Accept yourself

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(Masky's witch outfit uwu ^^^^^^ This is also going to be similar to a magical girl au and MHA, where certain people with powers can become heroes, but most keep their powers a secret. Skull lost his powers because of a curse, and Mask was bullied for having magic. He hates his powers for that exact reason. Also, college roommates au)

Skull's pov

"....Are you ok, Mask?" "N-No...My maaaagic is geeeetting strooonger...and it huuurts...." "Hurts?" "It huuurts my cheeest..." "Oh...I know that feeling...without my powers....all I feel is empty..." I felt something cold and soft touch my hand. "...What is that?" "My haaaaand..." "They're really cold..." "Well duh....I-I'm haaaaave ice maaagic..." "Oh. Right." I chuckled. "Aiiirheead..." Mask sipped his hot chocolate and looked at me. "What....Whaaaat kiiind of maaaagic did yoouu have? If....yooou doooon't mind me aaasking?" "Oh, I don't mind. I had wind magic." "Oh....thaaat's neeeaat.." "Yeah. It was nice..." I looked down at my shoes. "Should we head back to the dorm? We've been here for a while...." "Suuuure..." We threw our coffee cups out, and left the coffee shop, heading down the street to our dorm room. We were both silent as I unlocked the door, and as Mask quickly ran into his room. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a few licorice whips, heading to the light blue door. "Mask?" "Hm?" "Are you ok?" "I'm unifoooorm was uncomfoooortaaaable..." "Oh." He opened the door, now wearing an over sized t-shirt and sweatpants. "You look cute." "Shuuut up..." He yawned and grabbed an apple from the fridge, running it under the sink. "So....Can I ask you a question?" "Suuure..." "Well, how would you feel about private training?" "H-Huh!?" "Training. To help you control your powers." "I knoooow how to use them..I juuuust dooooon't liiike theeem..." "Oh..."

He yawned and opened the cupboards. "Do....Do yooooou waant some raaamen?" "Yeah, sure." I sat down on the couch, and watched Mask put two ramen cups in the microwave. 'He's so cute...' I though to myself. 'I wish I could hold him in my arms..and make him mine...' 

~later that week~

"H-Here..." "Thanks Masky..." I took a sip of my coffee. Mask sat next to me, leaning on my shoulder. "...thaaank yooou..." "For?" "Treeeating me liiike a persooon..." "Aw..." I gave him a small kiss on the head. He glared at me and shot an ice cube at me. "Don't be mad please~." I teased. "...." He turned and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "J-Juuuuust shuuut up...." "Mask...Do....Do you like me?" "H-HUH!?" "Do you like me?" ""  "It's ok...Because I like you." He didn't say anything. "Yes...." "Yes what?" "Y-Yeeeeees I liiiike youuuu!" He jumped into my arms and kissed me on the lips. I was surprised, but I kissed back, holding his small body in my arms. We pulled apart, and he suddenly burst into tears, hugging me. "H-Hey...Don't cry Masky..." "I-I-I-I'm so sooooorry!" "What on earth are you sorry for?" "I-I-I'm a freeeaak!"

"No you aren't...If anything, I'm more of a freak than you are..." He sniffled and set his head on my shoulder. "There there....let it all's going to be ok..." "T-Thaaaaank yooou..." 
I kissed his cheek, and handed him his coffee mug. "...." "Mask? Are you ok?" "Dooo you reeeally like mee?" "Yes." "...why?" "Why? I'll tell you why. You're beautiful and adorable, with an amazing personality. Your cute little face makes me want to kiss you over and over again, and I love how much you care about me, even if you don't show it." His face was covered in blush. "A-Are yooou serious!?" "One-hundred percent serious." He set down his now empty mug, and moved closer to me, putting his arms around me. We cuddled each other, enjoying each other's company. "Mask?" "Hm?" "Will you be my boyfriend?" "...oooof couurse..." 


I blinked and yawned, looking down at my boyfriend. I smiled to myself. 'I can't believe we're actually dating...' I looked at the clock on the wall, and my eyes widened when I saw the time. "I better get him into bed..." I whispered. I picked him up and opened the door to his cyan and black bedroom. "Hi Marshy." Mask's snow-white bunny squeaked. I set Mask in his bed, and tucked him under the blankets. "Goodnight Masky...." "Mmm...staaay..." He opened his eyes and held out his hand. "Awww..." I climbed into his bed, and he cuddled into my chest. 

~the next morning~  

"Good morning my love...did you sleep good?" "Beeest niight of sleeeep I've haaad in foreever..." He got out of bed, and went into his closet. "I'll go get dressed too, ok Masky?" "Ok..." I went into my own bedroom, and changed into my usual shirt and shorts. I walked into the living room, and found Mask sitting on the couch holding Marshmallow, his bunny. "Hey hon." "Hiii..." "You ok?" "Yeeeaah..." I gave Mask a peck on the cheek. "Cuddle time?" "Yeeeah..." He booped my nose, and let a couple of snowflakes flutter around us. 

"I love you Masky...My little witch...~" "I loooove yoou tooo...."  He said leaning on my shoulder. I put my arm around his shoulder and kissed his cheek again. "Thaaaank yoou again...foooor maaaking me feel acceeeepted...."

(eeeeh...short little fluffy chapter Requested by RingsHijinksChild :3)

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