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Skull's pov

" octoling." "Yes." "...What is he doing down here!?" Cap'n Cuttlefish just shrugged. "He's up ahead. He probably won't be glad to see you. I don't think he likes people." He led me to where he and the octoling had set up camp. "He's in the tent." I nodded and entered the tent, where the octoling was, fixing up a carbon roller. I blushed at the sight of him. 
"....heeello...." "U-Um...Hi! I'm Agent 3-" "I dooon't caaare..." "Ok, rude." He stayed silent, and continued to tinker with the roller. "So...what's your name?" "I dooon't remember...the oooold maaan calls me Maaask though." "Oh. Ok...So...what are you doing?" "....Fiiiixing a brooken roller I foound..." "Huh...neat..." He didn't say anything after that. I watched him work, and I asked a few questions, none of which were answered. "So...Do you..remember anything?" "Nu...." I just nodded. "You want to go up to the surface?" "Yeeeah..." I nodded again. "Well...I'm Skull." "...Maaask...." We shook hands, and he went back to work. I blushed as he stood up, showing off the tight shorts and crop top he was wearing. "I' gooing..." "Where?" " to fiiind some thangs, in ooorder to geet out.." "Thangs?" "Thaaat's what the squish boooi saaid..." "...huh..." I followed him outside the tent, where I realized there was a giant glass jug and a blade of some kind. "Are those the thangs?" "Yeeah...." "Huh...Wait, where are you going?" "The traaain...We neeed two moore thangs.." "Oh. Well, I'll come with you." ".......................oki........................" We boarded the train, and sat down. Mask tightly gripped the pole as his face got paler. "You ok?" "Thiiis traain makes me feeeel sick.." "Aw poor thing...Here, you can rest your head on my shoulder..." "Ok..." He rested on my shoulder, and I held him still as the train shook.


"So...that's the last thang...." Mask nodded. "Heeere yoou go TarTar...." "Thank you 10008...*BEEP* I shall send you to the promised land now." "Promised land?" Mask's eyes lit up. ".......This doesn't feel right..." I pointed out. The talking telephone didn't listen, and put all the pieces together, making a huge structure.  "Climb in! This will take you to the promised land!" 
Mask climbed in, ignoring my warnings. "...Agent 3. Get. In." "No. I can get out myself." "hm....Okie dokie!" The door closed, and it started to raise into the glass tube. "....Fools." The phone spoke as the blade above started to spin. "...Wait...THAT'S A FUCKING BLENDER!" I yelled, ramming into it. It tilled over and smashed on the ground, releasing the octoling. "ow..." The phone was next to him, glitching out. "Are you ok!?" I picked up Mask. "I cuuut my arm..." "Oh you-I'm so sorry!" "No, I'm soooorry...I waaas being stuupid..." "Shhh....No no...It's ok..." We shared a hug, and looked at the celing. The lid had made a small hole in the roof, and showed an unknown area. "...We should head up there...You go up, I'll follow behind..." "ok..." He super jumped into the hole, and I watched the phone for a second....I hope Mask's ok...

Mask's pov


"The elevator....It stopped!" "Mask? What's goin' on down there?" "U-Um..." "Wait, who is that?" At the top of one of the pillars, there was a tall figure. "Oh...oh no.." "Agent 8! Help! That crazy phone hijacked agent 3's mind!" Skull jumped onto a flying saucer, and came down to my level. He shot at me with his charger, and almost hit me. I threw bombs up to him, which he all dodged. He hopped down from the saucer, and landed in front of me, and pinned me against the wall. He pointed his gun at my chest, and pulled his bandana down. He leaned closer to me, and my eyes widened. I slapped him across the face and crushed him with my roller. "WHAAAAT THE HEEELL!?" As he hit the ground, the goop on the side of his face melted away. "....That was-" "THAT WAS BADASS! HOLY CARP!" "Pearl!" "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "Pearl..." The elevator continued to rise, Skull still not moving. "I think you knocked him out..." "...oh noooes..."


"Mask, you did it! YOU DID IT!" "I...I diiid it..." The NLS statue sunk back into the water with a loud crash, and Marina tackled Pearl to the ground. Skull woke up with the noise, and we made eye contact. I tackled him with a hug, relived that we had alive. "Wait, what's going on?" "The phooone mind controoled were ooout cold...." "Oh....well...Thank you..." "Thaaank yoou too...for saaving my life." "Hey, it's no problem..." He blushed. I put a hand oh his cheek, and kissed his other cheek. His entire face turned purple, and he hit the floor. "Skuuull!?" "cute guy just kissed me..." I blushed. "Oh goooosh..."  He sat back up and yanked me into a kiss. I ran my fingers through his spiky hair, and we pulled apart. "Fuck...God, that felt weird..." I nodded. "We'll talk about it when we get home..." "...Hooome?" " don't have anywhere to stay..." "No." "..You can stay with me, ok? I have room." "ok! Thaaank you!" "No problem..." 


"Well, here we are...." "Woah! Thiiis plaace is amazing!" "Nah, it's just average.." "Oh. Wow..." "Yeah.." We set down the shopping bags full of clothes we bought him, and he flopped on the couch. "It's so soft..." "You think the couch is soft? Follow me." He followed me into my bedroom, where he laid down on the bed. "OH MY COOOOD-" He fell asleep instantly. I chuckled and tucked him under the covers. "Night Mask..." I kissed his forehead, and turned the light off, leaving the room.

(:3 Cute lil' chapter! Requested by thegr8agent8! If you guys want to leave some holiday themed requests, I'll see if I can get them done before the 25th! Goodnight everybody!)

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