A team together

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Skull's pov

"So...Should we invite him on the team?" "noooo!" Aloha whined. "He and his team are downers! Why can't we get Rider to do it?" "Because Rider doesn't have a team. Mask is a good fit." "Skull's right." "See? Let's go find him." I got up, and started walking around Inkopolis Plaza.(Yes this is Splatoon 1.) "Oh. There he is...." I walked over to the table where Mask and his team where sitting. "Ok, and then you roll the-oooooooooooh~ Masky~" Luna put down an instructions sheet for something, and nudged her leader. "H-Huh?" Mask turned around and saw me. 'Eeek!" "Hey. I need to talk to Mask." "W-Why meee?" "I'll tell you."

Mask stood up and followed me. "S-Sooo...what is iit?" "...You've heard about the team I'm trying to put together, right?" "Y-Yeah...?" I smiled under my bandana. "I think you'd be a great fit for it." "R-REEEAALLY!?" "Yeah." I could tell he was blushing under his gas mask. "What do you say?" "Y-Yes!" His arms went around me, and he was...crying? "You ok?" "....Y-Yeees..." I hugged him back, and led him back to his table. "Will you meet us by the apartments at the edge of the plaza later?" "O-Ok...Byyeeee..." "Bye." I walked away, and found Aloha and Army making out. "So...What did he say?" "More kisses." "I was asking Skull a question, Sugar Bear..."
"More." The two contuined to kiss, and I sighed. "He said yes..." "Great-" "Are you two going to fuck in public?" "No. We can go home first." Aloha said in between kisses to Army's face.

"...Ok then..." "S-S-Skuuuull!" "...Oh, hey Mask." "U-Um...My teeeam said I coould caaatch up with yooou...I meean....We haven't seeeeen eachoooother for a few yeeeaars..." I smiled. "Cool. These are the other two members of the team, Aloha and Army."
"...Why areee theey-" "Don't worry about it." "oh..." "So....Do you live with anybody?" "...I live alooone..." "Great." "W-Why...?" "I was thinking the four of us could get an apartment together...." "B-But I barely knoooow youuu guys!" "You don't have to if you don't want to."
"...I-I waaaant tooo...but..." "Then you can." Mask hid his face in his hands, and squealed. "O-Ok...!" "Alright then...can you two stop...? We have to go..." "One sec!-" They kissed for another few seconds, and the seperated. "Let's go."


"Mask? You-Aww..." I had checked up on Mask, who was unpacking his stuff. He had fallen asleep on his bed, and was softly snoring. I looked in one of his boxes, which was filled with blankets. I took out a large, black fuzzy one, and tucked it over him. "He must be uncomforble sleeping with that thing on..." I took his mask off, and laid it next to him. His face was a shock to me. He had faint freckles and rosy cheeks, with soft, pink lips.  "oh...oh he's adorable..." He whimpered and tossed around. "Mask...?" I whispered. He stopped moving, sneezed like a kitten, and cuddled the blanket. I smiled, before leaving the room, and turning out the light.
"How is he?" "He's sleeping." "....Huh. Aloha said he wants us to have a sleepover in the living room tonight..." "A sleepover? What are we, teenage girls?" "He must think so." I chuckled.
"Anyway....What're you doing?" "...Making food. Like normal." "...Alright..."

"S-Skull?" A weak voice behind me wheezed. "Huh? Oh. Your awake." "Did yoooou taaake my mask off?" "Yeah...I just thought it wouldn't be a good idea to sleep with it on. You might hurt yourself...or break a lense..." He smiled shyly. "thaaanks...." "No problem. Aloha wants us to have a sleepover. You in?" "Oh...S-Sure..." Mask untied the bread bag, grabbed a single slice of white bread, balled it up, and shoved it in his mouth. "I'll go geeet my stuuuuff..." "O-Ok..."


"Mask, get down here!" "G-Give meeeee a sec!" Mask slowly walked down the stairs in his pajamas, putting his sleeping bag down on the floor, next to Skull. "Awww, you have a little teddy!" Aloha teased. "...His naaaame is Truuuffles..." "Aw..." I mumbled. He blushed. "Ok...Ok...now are we going to watch a horror movie or what?" Aloha clicked on a random cheap horror movie, and snuggled up to Army. 


"S-Skuuull....?" "Yeah...?" "I-I'm scaaaared...will yooou...um..." I scooted closer and cuddled him. "There...what happened?" "Nightmaaare..." "Poor thing...sqeeze Truffles, ok?" "Ok..." Mask hugged the teddy bear as hard as he could, leaning against me. "There...lie down..." He flopped on his pillow, and relaxed his body. "Do you feel better?" "..." "Mask?" A soft snore came from his mouth. "Aw.." I held him to my chest, and kissed his cheek quickly. "Sleep well Masky..."

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