Grape's first Christmas

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(she's about three here. And it's the first Christmas she's actually celebrating, instead of just sitting there cause she's a baby)

Mask's pov

"C'mooon honey..." Grape whined and fussed as I got her dressed in her little boots and hat. "NU! NUNUNUNU!" I zipped her jacket up, and carried her downstairs, where Skull was waiting. "Don't you think you overdressed her a little?" "She's sooo tiiiny though! She miiight get sick..."
"I guess. C'mon." I set Grape on the floor and grabbed her hand, and Skull grabbed the other one.  She waddled along beside us, her little boots making marks in the snow. "We're gooonna taake you to the maaall so yoou can pick out a gift fooor grandma and graaandpa, ok?" "Ok!" Grape stomped her feet on the mat to the entrance of the mall, and skipped off. "Graaape, wait fooor momma!" I ran after her, and scooped her up.  "Dooon't run off, ok?" "Ok mommy!" She jumped down from my arms, and waddled into a toy shop. "Grape." "I wanna get Gwandma a lion!" "Are yooou sure YOU dooon't want a liooon?" "" "Thooought so..." She waddled into my arms, and then pointed to a kitchen shop. "Pot!" "You want to get him...a pot?" "I think iiit's a gooood idea..." "Alright." Grape spent her time in the shop banging on pots, and whining when they didn't make loud noises. We settled on a large soup pot, and Grape demanded to carry was bigger then her.  I carried the bag, much to her dismay. She whined for a bit, but we managed to calm her down. 

She wanted to buy Aloha a giant disco ball, but we both said no, because he could possibly take over the world with that thing. We settled on a few strobe lights and a few light up streamers, which I let Grape carry this time.
"Mommy! Mommy, can I get a donut?" "...hmm...Suuure." "YAY!!" She skipped up to the little stand where the donuts were sold. I bought her a sprinkle dounut, which she ate bit by bit. I buckled her into her car seat, and she whined and complained as we headed to the grocery store. "Look kiddo, I hate going too. I have no idea why your mother buys some of the things he does, but most of the time, we need them." "But it's boring, and it smells weird!" "Sweeeetie..." "...ok..." 

I carried her into the store, and got a basket, walking around the store. "That's a lot of candy canes..." "Me aaand Army aaare gooonna make stuuuff." "Stuff?" "Liiike fudge..." "Aw,  how cute."
"Mommy! C-Can we get a gingabwead house?" Grape tugged on my sweater and showed me all the cheap kits they had. "Aww, suuure sweetie...Buuut we'll maaake it from scraatch at home, ok?" "Why?" "Beecause mooommy and daaddy think thoose ones are gross, and yooour not gooing to eaat an entire gingerbread hoouse by yoourself." Grape whined. "Fine..." "Gooood girl!" We finished our shopping, and drove home. Grape waddled inside with the strobe lights in a bag. Me and Skull followed her, placing the bags on the table. "Can we make the gingabwead house now?" "Of coourse sweeeetie!" 


"Now theeey haaave to bake." "For how long?" "Noot loong." "Ok!" Grape waddled off to go play with her dolls. Skull gave me a kiss, and watched her wander off. "You're such a good mom..." "I knoooow...." 

After a while, the oven went off, and Grape ran into the kitchen. "GINGABWEAD!" I took the tray out of the oven , and put it up to cool. "Caaan you be a goood girl and geet moommy an icing bag?" "Yeah!" She got her little footstool and got me a piping bag, and we put the house together. She dumped gumdrops and m&ms all over it, and complained when they didn't stick. 
I helped her put them in a pattern. Once the house was finished, she gave me a big hug and ate the door. I put the rest of the house away for later, and carried her into the living room. "What awe we doing?" "You're going to help mommy and daddy set up the tree!" Skull said, dragging the large fake tree into the room. "Yay!"

Me and Skull put up the tree, and Grape helped us decorate. Skull picked her up, and let her put the star on. "Mommy, I did it!" "Yees you diiiid baby!" She hugged her father, and bapped his cheek, before yawning. "Do yooou need a naaap baby?" "Nu! Nu nap!" "Well, it's nap time anyway. We'll wake you up for din-din, ok?" "....oki..." I took Grape upstairs and put her in her bed, tucking her in with her stuffed animals. "Haaave a good sleeep baby..." "I will momma..." 
I walked back down, and Skull gave me a smooch. I leaned on his shoulder, and he set me on the couch. "Love you baby..." "Meep." 

~later that night~

"Do yoou like it?" Grape ate her pizza slice. "Yeah!" I pat her head, and she drank the rest of her juice from her sippy cup. "Can I have more gingabwead?" "Of coourse..." I got the house down from the top of the fridge, and broke off two large chunks. I gave one to her, and me and Skull split the second one. "Thank you mommy!" "You're weeelcoome dear..." "Thanks babe~" I kissed his cheek. "Wuv u..."  "Love you too!" He hugged me and started to play with my hair. "Skuull, stoooop!" "No! You're too cute!" I leaned into his touch, and and he kissed my neck. "N-Noot in frooont of her!" "Sorry." Grape had finished her cookie and was looking pretty tired, so I carried her up to bed, and read her a story. 
"Goodniiight baaaby..." Goodnight mommy!" "Do you waaant some water?" "umm...yes." I took her sippy cup and filled it, placing it back on her nightstand. "Anythiiing else?" "No mommy." "Ok dear..."

I kissed her forehead and turned on her nightlight. "Night..." "Goodnight mommy!" 
I went back downstairs, and snuggled into Skull's lap. "Looove you honey..." "Aw, love you too baby..." He kissed my cheek, and tucked a blanket over me. "Have a good sleep. I'll carry you up at ten." "oki..." 

(:3 Cute lil wholesome chapter with the MaSkull babey.....requests plz my juice is low)

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