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(The girl up there is Grape, their daughter)

Mask's pov

"Mommy? MOMMY WAKE UP!" "Grape, your mother is sleeping...Let him sleep." "B-But...." "N-No...I'm uuuuupp...." I threw the blanket off me, and kissed my husband. "Goooood morning baaaabe..." "Morning sweetheart!" My daughter jumped up into my lap, and sqeezed her. "Good morning Mama!" Skull helped me up, and pulled the two of us into a hug.

"Can we go to the park today?" "Sorry sweetie, but you have to go to kindergarden today!" "BUT I DON'T WANT TO!" Grape whined. "Graaaape..." "I don't wanna..." "I knoooow...but yooou have toooo....Daddy will help you get dressed...." "...Ok..." Skull picked her up and took her back to her room, and I got up and put my usual clothes. 


"Ok Grape...I'll check you in." Skull took her inside, and then came out a few minutes later. "How about the two of us do a few turf wars?" I giggled. "O-Ooook..."

~later that day~

"Can you go in and get her? I think she'll want to she you the best..." I nodded. I left the car, and opened the door to the cheap kindergarden building, and walked to the classroom that we signed Grape up in. "H-Helllooo?" "MOMMY!" I felt her arms go around me, and a teacher followed you. "Um...I'm terribly sorry, but only parents can pick up the children. "I-I'm heeeer parent." "But...her father dropped her off. You can't be a parent." "I'm her moooother...." "...What!?" I was about to tell her off, when another woman spoke up from the back. "MINT, SHUT UP! LET THE GUY GET HIS KID!" The first woman stayed silent and handed me a clipboard. "H-Here you are..." "Are we going to the park now momma?" "If yooou waaant baby." "Yay!" 

I held Grape's hand as I led her to the car. "I love you momma!" "Looove yoouu too, sweeeetie..."
I helped her buckle her seatbelt, and got in the front. "She wants to go to the park?" "Yuuup..."
Skull kissed my cheek. "Alright then." "YAY!" My husband chuckled. "She's got your positivity." He said sarcasticly. "...All kiiiids are liiike thaaat..." Skull laughed. He parked on the curb, and he helped Grape out of the car. "C'mon. Want daddy to push you on the swing?" "Yeah!" Skull held my hand and led us down to the playground. I sat down on a bench, and watched as Skull pushed Grape on the swing. "Yoooou twooo are dooorks...." I smiled to myself. 

"Aaand I looove yooou boooth..."

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