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(*Inhale* part 51....Booyah guys...we did it!)

Mask's pov

"O-Ow..." "Your awake." "H-HUH!? W-Whereeeee am I? Whoooooo are yoooou!?" "Close your eyes." I felt something made of cloth press against my forehead, and my eyes slowly opened.
"Here. Drink some water." A wooden cup was placed in my hand, and I just set it down. "Drink it."
"N-No..." I looked up to where the the voice came from, and my eyes widened. "EEP!" "...What?"
"W-What the heeeeeeell are yoooou!?" "...I'm a Lamia." I backed away against a stone wall, as the large snake monster reached out to grab me. "L-Let meeee goooo!" I screamed as his tail grabbed me. "You need to calm down. Just relax." I kicked my legs and screamed. "Let meeee-OW!" His tail squeezed and crushed my body. "Ow...." He let me go, and I fell to the ground. 

He leaned down and picked me up with his arms. "A-Are yooouuuu going to eaaat me...?" He laughed. "Of course not." "W-Why...?" He just stroked my cheek. "H-Huuuh?" "You're very pretty for an inkling..." I blushed. "U-Um...W-What's your naaaame...?" "My name is Skull. Yours?" 
"M-Maask..." "...Cute." He dropped me and pulled a large clump of fabric over my legs. "U-Um....Can yooouu let meee leave?" "...No." "W-WHY!?" "1. You injured. 2....Your mine now."
"WHAT?" He scooped me up and wrapped clumps of fabric on my legs. "I've decided to keep you here. But don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you." "T-Theeeeen why..." "Well, we're about a mile from the nearest town...and your backpack is full of food and water. You ran away from home...didn't you?" "U-Um...Y-yeeeees..." "Well...Instead of letting you die in the woods...I'm going to give you a new home~." His tail wrapped around me again, and squeezed me. "Y-Youuur cruuushing meeee...." "Oh. I'm sorry." "S-Sooo...Um...C-Can I haaaaave my bag...?" Skull tossed it to me. I opened it and took out a sandwich. "Want oooonee?" "No thanks..." "Oh...What do yoooou eaaaat anywaaay...?" "Animals...Like rabbits and stuff." "O-Oh..." "Does that make you uncomfortable?" "Nooooo..." "Alright."

He cuddled up to me and kissed my neck. "Sometimes I even eat the inklings I capture~"
I screamed.  "Kidding! I'm kidding~..." "D-Don't dooooo thaat yooouuu JERK!" He kissed my neck again, and moved up to my cheek. "W-Whaaaaaat are yooou doooing.....?" "You're very pretty..." "W-WE JUUUUUST MET!" He let me go, and looked away. "N-No! I'm sooorrry!"
I clung to his arm, and felt a tear run down my cheek. "I'm soooooorry-Eep!" Skull pulled me up by my leg, and held me in front of his face. "U-Uh..." Skull then leaned in, and planted a kiss on my lips. "MPFFH!" He sepperated us and dropped me on his lap. "Um..." His tail curled around me in a spiral, and he kissed my head. "...Do...Doooo yooouu waaant meee toooooo sleep?" "Yes." "oh...Goodnight..." "...I'll have to intoduce you to my friends tomorrow..." "F-Friiiiends...?"

"Yes. Their names are Army and Aloha." "Are...are they Laaaamia's tooooo?" "No. Army is a werewolf, and Aloha is an alraune." "O-Oh..." He kissed my cheek again, and fell alseep, with me cuddled in his tail. "G-Gooooodnight S-Skuuull..."

(Thank you to CutestPoptart! Go read their coroika monsters book,'ll turn of your wifi.)

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