Run for you

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This is a final goodbye to the Track and Feild event at my school. (I'm graduating, so I don't have to do it anymore after the last two years) I dance on it's grave, as it is a horrible hell event of me and my friends dying for six hours.

Mask's pov

"Have fun kiddo! You got everything? Blanket? Umbrella?" "Yuuuup! Skuuuull's in charge of snaaaacks." "Alright sweetie. Good luck." Mask smiled and ran out the door, right into his boyfriend's arms. "Hey baby! You ready for today?" "Yup! Big daaaay of doing nooothing!" "Well, only for you." Mask giggled. "Yeah~" Mask was mediclly exempt from the event, because all of the track events, and 3/4 of the feild events would flare up Mask's athsma and allergies, or crush his lungs. The two walked to school, tightly holding hands. They shared a quick kiss and headed to their seperate homerooms.

Mask sat down at his desk, and the class went through the usual morning routine, before heading out onto the playground. Mask bet up with his best friends and boyfriend, setting up the huge umbrella and blankets his parents used when they went to the beach. "Wheeeeen are yooour fiiirst events?" "I've got the 200 right now...." Jersey streched her arms and ran off to the 'track' which was painted on the grass. "SEE YOU GUYS IN A BIT!" "I've got my long jumps in an hour." "I has high jump in 20 minutes...." "I have the 500 soon." Mask shoved popcorn in his mouth. "Fuuuun..." "Not really." "GO JERSEY! I LOVE YOU!" Jersey smiled and waved to her girlfriend.

The teacher in charge whipped the flag, and the 8th grade girls took of running. Jersey, being small, weaved her way through the other girls, snatching second place. Luna let out a scream of Joy as the judges calculated the times. Jersey ran over with her blue ribbon. "Guess who's going to reginals!" "I thooooght only fiiirst place got to go..." "Oh, they do, but N-PACER won first, and she's also doing the 500. If she wins, she'll go to reginals for that, and I take the 200!" "....confuuuusing..." "I know."

Desi got up and handed his headphones to Aviators, who was now back from his 50m run. "I'm gonna go wait for da jump! Bye bye!" "Byyyye!" Desi ran inside to the gym, where the jumping mat was.

Mask took a puff from his inhaler and groaned. "It's reeeally hot out..." "Yeah..." "17 MALE 500 METER RUN!" Skull kissed his boyfriend and ran off. "Love ya. Bye bye!" Mask ate more popcorn. "He's so hooooot when we runs..." "You think so?" "YES! Wheeen his shiiiiirt rides up and you can seeee his abs..." "Does he work out a lot? I don't understand how he's that fit." "EHe goooooes to the gym alooot..." "When!?" "Weeeekends..." "...Ah." Skull ran back over with his first place ribbon. Mask tossed him his water bottle. "Thanks babe.." "Cooooome sit!" Skull plopped down on the blanket, and wrapped his arms around Mask. Desi skipped over with sixth place ribbon and yawned, falling asleep. "Wheeeen's his next event?" "Half an hour. I'll wake him up." "Oki.." Mask leaned into his boyfriend's lap and fell asleep.


"Masky...Mask, wake up." "H-Huh?" "It's almost home time...I packed up." Mask yawned and stood up, legs shaking. He took a puff, and Skull carried him inside, unlocked his locker, and placed it on his shoulders. "C'mon, I'll carry you back to my place." "Oki..." Skull carried Mask back to his house, unlocking the door. "Mom?" "Hello darling! How was school?" "Pretty good..." Skull walked into the kitchen. "Cookie?" "Sure." Skull broke it in half and gave one to his boyfriend. "Hello Mask!" "H-Heeeello Mrs Reeeese..." "Did Skull do good at his events?" "Y-Yeeeah!" "Wonderful! You two can head up to Skull's room." "Got it. Thanks mama." Skull ran upstairs, and opened his door. He set Mask down on the bed. Flurry jumped on Mask, licking his face. The small inkling giggled. "Heeeey buddy!" "BORK!" Mask giggled again, cuddling with the puppy. Skull joined the cuddles, kissing Mask soft tentacles. "Thaaaat tiickles!" "I know~ Wanna watch a movie?" "Suuure!" Skull turned on his tv, and switched on Detective Pickachu, one of Mask's favorites. "I love you baby." "I looooove you too, Sweeeetie!"

If you understand nothing about the event, ask, and I will explain it in further detail.

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