Our family

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Mask's pov

"Mommy? Are you ok?" I looked down at my daughter. "What doooo you meeean?" "You look sad..." "I'm noooot...." "Babe, she's right...You look depressed..." "...I'm fiiiiine...." Skull kissed my cheek and put and arm around me. "If you insist....Now come downstairs...I made your favorite..." "Skull, yoooou caaaan't cook..." "I tried my hardest...and your daughter helped." I smiled and shook my head. "Alriiight..." Skull took my hand and led me downstairs, revealing three plates of spaghetti. "Aww..."  Skull kissed me, and picked me up. He sat me down at the table, and kissed me again. "Now eat up....We've got a turf war tomorrow..." I looked down.
I didn't want to go to that stupid battle. But I knew Skull would go overprotective mode if I said that. 

I ate the spaghetti, and put my plate in the sink, leaning on Skull's shoulder. "Sleepy?" "....Yeaaaah...I'm gooooonna go tooooo bed..." "Ok...Sleep well...." "Oh...By theeee waay....dooooo we haaave any roooope?" "Rope? Why do you need rope?" "I-I waaaaanted to try and paaaaaint wiiith it..." "Oh. I've heard of that. I think we have some in the garage."
"Thaaaaanks sweetie..." "Night Night Mommy!" "Goooodnight Grape...."

I opened the garage, and grabbed the long, thick rope. I slowly trudged up to our room, and dragged out Grape's stool that she uses when she brushes her teeth.

I set it up under the fan, and tied the rope to a blade.  I put my head though the noose, and sighed. "Nooo...I can't doooo thiiis..." I thought about my daughter's smiling face, and how upset she'd be....but I had to. Everyone in Inkopolis expected so much of me....and now I was a mother...and people wanted more from me. I couldn't handle the pressure. I put my head through again, and kicked the stool from under me, choking myself. "Mommy? Daddy wanted to-AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! DADDY! COME QUICK!" Oh no. "What is it sweetie-OH MY GOD!" Just as I fell unconscious, I felt the rope snap.

~Sometime later~

"He's awake!" "Oh thank god..." "Mommy!" I slowly opened my eyes, and was met with my daughter and husband. "Oh....Mask, what were you thinking!?" "I...I cooooouuldn't take the streeess anymooore..." "Oh god....Masky....What stress?" "...Everyoooone....expected soooo muuuch from meeee as an S4....and....I couldn't taaaaake it anymooore...." I could see tears prick in Skull's eyes. "Babe..." I felt Grape's tiny hand hold mine. "I love you mommy...Please don't leave us..." Tears rolled down my cheeks. "I-I woooon't...I promiseeee..."
Skull leaned down to kiss me, and I accepted. 

"When can he go home?" He asked the nurse. "Tomorrow. Luckily he wasn't hurt very bad. But you'll need to keep a close eye on him." Skull listened to the nurse as Grape wrapped her stubby little arms around me. "Mommy?" "Yes?" "Will you pwomise me...You'll at least stay until I take contwol of my kid form...?" I wiped tears from my eyes. "I proooomise hooooney..." "I wuv you mommy..." "I looove youuu tooo..." 

~The next day~

"My leeeegs huuurt...." "I know...They look sore...Just a little farther..." "ok..." Skull helped me into the car, and buckled Grape into her car seat. "Go to sleep, ok? I'll carry you upstairs..."

I woke up a few hours later, Skull's arms wrapped around me. His face was a few inches away from mine, and the blankets were tucked under me. He had changed my clothes, because now I was wearing a lacy tank top and my underwear. I blinked a couple times, before smiling and cuddling his chest. He rubbed my back, and my eyes fluttered closed. 
As I fell asleep, I thought to myself; 'I have to keep my promise...I have to keep it'

I haven't completed it yet, but I will someday. I promised my daughter.

(;w; Requested by Thegr8agent8)

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