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(bruh we almost at 100 parts. Also the school uniform is the UA uniform because I said so and I think Mask would look cute in it)

Mask's pov

I slipped on my skirt, and dashed out the door, stopping in front of a house a block down from mine. "Senpaaai!" "Hey Masky. You woke up on time today!" "Yuuup! Juust so I cooould walk to schooool with you, Senpai..." "Y'know, you can call me by my name. You calling me Senpai makes me feel....weird." "Oh! Soooorry Skuuull..." "It's fine." My senpai put an arm around me, and pulled me close as we headed to school. "So...We're getting a new kid today..." "Oh! I woooonder who is iiiis...?" "I don't know...Oh hey, we're early." "Fooor once!" "Heh."

The two of us sat down on a bench, and I pulled out my phone.  "Hey Mask?" "Yeees?" "You like myths, right?" "Yeees!" I smiled, delighted that Senpai took an interest in my....interests.  "So...um...I was wondering about the cherry tree myth..." I blushed. "I-If yoou confess yooour love for soooomebody on a Friday, they aaare sure to accept..." "Huh..." "Why?" "Oh, I heard some freshman talking about it, and I thought you might know about it." "Oh..." Skull smiled and pat my head. "Thanks Masky." I smiled at the nickname. "...Oh, there's the bell...let's get to homeroom." "Ok!" I grabbed his hand as he led me to class 1-A. 


I spent most of my class time staring at my Senpai like normal. But I also spent some of it glaring at our new student. His name was Vintage, and turns out he was Skull's ex. Once class was over, Skull grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the classroom. "S-Sen-um...Skuuull? Whaat's wrong?" "I don't want to be near Vintage..." "Oh...Good." "What?" "Nooothing!" "...Ok...So what do you have next?" "Math..." "Oof...I've got english.." "Oh..I'll seeeee you laater.." "Bye Masky!" 

I dashed off to my next class, and slipped into my desk. I was about to get out my books, when a hand slammed down on my desk. "Hey." "....Whoooo are yoou...?" "You know who I am. I saw you talking with Skull." "..." "I just wanted to let you know, you have to stay away from him. He's mine." "N-No!" "Yes. He broke up with me, and now I wanna get back with him!" "....Goooo away..." "VINTAGE! In your seat." The inkling rolled his eyes and sat down in the back of the room.  

~later that day~

"Senpai! Theeere yoou are!" "Mask! Thank god, Vintage won't leave me alone...." "Coome to the roof wiiiith me..." "Ok!" The two of us headed to the top of the school, sitting on a bench. "Skull! There you are! Oh....He's here." "Of course he is! He's my best friend!" "Whatever...Do you wanna come have lunch with me?" "No." "Skull, I know the two of us left of a rough note, but please...We can start over again..." "Vintage, I'm not into you anymore! Leave me alone!" "Skull, please!" "No. Now leave us alone." "....Just give me a chance! Please..." "...No. Mask, c'mon.." "Yes, senpai!" I suck my tongue out at him as we walked away. "HAVE FUN WITH THAT LITTLE SLUT OF YOURS SKULL! I HOPE YOUR HAPPY!" I was pulled into a sudden hug from my future husband as we walked back down the stairs. "What a bitch..." "...yeah..."

~the next day~

"Have a good day darling!" "Bye Aaaarmy..."  I dashed out the door, letting out a sigh of relief that I managed to sneak my knife outside the house. It might seem like I'm going to fast, but today, I'm going to murder Vintage! He needed to stay away from my senpai! 
"Hey Mask!" "Seeeenpai!" Skull grabbed my hand and hugged me. "Good morning bud!" I gave a small purr. "C'mon, let's see if we can be early again!" 

"And we made it!" "Yaaaay!" "Skull!" "Oh..." "Hi there...Look, I'm really sorry! I am! Give me another chance, please!"  "...Heeey...Vintaage..?" "What do you want?" "...i...I waaant to maake...a truuuce of sorts...caaan we taalk in private?" "...Fine..." Me and Vintage walked into a corner, and he leaned against the wall. "So...I take the truce is we 'share' him?" "...no." "Then what is it?" I reached into my backpack and pulled out my rainbow knife. "Staaaay...away...froooom...my....senpaaai..." I stabbed him right in the chest, dragging the knife down. "Y-You...bitch..." Vintage mumbled as he lost consciousness.  "Heheh..."
I twirled the knife in my hand, and headed around the school to the bathroom. Mask was in the cooking club, so he has permission from the school to carry knifes around. All he had to do was wash the blood off. He managed to washed it off, and stuck the knife back in his backpack.

"Hey Skuuuull!" "Masky? Where's Vintage?" "He raaan away...heh...." "Oh. Typical of him...." "Yeah..." I was worried about him finding out, so I quickly changed the subject. "D-Do yooou wanna come to the cooooking club meeting toniiight?" "Why? Still trying to convince me to join a club?" "nooo...It's juuust...we're maaaking cookies todaay..." "Oh, cool. I'll be there." I giggled. "But...About yooou joooing a club..." Skull groaned. "Skull, Yooou'd be suuuch a good fit foor the sports club!" "Pfft, nah..." I jokingly glared at him as the bell rang. "C'mon..." 


As I was sitting in science, passing notes to Skull, the headmaster came over the loud speaker. "THIS IS A LOCKDOWN. THIS IS NOT A DRILL! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! THERE HAS BEEN A MURDER!" I screamed and dashed into Skull's arms. "Hey...It's ok Mask..." "Everyone line up against the wall!"  All the students backed against the wall, huddling together with their friends. "Hey...Masky, calm down...your ok...Everything is going to be ok..." I fake sobbed into Skull's chest as he hugged me. This was the closest Senpai had ever been to me! My plan was working...

~later again~

"Attention students and teachers, the lockdown is now over. We are sending students home becuase of it however. Students, please quickly and calmly leave the school premises." 
Our teacher quickly told us to pack up, which we did, and leave as fast as possible. Skull grabbed my hand and we both dashed out the front door. Once we stopped at his house, he pulled me into a hug. "Oh thank god you're safe...." I smiled and hugged him. "Dooo....yoou wanna speeend the night at my plaaaace...?" "Oh! S-Sure! I'll...go ask my mom...See you in...ten minutes?" I nodded. "Bye..." "Byeee!" 

I opened the door to my house, to be met with my adoptive father. "MASKY! Are you ok? Are you hurt? any cuts?" "I-I'm fine daaaad..." "If you insist...Oh god, I was so worried!" "...Caaan Skuull spend the niiiight?" "Hm? Oh, of course!" Just as he said that, there was a knock on the door. I opened it, to be met with ANOTHER FUCKING HUG. "Masky!" "Heeeey Skull..." "Hello Skull! Are you ok?" "I'm fine Mr. Aishi..." "Oh please, call me Army!" "Alright...Army..." My dad smiled. "You both can head up to Masky's room!"

I thanked my dad and we headed up to my room. "Hey...can we talk?" "Yeees?" "Do...do you know who was killed?" "...No." I lied. "It was Vintage..." "Oh...Skuuull, I'm sooo sorry!" "No, it's fine. I don't care...It's just...right after he started bugging me..." "...." "Are you ok?" "I'm scared..." "Aw, Mask...I'm sorry for bringing it up..." Skull set his bag down and hugged me again. "Here, let's do something to get your mind off it.." "O-O-Ok..." 

~On friday~

The rest of the week went on without anything going wrong! Except I did have to kill a girl that was flirting with my Senpai....I burned her body, and cleaned my knife and uniform. Luckily, I made it through the day without anybody finding out. That afternoon however, Skull came up to me. "Um...Mask?" "Yees...?" "Can you meet me at the cherry blossom tree in ten minutes....?" I felt a blush take over my face. "S-Suuuure!" "Great..." And with that, he ran off. "He's gooooing to confess!" I squealed. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail, and dashed out to the tree. 
Skull was there, clearly waiting for me. "H-Hey Mask..." "Senpai!" He blushed. "Yeah...Hey um...I need to tell you something..." "Whaaaat is it?" "...I...I like you! I've been in love with  you for so long! So...please..." "Aww, Senpaaai!" I jumped into his arms and pressed our lips together. "I looove you toooo!" "W-Wait, really?" "Yees!"   The two of hugged each other, still kissing.

"Mask...will you be my boyfriend...?" "YES!" We shared another kiss, and Skull set my feet on the ground. "Oh, this is amazing...this is the best day of my life..." I smiled and hugged my now boyfriend, hoping that he'd never find out I was the cause of his ex's murder

(eeeh, we're done here! I do feel like the end was a little rushed, but it was the best I could do, so whatever. Chapter request by AquaLuna57008!)

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