull's chest. "Leeeeet's head to the caastle...I hoooope we aren't too laaaate..." I opened the small bag that was on my belt, and pulled out the master sword, and The Great Eagle bow. "What the heck!?" "Juuuust take this..." I put the sword in it's sheath, and handed Skull the bow. "It's the cloooosest thing tooo a sniiiiper...You'd be goood at it..." "Aww..." He gave me a quick peck on the cheek and smiled. I pulled up the map, and smiled as I saw a little icon near where we were. "SAPPHIRE!" The snow white horse came running towards us. "WHOA, WHAT THE FUCK?" I laughed. "Doooon't worry...she's harmless..." I pet the horses soft mane, and smiled. "It's so goood to finally pet yooooouu for reeal..." Sapphrie whinnied, and I hopped on her back. "Yoooou coming?" I giggled. "...Sure..." Skull got on the horse, and held me close. "Yooou ready...?" "Yup. Love you baby." "Loove you toooo..." 


"Mask...?" "Yes?" "What if we never get out of here?" "Skull....I've beaten Ganoooon toooons of tiimes...I'll be aaaable to do it..." "If you insist....I also wanna tell you how cute you look in that outfit." "Shuuuut up..." "No." He was silent for a minute, before looking at the castle. "Don't we have to rescue the giant animal things first?" "I've goooootten theeem already..." "Wait, so you haven't beaten Ganon yet?" "I haaaave...Once yoooou beat him, you caaaaan do it again and aaaagain..." "So...You can fight him infinite times?" I nodded. "Wow...What are those....robot things?" "Thoooose are Guardians...Taaaake theeese..." I handed Skull a few ancient arrows, and he put them in the arrow case on his back. "Thanks sweetie pie...Let's do this..." "I'll riiide the hoooorse paast, yoou shoot...Ok?" "Got it!" I snapped Sapphire's reins, and she took off running. "G-Go!" Skull pulled back the bow, and shot the arrow into the Guardian's eye. "Goooood shot hon! Keeeep gooing!" He shot again, killing the guard. "This is fun~!" "It is!" Sapphire took off again, going around the castle to the entrance. "Here...You staaaay heeere...I'll go taaake her somewhere safe..." "Got it." 

I rode off, heading to the nearest stable, preparing to head back once she was safe.


"I'm....*pant*....back..." "Are you ok hon?" "I'm-" I suddenly broke into a coughing fit, falling on my knees. "Masky!" "I'm...F-Fiiiiine..." "You aren't fine! Here, I'll carry you inside..." "N-No..." "Yes...C'mon, don't be stubborn..." He picked me up and carried me inside the castle.
"Wow....That is a literal demon..." "Yeah..." Skull gave me a kiss on the lips, and stopped at the large doors. They slowly creaked open, almost as if they knew we were there. "Well...Noooo tuuurning baack.." "I guess so..." He set my down, and we both stepped deeper into the crumbling castle.

"Do you know where we have to go?" "Yeees...Thiiiis way...and huuuurry...we can't waaaste any tiime..." "Got it." Me and Skull continued up the stairs, finally reaching the middle of the castle. "I....I don't see him..." "Loooook up..." "WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!?" "It's wheeeere he's traaaaaaaapped..." "Oh...Oh no...." The pod on the ceiling began to move, and a huge laser shot out of it, tearing it open. "Hiiiide..." "What? Why-" "HIIIDE!" I pulled Skull behind a pillar, and cuddled into his chest. "T-Thiiis is so muuuuch scarier in persoooon...." "I got you hon..." Ganon crashed down from the ceiling, and let out a loud, terrible screech. "What now?" "We waaait...he's gooooing to crash through the flooor any second nooow..." The old castle floors started to crack beneath Ganon, and he fell through, landing in the castle's basement. "Let's gooo..." I pulled out the para-glider, and Skull clung to me as we hopped down. 

"Y-You're really heavy..." "Sorry Masky..." Calamity Ganon roared, and charged at us, just as a huge blue beam shot down from the ceiling, hitting Ganon strait on. "What the-!?" "Dooooon't worry! Thaaat's our help!" Ganon's heath bar appeared above him, and went down half-way, as he let out an awful scream. "Thaaaat'll maaake thing easier! Nooooow go!" He smiled and fired an arrow into Ganon's ugly face. I ran up and started stabbing his legs and body.

"You're doing great honey!" "Thaaaanks!" Ganon screamed and dashed up onto the wall, activating his shield. "Crap...Now what?" "I gooot thiiiiis!" I closed my eyes and focused all my energy. "MASK! Get out of the-" Lighting crashed into Ganon, shattering his shield. He screamed and pointed his spear at my, stabbing me right in my chest. "OW!" "Masky!" I slammed into the wall, and fell to the foor. "Mask! Are you ok?" "I-I'm fiiine...Keep goooing..." "Ok..." He dodged the attacks, and shot a few more arrows. "A-Almooost there...Try using an ancient arroooow!" "If you insist...!" He switched arrows, and fired the final one. "I did it! Masky, I did it!" "No...We'reeee nooot doone..." "What do you mean?" Skull ran over to me and picked me up. "W-We stiiiill haaave one more phaaaase...Juuuust hooold onto me..." Ganon roared, and the calamity covering his body began to move. 


"Keeeeeep goooing! Keep shoooing!" "I'm trying! Hold on tight, ok?" "O-Ok..." I led Sapphire around Dark Beast Ganon, as Skull fired arrows behind the malice. "You're dooooing it! Almoooost there!" "Where's the last spot? I wanna be prepared..." "U-Under his stomaaach..."
"Can we go under?" "I-I dooon't waaanna risk iiit..." "Got it. Keep circling around, ok?" "Oki..."

"I'm holding back the malice as much as I can!" "Who was that!?" "Doooon't worry abooout it! It's heeeeld back! Shoot!" "Got it!" He pulled back the string, and fired the arrow of light into Dark Ganon. "You did it....Thank you...You both saved Hyrule...And me..." "Mask? What's going on?" "I-I don't know..." I hugged my boyfriend, as white filled my vision. 

Third person pov

"Mask? Mask wake up!" "M-My heeeeead huurts..." "Here...Drink some water..." Mask slowly sat up and took a sip from the tiny cup. "We're home..." "A-Alreeeady...?" "Well, you were out for about an hour..." "W-WHAT!?" "Shh...Shh, it's ok..." "...I...Felt liiiiike that waaas a dreeeam...we weeeree there fooor so liiiittle time.." "Well, I'm sure you didn't want to stay for life..." "But...beeeing inside a viiideo game is my dreeeaam..." "Aw, I know baby....C'mere..." The smaller inkling hugged his boyfriend, as Skull pet him. "...Who...Who was that voice we heard?" "Hm?" "At the end. Who was that?" "Video gaaaame princeeeess..." "That's a good nickname for you." "Whaaaaat is...?" "Video game princess." "N-No it's noooot..." "Yeah it is..." Skull kissed Mask's cheek and sighed. "If it's my fault that we ended up there...then I'm sorry." "N-No...Noooot yoour fault..." Mask tiredly pet Skull's cheek, and cuddled him. 

The purple inking picked up Mask's switch and turned it on, only to find a message waiting for him. 

"You proved your love for each other and destroyed Calamity Ganon. You both are true heroes."

Skull smiled and set the device down. "Mask...?" "Hm?" "I love you." "Mmm, shuuut up..." "Not the right answer Masky~!" "Fiiine...I looove you tooo..." "My video game pr-" "I'M GOOOOOING TO KIIILL YOU!" 

(Requested by RingsHijinksChild. Hi guys! Sorry if this seemed a little rushed and hectic...I didn't really have any ideas for this, but I wanted to get it done, so you guys got a cute, fluffy chapter :3)

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