Mother fricking POKEMON

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POKEMON AU! Mask and Skull are both members of the elite four!


Mask: Fairy/Ghost type

Mimikyu: Mimi

Gengar: Shadow

Sylveon: Bow

Pumpkaboo: Pie

Chandaler: Chadie 

Skull: Dark type

Umbreon: Fang

Absol: Claw 

Thievul: Foxie 

Morpeko: Peko

Houndoom: Bone.

Skull keeps all his pokemon in the pokeballs while Mask lets his CHILDREN run free. They also have a huge nursery. (Like the one in Let's go)

Mask's pov

I opened my eyes as I felt the covers being tugged off. "Gen! Gen!" "hmm...? Shaaadow?" "Gen..." "Diid yooou have another niiightmare?" He nodded. "Aw..." I picked him up, and tucked him under the covers, letting him snuggle with me and Skull. "Babe?" "Shh...Shaadooow had a baaad dream." "Oh." He snuggled me close, and nuzzled my neck. 

As I blinked my eyes open, Shadow bapped my cheek. "Awww...heeeey hoooney!" I hugged him, and stretched. "Leeet's gooo see daddy, ok?" "Gar!" I got up and changed, putting on a little makeup. Shadow was dragging me out, and I followed. "Hey baby!" Skull picked me up and kissed me.  "Hi...Who waaants breeeakfast?" Shadow, Bow and Pie cheered, and I started making food. I put five plates of pancakes on the counter, and went to the nursery. "Mimi....Chaaaadie..." Mimi whined and used a shadowy hand to prop herself up. "I maaade breeakfast..." Chadie came down from the hook she slept on, and swirled around me. "Weee!" Mimi hopped after me, and we went to the kitchen. "Mi! Mimik!" "I knooow honey!" I gave all of my pokemon their plates, and they all scarfed them down. "Aww, how cute...." I giggled. "I diiiidn't forget abooout you~" I gave him his own pancakes, and kissed him. "Aw, thank you baby!" I just smiled. 

Shadow started clawing at the candy jar I kept on the counter. "Ah-ah-ah! Nooo. It's nooot dessert tiime yet." He whined. I pat his head, and Skull yanked me up by my waist. "Love you honey bunny~" "Looove you too!" Bow rubbed against my leg, and Pie followed. I picked them both up, and pet them. "So cuuute..." Skull kissed my cheek, and Shadow tugged on my skirt. "I saaaid no yooou little glutton!" "Gen..." I picked him up, and carried him to the living room, plopping him on the couch. "I'm actually impressed how well behaved they are.." "I knooow..." I sat down, and all my little sweethearts joined me, along with Skull. I snuggled up to all of them, and Skull placed a hand on my thigh and squished it. "Love you dear..." "Looove you toooo..."


"This is stupid! Why do we just have to sit here until a challenger comes along!?" "Because we have to. It's our duty as the elite four." Aloha groaned. "I hate it.." "BOYS! We have a potaniol challenger! TO YOUR ROOMS!" Skull gave me a quick goodbye kiss as Emperor stormed off. "Good luck dear." "Thaaank you." I headed to my room, and lined up my pokeballs on my belt. "I caaan do this..."

I heard a knock on the door, and prepared my opening. "Mask?" "E-Emperoor?" "Army defeated the trainer, and there's no sign of him coming back. You can come out." I hurried out of the room, and over to Army. "Yooou ok?" "Ninetails took a beating, but he'll be fine...I'll heal him up." "Goood..." Army pat my head. "Don't worry kiddo....I'll be fine." Skull kissed my cheek and twirled me around. "Can you two not be all lovey dovey in here?" "But I love him...he's so cute..." "Well, it can wait until home time!" "NO IT CAN'T"

~at home-~

I let my pokemon out of their pokeballs, and let them all run around. I leaned on Skull's shoulder, and he picked me up. "C'mon...I'll take you to bed." "oki..." I yawned, and Skull carried me to our shared room, where he plopped me on the bed. "I love you dearie..." I giggled. "Wuuuv u too..." "Eee! Eee!" "Hm?" Bow was clawing at Skull's legs,  squeaking at him. "aww..." He picked her up, and placed her in my lap, where she snuggled me. "Heeeey baaaby..."

"Shaadow, it's almooost doone!" "GAR!" I just smiled and put down the bowls of pokemon food, which he scarfed down like always. The others ate normally, except for Mimi, who dragged her bowl to the other room so she could take her disguise off. She dragged her bowl back, and I put it in the sink. I did the same when the others finished. They all got candies for dessert, and got free time to run around. Mimi stayed with me. She was still new to the team, and was awfully shy around the others. I picked her up, and she cuddled with me and Skull as we watched TV. 

After about an hour, all my team wandered into the living room, falling on the floor. I picked them all up, and carried them to the nursery, where I tucked them into their beds. Chandie hovered up to her hook, and closed her eyes, while Shadow begged for a second goodnight huggie. I gave it to him, and Skull opened his pokeballs to feed his pokemon. Once that was done, I clicked off the lights, and left. I wiped my makeup off, and changed into a pair of pajamas. Skull just took his shirt and pants off. We snuggled into my bed, and kissed a few times, before I fell asleep in his arms.

(WELP. Cute little chapter about an au I love! Requests are still open :3)

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