Superhero Au

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Hi, welcome to Jackass. Today we have a skit called 'I played a video game and now must make an au' Try and fuckin guess what this one's based on
also hahahahahaahahaha i'm sad


Mayhem narrowed his eyes and glared at his teammate. "So, then I KICK HIM IN THE FACE and knock him out~!" "I'll kiiiiick you in the face." "May..." "Dooon't caall me May wheeen I'm piiiissed at your booooyfriend!" "Yup, understood. How did your rounds go today, Kiddo?" "Fiiine, I guess...Reeeeaper?" "....normal." Mayhem just nodded.

"MINE WHEN GREAT!" "We know, Fable." "I took a picture with a little girl!" "We know, Fable." Fable giggled and bounced in his seat. Dollface played with his hair and looked around the table. "...I..I found a new lead on the Professer..." "You did!?" Midas grabbed his brother's shoulders. "...yeah." "OH MY GOODNESS, YOU'RE THE BEST LITTLE BROTHER IN THE WORLD!" "Let me go!" He squeeked.

Dynamite and Clover grabbed the two and pulled them apart. "Calm down, babe. Don't crush him." "Sorry."
"Ok, enough fooling around. Doll, what did you find?" "He's hiding out in the public school storage room...." "Are you sure?" "Hundred percent." "Well then...We have our lead...We invistiage after school. Dismissed."

Mayhem stood up and left the base, saying goodbye to his friends. Reaper followed him close behind, both trying to stay hidden from the public. They slinked into their apartment, and Mayhem slipped of his hood.
"My head iiiiiis kiiiiilling me..."

Skull hugged him from behind and squished his face. "Shh..It's ok babe..." Mask rolled his eyes. "Juuust get in the damn bed....I waaaaant cuuuuddles..." "Yes Miss Bossy Pants." Mask grabbed two monster energy's and cuddled up with his boyfriend. "You wanna watch a movie?" "Heeeell yeah."


"He's taking forever, I thought the club was only half an hour after the bell!" "It is, but you know him..He's so messy." "I bet you know a lot about that, don't you Rider~?" "SHUT THE HELL UP." "Nope~."
"Greetings, peasants." "Hi guys!" "Hey Princey!..Emp. How was your five hundred dollar day of school?" "Much better then your free one." "Hello everybody!" "Ugh, finally...C'mon, dumbass." "Ok! I love you Ridey!"
Rider just threw his boyfriend over his shoulder and carried him to the basement door. Army did a scan for teachers, and they slipped downstairs. Mask jumped down, flipping into his costume with his powers, while the others used theirs normally. "Wow, extra much?" "Fuck you."

They headed into the school storage room, Army using his school council key to unlock the door. "" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!" Gloves screamed and kicked down the door. "DISCORD!" "Well well well..if it isn't the S10...The stupid ten..." "That's not our name, and you know it!" "Do I?" "I mean, you probably should. We've known eachother for three years!" "FABLE! DON'T TALK TO HIM LIKE HE'S YOUR FRIEND!" "Everybody's my friend!" "Sweetie, no. Don't talk like that." "Ok, best friend."

Professer Discord snarled and grabbed a gun, pointing it at Mayhem. "SHUT UP, OR THE GOTH DIES!" Mayhem laughed. "Everyboooody start taaaalking!" "MASK!" Mayhem rolled his eyes and kept laughing. Discord fired an electrical bolt at the group, running away at top speed. Tidalwave made a sheild of water, and General ran through it and tackled him to the ground. "DIE, SCUM! DON'T YOU FUCKING HURT MY SON!" "Mom!" Mayhem groaned. Fable slammed his spiked, gold-plated storybook into the villian's head. "DIE, DIE, DIE!" "Goggles, don't kill him! We need to question him!" "But....Mans Laughter..." "It's called manslaughter. And it's the one thing we're trying to stop this guy from doing." "Ok, best friend." "Stop saying that." Dynamite growled and grabbed the book from his boyfriend. "You were given this as a gift. Don't missuse it." "Ok."

Dollface tied up Discord with strings, and dragged him futher into the basement, leaning him against a wall. "Tidal, wake him up." Tidalwave dumped a load of freezing water on the villian. "GAH!" "There he is~! Hi baby~" "Ugh! Let me go!" "We let you go when you TALK!" Midas yelled. "Yeah!" "Hm...Alright...Depends...What do you want to know?" "What's your favorite kind of cookies?" "FABLE!" "Sorry." "We want to know why you're here! And what you're planning!" "I'm here for the water tank." "...The water tank? Oh dear god, YOU'RE GOING TO FLOOD SOMETHING!" "Hmmm, maybe~?" "Dear god...What is it!?" "Why should I tell you~? You'll just be there to stop me!" "EXACTLY! TELL US, FREAK!" "Freak? Oh my, hurtful."

"Shut up, Discord. Mayhem, I want to you look around. See if you can find any plans for anything." "Ok mama." Mayhem dung through the makeshift lab, trying to find connections. "It seeeeeeems he was undecided..." "N-NO! I WASN'T! I KNEW EXACTLY WHAT I WAS GOING TO FLOOD! I'M A SUPERVILLIAN!" "Fine...then where was it?" "....uh..." "Dear fucking christ...Just lock him up." Army threw Discord over his shoulder and carried him back to the base.

"Remind me why our jail is a dog cage?" "Prince had it laying around." "I own too many animals." "Yeah you do." General locked the cage door. "We'll let you out in time for school. Ok?" "I fucking hate you." "We hate you too, electrical bitch." "RUDE!" "Nope."
General covered his mouth with tape. "Shut up."


"Hey sugarplum." "....Hi baaaabe.." "I got you coffee." "...m'not in the moooooeod for coffeeee..." "Well that's good, cause I got you Hot chocolate instead." Mask giggled and took the cup. "Thaaaaanks babe." "How's it looking so far?" "...quiet...Peacefuuuul...It's niiiice." "Sweet...Any updates from Army?" "None...It's perfect." Skull pulled his boyfriend close and kissed his cheek. "Love you, my little immortal dark princess." "Loooove you too...I'm not immortal." "You are what I say you are~" "Mpf...bitch."

Also, Discord is Hivemind for those who didn't realize.

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