Your beautiful

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(Who here hates Aloha? ....Who's ready to hate him even more? Yeah...Um...I'm not sorry for this chapter...)

Skull's pov

"Hey Mask...?" "What do you want...?" "Are you ok? You've been looking really sad lately..." "I'm alwaysss sad. I'm fiiiine."
"No...You've been avoiding us a lot..." "I jussst don't want to talk to anyoooone!"
"Mask..." "LEAVE ME ALONE!" "Just tell me what's wrong!" I reached out to comfort him, but he turned around, pulled his mask up, and FUCKING BIT ME! "Ow!" "DON'T TOUCH ME!"

He stormed upstairs, and I could hear him crying. 'Is he ok...?' I wondered. I looked at my hand, where the dents from his teeth were. "Hey Skull?" "Oh, hey Aloha..."
"Are you ok?" "Yeah... Mask is just...acting a little weird..." I showed him the bite on my hand. He rolled his eyes. "Wow. What a jerk." "Aloha...He's not a jerk. He's must just be tired..." "Maybe...I'll go talk to him..."

He walked upstairs and entered Mask's room, closing the door behind him.
"Huh..." I sat back down on the couch and held my head in my hands.

Mask's pov

"Hey Masky~." "G-Go away Aloha..."
"Nah.I think I'll stay around." I whimpered.
"Please...Don't do this..." I heard him chuckled. "Don't be a brat. Why did Skull even let you be apart of this team in the first place?" I felt tears begin to run down my cheeks. "Stop..." "You and your team are just complete downers. You just ruin everything!" I began to sob at this point.
"And I know about your little crush on Skull~!" I froze.

"H-How do you-" "Don't ask~. Just know, after you bit him...Do you really think he'll even care about you?" I sniffled. "I mean, look at you. You never take that thing off, your just a depressed, stupid Inkling. I don't know how anyone loves you."
I started crying harder. "GO AWAY! YOU DO THIS EVERY DAAAAYY! JUSSST STOOP!" "God, your so annoying. Guess that's why your mommy left you~." I just stopped. I stared blankly at the wall, unable to think, or move. Tears ran down my cheeks, as I sniffled and hugged my pillow.

"I-I-I-I...D-Don't talk a-aboout that!!!" I screamed. "Your voice is so annoying! I wish I could just tape your mouth closed." He laughed. I just kept crying.
"P-pleeasse...stooopp..." He laughed again.
I felt the bed sink as he sat down next to me, and I felt him carress my hips. "W-Whaat are youuuu doing!?" "I don't know yet~."
He pulled me closer and pressed our chests together. "LET MEEEE GO!" I screamed as he pulled my mask off.

"Hey guys, are you ok-GAH!" "S-Skull! H-Help... Please...!" I yelled. He pushed the door further open, and glared at Aloha.
"What the hell are you doing!?" "I wanted to teach him a lesson! It's fiiiiiiine~!" "G-Geeeettt off of meee!" I screamed.
Skull stomped over and pulled Aloha away from me.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" "Oh, c'mon~! Looks at him! He's so weak and pathetic~!" I just cried more. "Weak!? You just sit there and fortnight dance in the middle of battles!" (Try and get that image out of your head)

Aloha scoffed, before getting up and leaving.
"I was just trying to tell him, that he has no right to act like that!" Skull glared daggers into his soul, before turning it me.
"Are you ok?" "N-Noooo!" I cried. He wrapped his arms around me, and held me into his chest. I sniffled and hugged him back.

"How often does be do this...?" "Whenever we lose...or whenever I do something bad..."
He held me tighter, and rubbed my back as I cried. "What does he say?" "He tells me that I'm a mistake...and that nobody will ever love me...and he made fun of my mom abandoning me..." He sqeezed me tighter, and kissed my forehead, making me blush.

"Don't listen to him. Your amazing. And...I love you." "Y-You dooo?" "Yup." He kissed my cheek again, and wiped my tears away.
"Yeah...I've been in love with you for a while..." I felt my face turn an even darker shade of cyan. "W-Weeeell... I've had a cruuush on you for a while too...Alohaaa somehow knew...and he tooold me you would never love meeee..." He frowned, and placed his lips on mine. I was shocked at first, but I kissed back.

Skull's pov

Mask wrapped his arms around my neck as he kissed me, and i could feel him smiling.
"I love you...." I said as we pulled away.
"D-Dooooo you really? Even after I've dragged this team down so many times?" "Mask...You only make us stronger." He sniffled.  "Y-Youuu're just lying..." "I'm not."
"Y-yes yooou are..." He whispered. "If I was lying, would you still be on the team?"
"No..." "There's your answer." I kissed his forehead and picked up one of his blankets.
"C'mon, lie down. You look exausted."
He laid down, and I put the blanket over him.

"Stay here. I'll go get you some water."
I left the room and walked downstairs, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.
"Hey Skull~!" "You're dead to me." I snapped. "Ok, ok, calm down."
I walked back upstairs and opened the door.
Mask was cuddled up, fast asleep. I set the water bottle on his dresser and sat down next to him. "Love you baby."
He shivered, so I picked him up and held him. I kissed his forehead, and he rested his head on my shoulder. "Love you...." I kissed him again, and fell asleep with him on my arms.

I'm not sorry. But here. Have a knife to kill Aloha.
The S4 ask book will be out in ten minutes after the release of this chapter. :3

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